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Asian Union -- Day Dream!!



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May 31, 2009
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frnds ,I feel that Asia must have a union like the one at Europe where the members solve their problems(territorial,trade..).Its high time India ,China and Pakistan must realize that they have common problems like poverty,terrorism and they really need a common forum to discuss these issues. This union might be a day dream but i wish it will someday become a reality..In my point of view poverty is the root cause for everything(terrorism,violence,pirates (Somalia)) and it must be resolved .
One major difficulty in forming a union will be stable government in the member states.China ,India ,Sri Lanka have stable governments but the history of Pakistan is plagued by dictators,military(pak frnds pls dont take it in a wrong way!!) but the new democratic govt should last long and give a stability in the region...I know this thread will be punished from both indian and Pak frnds with their vituperative comments but pls think in an out of the box manner .......The other reason for forming this union is we must try to avoid any US interference in these issues.US always tries to accomplish its short term objectives.(helped taliban against soviets and now waging a war against them in the so called name of "War On Terror")
Asian Union will never happen because India has disputes with Pakistan, China, Nepal, and Bangladesh. European countries have no disputes with each other, they work well. Also Asia can never be like Europe we are too different. Europeans are all the same race, same religion, almost the same culture. Islamic Republic of Pakistan has its differences with Hindu majority India and Hindu Majority India has its differences with Communist China. We dont share the same ideologies as Europeans share with each other. Why do you think Turkey is not included in European Union when the Turks so badly want to be part of EU?
it will never happen since - pakistan have to stop helping extremists in any form - terrorist or jihadi what ever they call.

in asian region - sri lanka , india, china neither of them are religiously oriented country so may be in future we see a common ground between them but hard to see pakistan - although if pakistan solve its problem . i see things being diffrent , new age Pakistani generation is hope here.
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Asian Union will never happen because India has disputes with Pakistan, China, Nepal, and Bangladesh. European countries have no disputes with each other, they work well. Also Asia can never be like Europe we are too different. Europeans are all the same race, same religion, almost the same culture. Islamic Republic of Pakistan has its differences with Hindu majority India and Hindu Majority India has its differences with Communist China. We dont share the same ideologies as Europeans share with each other. Why do you think Turkey is not included in European Union when the Turks so badly want to be part of EU?

France and Germany fought two world wars with each other and killed millions of each other peoples, humiliated and destroyed Germany and still they are partners in the EU.
Having difference is no reason why we can't have an Asian or a South Asian union if there is the political will to do so. It depends on the nature of the union.

Intially it will be just economic and cultural union, followed by easing in visa restrictions and employment opportunities. A strong Asia is increasingly becoming a reality and I am optimistic about this in the near future.
hi I really think asian union will be formed because once I read an article on bric countries there many writers suggested the asian union and some even said that they will have their own currency.
once a us intel article suggested that this asian union can be one]l front in next world war
France and Germany fought two world wars with each other and killed millions of each other peoples, humiliated and destroyed Germany and still they are partners in the EU.
Having difference is no reason why we can't have an Asian or a South Asian union if there is the political will to do so. It depends on the nature of the union.

Intially it will be just economic and cultural union, followed by easing in visa restrictions and employment opportunities. A strong Asia is increasingly becoming a reality and I am optimistic about this in the near future.

France and Germany have no disputed territories amongst each other. Pakistan and India have disputes over Kashmir and Sir Creek.

Pakistan and India dont even have decent relations yet and you are talking about a union?

Also I very much doubt that China will form a union with India, both countries are very different from each other (linguistically, culturally, religiouslly, political setup).

Asia can never be like Europe.
it will never happen since - pakistan have to stop helping extremists in any form - terrorist or jihadi what ever they call.

in asian region - sri lanka , india, china neither of them are religiously oriented country so may be in future we see a common ground between them but hard to see pakistan - although if pakistan solve its problem . i see things being diffrent , new age Pakistani generation is hope here.
Hey bro again you taking on and blaming on Pakistan!!!!!!!!! I can go on and say with all the seperist movements in India and bad relations over ..... or ..... Because of this..... or that..... Come on guys don't you guys have some solid talk instead of just bad mouthing eachothers....... I am upset because agin your post shows that Pakistan is the only problem? We can go on and say India helps the terrorism in Pakistan in afgistan etc? What's a point on that..... :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::wave: it reminds me of new song " blame it on alcohol, blame it on this is going like Blame it on Pakistan lol Because of Pakistan
it will never happen since - pakistan have to stop helping extremists in any form - terrorist or jihadi what ever they call.

