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Ask your question about Iran

Can we see much better relations in the future?

I had an Iranian teacher.. and she was so cool.

I told her i was Pakistani, and we kept talking about politics. Especially about Iran and Pakistan relations.

I would like to see the relations we had in the 80's restored.

Iranian thoughts on this.
1. What do u think about national internet?
2. What happened to ur satellite launch plant, few days ago u were supposed to launch Fajr guess. No news now.
3. What made people accept nejadid subsidy removal plan? I heard that his government advertised it, educated in such a way that people were eager to see government subsidy removal. is it correct? Do u think money being credited to lead of every family members actually reaching them?
4. comment about corruption in Iran.
5. I am sure if santions are removed iran would be very powerful country. But u need to follow money leaving principles. Wer as if you follow principles you wont be rich. Which one do you chose?
6. Iran-Iraq war time, Iranians proved very patriotic. They were ready to die just to save some tanks from mines. Do u thin current generation also same?
7. Any problem if i ask tooo many questions?
Iran have chabahr port and pakistan have gwadar,so how u see it? and especially india is going to use it for A-stan.
We see it as a great oppurtunity for development of SouthEastern Iran,also,Gwadar has nothing to do with it.It isn't very challenging to Chahbahar port.
I demand an honest answer...

How would I be treated by Iranians if I visited Iran?:crazy:
How do you expect to be treated?Like the other ones who visit Iran,you can ask them if they have seen any bad behavior from Iranians generally.I don't know what you have heard about Iran,but if you have oppurtunity and the money,you should defenately visit,ar least for once,it's worth it.Forget about political and religious differences,come here,contact with People and see how they will treat you.I have seen many Arabs from neighboring countries,like KSA,UAE,Qatar,Iraq and others visit Iran,it has some landscapes that is hard to find in those countries,also,it's fairly cheap,to travel.

Good thread. My question:
You say Iran is not seeking nuclear weapons. Just wonder why the world does not share your view and imposes harsh sanctions!
Are they all brainwashed and stupid?
The problem lies in your question,the 'world',as you mention it,is not saying Iran is seeking nukes.Only U.S,Israel,EU powers say it,Have you ever heard any other cointry saying Iran is building nukes?They have to comply with sanctions because if they don't,U.S is powerful enough to destroy their economy.Also,120 countries of NAM,fully support Iran on nuclear program,that's 2/3 of the world,but unfortunately,international community often is defined as some major powers.

I think Iran is the most opening muslim country, is this really??
I don't know what you mean by open.If you mean the people,yes,most of them are open minded and moderate in religious views,also very tolerant toward other religions/ethnic groups.but still there are zealots,you can find them in all countries all kver the world,however,they are abslute minority.

How Iranian feel about Shia killings in Pakistan especially Hazara muslim in Balochistan ?
Maybe different Iranians have different opinions.My personal one is,Shias in Pakistan are benig killed by extremist rats,they don't come under any religion.They can't be called Muslims.As far as I know,real Pakistani Shias and Sunnis,arr tolerant toward each other and have lived peacefully for years near each other.
I teach Zoroastrian kids about our religion and history as part of our community service on the weekends.

I want to bring them to Iran, but not as part of the very expensive group pilgrimage tours that most Parsis join.

Is there some student/backpacker website where I can learn about basics like taxi/bus fares, dorm/hotel rates, vaccination/emigration rules, inter-city routes, timetables, trains, etc.?

The group may be 20 kids max with 3-4 adults.
Surenas gave a good answer.Maybe these sites can help a bit.
iran travel, tourism and touring - [Official website] - Your travel guide to Iran
Visit Iran - Travel & Tourism Guide, Plan Your Trip to Iran Now!
Which ethic group in Iran is at the top? Like the WASPs in the USA. Or the Ashkenazi in Israel.
Persians are the majority,with almost 50-60%,after that,Azeris,about 20% or more.After them,comes Kurds,Baloochs,Arabs and others.
How is Iranian Space program and how important do the common Iranians perceive it to be for their country?
It's going forward fast.Iran established Space Agency in 2004 and launched first sattelite in 2009.I think it is amazing for a country that didn't have any experince about Space technology.Also,Iran will send a man to space by 2019,and will send very capable Imagery and communication sattelites in 2 or 3 years.We still have a long way to,we are at the beginning.

