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Asian superpowers jostle to join the aircraft carrier club

of course,carriers are required to project your power in oceans.

does pakistan have any such plans??

Why would Pakistan want to waste her money on such foolish things ?

Aircraft Carrier are sitting ducks for Terrorists !
Why would Pakistan want to waste her money on such foolish things ?

Aircraft Carrier are sitting ducks for Terrorists !
Agreed that we have no need for an AC
but how did you jump to that conclusion?
I mean the bold part!
ofcource Not!!
Our Navy is just to stop a blockade incase of war with India

Terrorists dont have Anti ship weopens like DF-21.

All you need is a Scuba diver armed with a compact bomb....
All you need is a Scuba diver armed with a compact bomb....
terrorists will swim 500km from the shore just to reach the carrier?
I think not! The boat or any vehicle(that will carry the terrorists near the AC) will be detected and destroyed .
Plus do you know how strong is the hull of lets say Nimitz class carrier?
All you need is a Scuba diver armed with a compact bomb....

Do you know most of the upgraded submarines and warships are fitted with technology called Advanced algorithms to detect human divers. Now don't out do yourself with the pace of your typing.
What on earth are you talking about???

So total Japanese wealth is many times more than India's?

50 billion US dollars spent in India goes a LOT further than in Japan.

Of course Japan's wealth is many, many, many times India. There is no comparison.

And $50 billion in India goes a lot further in India, that's true, but the average Indian is running on $1,500, not $50 billion.

$1,500 does not take you a lot further than $50,000 in Japan (which are the per capita income averages for each nation). $1,500 in India would be the same as $4,000 in Japan (if you adjust for PPP metrics).

So the average Indian would be living not as if he had $1,500 in Japan, but $4,000. Yes, that's a difference of more than double, but it's still not even 1/10th of Japan's per capita income.

And we are just talking per capita (per person) metrics here; PPP does not scale up, especially for a country like India which is a net IMPORTER.

All you need is a Scuba diver armed with a compact bomb....

Quote of the week right here... :omghaha:

That's right people, some Al-Qaeda guy is going to swim out a couple hundred miles into the open sea, right under a 100,000 metric ton super-carrier, and detonate an explosive small enough to be carried on his person, summarily destroying the entire vessel.

You've been watching too many Michael Bay films. Trust me, such an action would not even DENT a Nimitz or Ford-class carrier. If so, then every vessel could be destroyed with exponentially less explosives, and your point about AC's being a waste of money would have been more fruitful if you had exchanged the word "Aircraft carrier" with "Navy". If your point held true then there would be no point of even having a Navy.
Lol, of course Japan's wealth is many, many, many times India. There is no comparison.

And $50 billion in India goes a lot further in India, that's true, but the average Indian is running on $1,500, not $50 billion.

$1,500 does not take you a lot further than $50,000 in Japan (which are the per capita income averages for each nation). $1,500 in India would be the same as $4,000 in Japan (if you adjust for PPP metrics).

So the average Indian would be living not as if he had $1,500 in Japan, but $4,000. Yes, that's a difference of more than double, but it's still not even 1/10th of Japan's per capita income.

And we are just talking per capita (per person) metrics here; PPP does not scale up, especially for a country like India which is a net IMPORTER.

Quote of the week right here... :omghaha:

That's right people, some Al-Qaeda guy is going to swim out a couple hundred miles into the open sea, right under a 100,000 metric ton super-carrier, and detonate an explosive carried on his person, to destroy the entire vessel....

by this PPP u wrote abuve,i thought its Pakistan Peoples Party:ashamed::cheesy:
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