I also agree it can never happen until the indian govt stop killing and occupying kashmir......stops all support to hindu militant outfits.

China-sri lanka-pakistan have a better chance of forming a union.
France and Germany have no disputed territories amongst each other. Pakistan and India have disputes over Kashmir and Sir Creek.

Pakistan and India dont even have decent relations yet and you are talking about a union?

Also I very much doubt that China will form a union with India, both countries are very different from each other (linguistically, culturally, religiouslly, political setup).

Asia can never be like Europe.

Look never say never, why don't you want Asia to be like Europe or even better. Who would have expected a EU would exist during WW1 or after WWII, but it happened.

China might be a bit different but South Asia can certainly come together. Although it would be in China's (and other countries) interest for that not to happen. We already have an organization SAARC that would be the basis for this. Ofcourse, there will always be a set of people dead against this, but majority of the people would support anything that would improve the economic situation in this important region of the world
Asian Union will never happen because India has disputes with Pakistan, China, Nepal, and Bangladesh. European countries have no disputes with each other, they work well. Also Asia can never be like Europe we are too different. Europeans are all the same race, same religion, almost the same culture. Islamic Republic of Pakistan has its differences with Hindu majority India and Hindu Majority India has its differences with Communist China. We dont share the same ideologies as Europeans share with each other. Why do you think Turkey is not included in European Union when the Turks so badly want to be part of EU?

Friend ,disputes always occur when u have border and it is the responsibility of the states to resolve it.All the democratic countries in this region will definitely need a union to solve their problems only countries which are ruled by absolute government will try military adventures.In this era of globalization dividing people on culture and language is something not useful and counter productive. Another issue is the communist China , it is a fact that China is becoming powerful but its people are controlled in every sense from freedom of speech to birth control.Any absolute government will be the source of tensions ,suspicions for everyone, not only to India ,even the sole superpower US suspects every act of China then why not india on the military build up along the Arunachal Pradesh

On the turkey issue , Why south asia must not be more secular than EU instead of imitating their paranoia about Muslim states...
I also agree it can never happen until the indian govt stop killing and occupying kashmir......stops all support to hindu militant outfits.

China-sri lanka-pakistan have a better chance of forming a union.

Can you update me with some of the hindu militant outfits operating in Kashmir.Just to update my knowledge!!India just cannot be ignored because it is the second most populous state and i think other S Asian frnds would agree with me
Look never say never, why don't you want Asia to be like Europe or even better. Who would have expected a EU would exist during WW1 or after WWII, but it happened.

China might be a bit different but South Asia can certainly come together. Although it would be in China's (and other countries) interest for that not to happen. We already have an organization SAARC that would be the basis for this. Ofcourse, there will always be a set of people dead against this, but majority of the people would support anything that would improve the economic situation in this important region of the world

China's interst is Pakistan's interst.

A union of South Asian countries would only benefit India because India has disputes with many Asian countries and because it has such a large population thats only growing. India's population is more than the populations of all the other South/Central Asian countries combined. Majority counts in Democracy, which would make Indians the rulers.

Pakistan is an Islamic Republic, we are happy that we separated from India and became an Islamic Republic and we know that we will have a union in the future but that union will only be with other Islamic Republics during the time Imam Mahdi appears on earth. Pakistan has no desire of forming a union with Hindu majority India, not even Bangladesh wants to form a union with India, check the Bangladesh defence section of this forum.
there is already an Asian union...though in it's infancy..it's called the Shanghai cooperation organization or the SCO .It was pioneered by China and Russia...has most of the CIS countries as it's members...India and Pakistan have observer status...which IMO opinion would be changed to full membership in the coming years.it's a pity we don't talk about an Asian union on this forum.
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