What are the Major Sites Shia Pilgrims visit in Iran ? Our Tajik and Hui Shias look at Iran and Imam Khamenei for inspiration.
The major pilgrimage site is Imam Reza shrine in Mashhad,Millions of Shias from all over the world visit it anually.After that,Qom is the most important one.

what do iranians think about iran china relations
It depends how you see it,from one view,China is helping Iran with sanctions by buying oil.But some domestic manufacturers believe Chinese products are ruining domestic industrynbecause of their very low prices.They suggest government should put restrictions on imports from China (and other countries),regarding those products that can be produced in the country.
Iranians like Chinese people,Koreans,and generally East Asians,there is a positive view about them in here.
What do iranians think about hinduism
To be honest,it's neither negative nor positive.Actually,they are very neutral about it,maybe the reason is,Hinduism has not a noticeable influence on Iran or its people.If you come here and tell people you are a Hindu,they won't mind at all,they will treat you like the others.

What's the status of Saqueh?? And the SLV program??
There is an important upgrade for it,it should be unveiled until end of current Iranian year.We still have a long way ahead in Aerial industry.Simorgh SLV,is almost completed and is undergoing some safety tests for heavier payloads.A satellite will be launched with it in coming 6 months or more.
Do Iranians watch Hindi cinema? Do they like India?
Read post 13.Yes,Bollywood is quite popular here,mostly among women,the same as Bollywood actors.

1. What is the cooperation between Nagorno Karabakh republic and Iran. I see many Iranian trucks travelling to Armenia from NKR, so I figure that there has to be something.

2. How easy would it be to get Iranian visa when crossing the land border with Armenia? What if with Russian passport? Armenian passport? American passport?

3. There are monuments to the Genocide near Armenian churches in Iran. Are any of them sponsored by Iranian government? Is anything Armenian related sponsored by Iranian government?
1.Iran exports many foods and fuel and other stuff to Armenia and NKR.I think that's natural.
2.I don't have very good informations about it,maybe other Iranians can help.But I know,Iran takes it very easy from tourists travlelling from neighboring countries.You know,considering the huge potentials Iran has (among the top 10 touristic country),but our tourism industry is bad.Mostly because of negative news people here about Iran everyday.But the ones who visit,their views completely change and differs before and after the visit.
3.I don't know really,but I know they are free in their beliefs and what they do,especially Armenians,they are very respected in Iran.I think government supports them since they are Iranian citizens and don't have any difference with others.Government has a duty to help and support them.

Why is the trade between Pakistan and Iran so low despite being neighbours?
That's a hard question,there are many reasons,like unrest in Baloochestan region of Pakistan,sanctions on Iran,Pakistan-U.S relations and many more.but I know,our trade is growing fast,it will grow even further after Iran starts exporting Gas to Pakistan.

India have world's second largest Shia population after Iran and Indian Shias regularly visits Iran for pilgrimage.

There are many many thousands of Iranians visiting India for travel, medical, education visit.

What is your take on it.

The people to people contact and govt. to govt. contact.
It's very good actually.Whynshould be any problems about It?India and Pakistan relations go back thousands of years,this isn't something new.

if you look,many people goes to arab countries like UAE,Saudi and kuwait etc for earning bucks but why not iran? .

Iran have more oil than other arab countries but still not popular.

Any reason?? I mean petro dollars
The main reason:Iran is under sanctions,so investors usually don't have a desire to invest here.The second main reason is,Arab countries you mentioned,don't have enough native workforce.So they absorb workforce from other countries.But Iran has enough workforce,so there is no need for foreign ones.Still we have about 2 million Afghans working here and sending money back home.

But i heard that iran have oil for more than 600 years and caspian is full of oil.
Yes,Iran's oil will last more than those of Saudis,because we prodice 1/4 of them.Summing Oil and Gas together,Iran has the largest hydrocarbone reserves in the world.

Why you no send more of those fat juicy 'dates' ? I stuffed myself silly at Iftar during Ramadan ! :angry:
I think you mean Bam 'dates'.Yeah,they are quite popular.I don't know why you don't see it anymore,but as far as I know,Iran still export them.
My dear darling, even Minwali, D.G. Khan were not part of Punjab, they were annexed in the 80's.

