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Ask your question about Iran

Let me ask you a question,why is Pakistan friend with Saudi Arabia,America,European countries?According to your logic,it makes Pakistan our enemy.You should know country's interests comes beyond other matters.You can still see us as enemy.

Regardless of having relations with the US, historically we always supported Iran on many issues. In Iran Iraq war we sent help to Iran, while India supported Saddam.

Anyways it's all good.
@ahura mazda
از اونجايي كه تازه واردي گفتم بد نباشه از وجود اين تاپيك ها با خبر باشي
this paradise is called Iran
اينا رو اپديت نگه داريم عالي ميشه
How many Zoroastrians living in Iran and areas where they mostly live.

Someone please answer this.. I wanted to ask the same question as well.
A sizable population of Zoroastrians still live in India.They are more commonly known as the Parsi,or the people who came from the ancient Persia.I know that they originated from the place of modern Iran.How are they doing in their place of origin?
!سلام کلنگ جان، من پرشن گاد کینگ هستم
سلام بيل جان
اگه راست ميگي اسم كوچيكت چيه؟
Regardless of having relations with the US, historically we always supported Iran on many issues. In Iran Iraq war we sent help to Iran, while India supported Saddam.

Anyways it's all good.
Can you bring a proof that India helped Iraq?India never supported Iraq during the war,they stayed neutral,just like Pakistan,but we are not shouting that:'Look!Pakistan stayed neutral,they are our enemy!'
Ok,what have other 'Islamic' countries done for Pakistan regarding Kashmir??What have they achieved?Saudi Arabia has even bigger relation with India than Iran.What is your opinion about that?
Iran also helped Pakistan in 1971 war,gave its bases to PAF,against U.S drone attacks,Taliban,terrorism.
Please my friend,think logically.Other Pakistani members certainly don't think like you.

Someone please answer this.. I wanted to ask the same question as well.
A sizable population of Zoroastrians still live in India.They are more commonly known as the Parsi,or the people who came from the ancient Persia.I know that they originated from the place of modern Iran.How are they doing in their place of origin?
around 20,000 to 60,000,mostly living in Tehran,Yazd and Kerman.
They are doing good,they are free to practice their religion,all of its parts.There is no problem about them.
سلام بيل جان
اگه راست ميگي اسم كوچيكت چيه؟

من پرما بن شدم
Regardless of having relations with the US, historically we always supported Iran on many issues. In Iran Iraq war we sent help to Iran, while India supported Saddam.

Anyways it's all good.

Get your facts straight...India had maintained a position of neutrality,as expected from Indians..

How you guys sees an Iraqi? An enemy or friend? Since they forced you a war for almost 8 years which cost you thousands of life and $ billions of assets. Or things changed after death of Saddam hussan?
Someone please answer this.. I wanted to ask the same question as well.
A sizable population of Zoroastrians still live in India.They are more commonly known as the Parsi,or the people who came from the ancient Persia.I know that they originated from the place of modern Iran.How are they doing in their place of origin?

As I already said, I don't know our true numbers, some say as much as 200,000!
also yes, some persian zatroshti went to Indian. I met few of them.
the holy sited in Zoroastrian are all here in Iran, including the Bahram fire temple :)

also, the stolen Iranian land that has been stolen from us and is being occupied by Turks in Azerbaijan will belong to us again soon.
I want to know,what an average Iranian thinks about the last shah of Iran Reza shah Pahlavi,the good things about his time and his worst attributes?
Can you bring a proof that India helped Iraq?India never supported Iraq during the war,they stayed neutral,just like Pakistan,but we are not shouting that:'Look!Pakistan stayed neutral,they are our enemy!'
Ok,what have other 'Islamic' countries done for Pakistan?What have they achieved?Saudi Arabia has even bigger relation with India than Iran.What is your opinion about that?
Iran also helped Pakistan in 1971 war,gave its bases to PAF,against U.S drone attacks,Taliban,terrorism.
Please my friend,think logically.Other Pakistani members certainly don't think like you.

Pakistan sent muched needed logistics to Iran during Iran Iraq war. We know Iran helped us before, and we thank you and keep trying to do business with you regardless of western pressure.

Anyways, I'm not here to argue. I asked a question and you gave the answer. Like I said, it's all good.
Regardless of having relations with the US, historically we always supported Iran on many issues. In Iran Iraq war we sent help to Iran, while India supported Saddam.

Anyways it's all good.

Can you prove this allegation.

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