Time to hand them back! :rofl:

Touch even a speck of Punjabi soil and I'd cut off your hand ! :angry:

Ask me nicely and I'd even given up Lahore - My Throne ! :agree:

Provided that I get a harem full of Kate Beckinsales and Nicole Kidmans ! :chilli:
A litre/day, that's too high. :laugh:
We are obsessed with tea.:P
1. What is the "Actual" difference between shia and sunnis? Is it just political or boold (like casts).
2. What is the sunni poulation figure in Iran?
1.That's a hard question and I'm not an expert,maybe other members can help.
2.About 6-7 millions or 10% of population.
1. What is the "Actual" difference between shia and sunnis? Is it just political or boold (like casts).

The Actual or Basic difference between the two stems from disagreements over who should succeed the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as the leader of the Muslim Community (And No not like the Pope) ! Those who thought that it should have been Abu Bakar (the First Caliph of Islam) and the subsequent 2 Caliphs (Umar and Usma) came to be called Sunnis. Those who thought that no it should have been Ali ibn Abi Talib (the Prophet's cousin and the Fourth Caliph of Islam) came to be called the Shi'ites. Naturally with the passage of time some doctrinal difference arose to the point where Sunni Islam and Shi'ite Islam are different (and perhaps even antagonistic) in some areas like Jurisprudence, the historical succession of the Prophet (PBUH) and some rituals but by and large we're pretty much the same.

In short - Shi'ite Islam and Sunni Islam are the same soul in a different garb !
Touch even a speck of Punjabi soil and I'd cut off your hand ! :angry:

Ask me nicely and I'd even given up Lahore - My Throne ! :agree:

Provided that I get a harem full of Kate Beckinsales and Nicole Kidmans ! :chilli:

Aray bhai, hum yahan Iran ki baatein kar rahe hain aur tu khajoor, Punjab ki baatein kar raha hai. :lol::lol:
I think someone asked this question earlier and i suppose no one replied back to it.

Question: What makes Iranian women hot. Is it those beautiful eyes? :woot:
1. What do u think about national internet?
2. What happened to ur satellite launch plant, few days ago u were supposed to launch Fajr guess. No news now.
3. What made people accept nejadid subsidy removal plan? I heard that his government advertised it, educated in such a way that people were eager to see government subsidy removal. is it correct? Do u think money being credited to lead of every family members actually reaching them?
4. comment about corruption in Iran.
5. I am sure if santions are removed iran would be very powerful country. But u need to follow money leaving principles. Wer as if you follow principles you wont be rich. Which one do you chose?
6. Iran-Iraq war time, Iranians proved very patriotic. They were ready to die just to save some tanks from mines. Do u thin current generation also same?
7. Any problem if i ask tooo many questions?
1.If you think that's gonna cut off us from international internet,you are wrong.Actually,national internet is not a proper name for it.They are gonna develop a nationwide Intranet that domestic sites,government organizations,Banks and many more will use it to transfer data through the country.This way,there is no need to send mostly important data to foreign servers,so,it will be much more secure,considering that there are hostile countries toward Iran who waste no opportunity to damage us.
2.I think it has been delayed further.It's natural considering the complexity of space projects.It will certainly launched before end of Iranian year (21th of March),also they that monkey will be sent to space too in 2 or 3 month,.
3.Yes money is reaching families.They each family the Subsidy money every month.
The truth is,we HAD to start this plan,because the economy couldn't take on the heavy burden of subsidy to a 75 million population.Most people accepted it,they think it can lead to further development of country and private sector.Although,Ahmadinejad's government made some mistakes in executing the plan,so we are seeing relatively high inflation.Sanctions may be further worsening it.
4.Corruption can not be ignored.We do have corruption in most levels of managing.The reason is,we don't have very strict laws against corruption.For example,about taxation,many people are easily evading taxes in various ways,because there are no strict laws in it.Also,you can see bribing in our organizations,again,because those people are not afraid of it.Our economic laws need some very serious review.
5.What principles do you mean?Why can't we follow principles and be rich at the same time?
6.Yes it's the same.People's lives or ways of livings may have changed,but they hearts for their country haven't changed.You can be sure of that.
7.Not at all.other people can use those questions too.
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