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Asia Times: CPEC could be an expensive albatross around Pakistani necks

you are awrae the first payments for 'loan' has come up? You've already asked for extension coz...not one penny has been earned.

Yawn........yawn.....yawn.......indiots said EXACTLY the same when Pakistan became a nuclear weapons star..........8-)
Just make one sticky thread here where Indians can just post their CPEC drama.

The biggest danger CPEC faces is corruption.

You take out the corrupts and everything will fall in order. Terrorism has been sidelined due to our great sacrifices.

This is part of psychological warfare and to spread hopelessness but a typical Pakistani attitude towards this is FTW.

Shameless spineless creatures in India who are too powerless to save their country from Corruption want Pakistan to be like them too.

Never have I seen a Pakistani make a thread about any projects in India. Insecurities will make you an Indian.
Just make one sticky thread here where Indians can just post their CPEC drama.

The biggest danger CPEC faces is corruption.

You take out the corrupts and everything will fall in order. Terrorism has been sidelined due to our great sacrifices.

This is part of psychological warfare and to spread hopelessness but a typical Pakistani attitude towards this is FTW.

Shameless spineless creatures in India who are too powerless to save their country from Corruption want Pakistan to be like them too.

Never have I seen a Pakistani make a thread about any projects in India. Insecurities will make you an Indian.

right...and the Chinese didn't bribe some pak officials to get this through? So corruption is not in the DNA of CPEC?

Yawn........yawn.....yawn.......indiots said EXACTLY the same when Pakistan became a nuclear weapons star..........8-)

nice...that's one billion paid bro
right...and the Chinese didn't bribe some pak officials to get this through? So corruption is not in the DNA of CPEC?

nice...that's one billion paid bro

The corridor is a project mutually agreed by the two states.

Corruption is in the nitty gritty of the sub projects.
CPEC is the best thing happened for Pakistan in a very long time..... The results of it can't be seen now... In a decade you will get to see the actual potential....
right...and the Chinese didn't bribe some pak officials to get this through? So corruption is not in the DNA of CPEC?

nice...that's one billion paid bro

EXACTLY!!!!!.......From the same "hidden source" that paid many billions for our nuclear weapons program that the indians said would be impossible for Pakistan to do so................:azn:

PS You talk as of indian is corrupt free and a superpower.............:lol:
Just make one sticky thread here where Indians can just post their CPEC drama.

The biggest danger CPEC faces is corruption.

You take out the corrupts and everything will fall in order. Terrorism has been sidelined due to our great sacrifices.

This is part of psychological warfare and to spread hopelessness but a typical Pakistani attitude towards this is FTW.

Shameless spineless creatures in India who are too powerless to save their country from Corruption want Pakistan to be like them too.

Never have I seen a Pakistani make a thread about any projects in India. Insecurities will make you an Indian.
Indians have never tied their fates to one project
Colonization is almost complete. I can see China already take a lead within Pakistani policy making.

There is a difference between friends and making colonization. You wouldn't understand this because you guys don't have such luxury. To open your eyes see the video below. China is our true friend and it is as clear as our response to you from LOC.

Indians have never tied their fates to one project
If they had, wouldn't their history be different????? Especially for Muslims it's usually a singular project - "Either I will take Constantinople, or Constantinople will take me" - type!!!!

EXACTLY!!!!!.......From the same "hidden source" that paid many billions for our nuclear weapons program that the indians said would be impossible for Pakistan to do so................:azn:

PS You talk as of indian is corrupt free and a superpower.............:lol:
About this hidden sources I have a story to share!!! During the last global financial crisis some folks though it the most opportune moment to crush Turkey's finances by playing with foreign reserves and the related monetary policies!!!! It was a perfect internal/external combo!!! Everything was set to discredit Reis Erdo'an!!! Turkey needed ~40b $ to offset that sinister plan!!! Guess what??? One fine morning, a group of Para military forces were inspecting a section of a national highway near some bordering regions. Thy found a couple of 18-wheelers standing idle in the rest area. However, they're were no drivers inside. They got alarmed and requested for a thorough search from the higher authorities. When they opened the containers they received the shock of their lifetimes!!! The containers were full $100 bundles!!!!! The amount was ~40$b!!! Till today, even after parliamentary investigations, nobody knows where it came from!!!!!
There are growing reasons to believe Pakistan's fragile economy may actually be the loser in China's mega-project to reach new markets via Gwadar port

Will the China-Pakistan-Economic Corridor (CPEC) benefit both countries, or only China? A number of aspects of the project are only beginning to attract scrutiny, and some of them indicate Pakistan may not benefit at all.

A note of caution was registered recently by the International Monetary Fund. The organization observed in a report that CPEC projects are expected to generate balance of payment outflows to the tune of US$3.5-4.5 billion for Pakistan by 2024. However, the report also warned that enhancing exports poses a real policy challenge for Pakistan and that failure in the endeavor will considerably diminish CPEC’s benefits.

One of the imperatives facing Pakistan is to increase revenues and build up its foreign exchange reserves. CPEC will cause an increase in yuan inflows to the country for both payment and settlement purposes, which may be welcome but will further damage Pakistan’s already yawning trade deficit. Moreover, most of Pakistan’s external trade is currently done using the US dollar, and CPEC will do nothing for its US dollar reserves. Further adding to the sense of insecurity is the government’s complete silence on these issues.

Over the past few months, I have spoken to several Pakistani industrialists and many of them expressed an expectation that CPEC will do damage to the local economy, in both the agricultural and industrial sectors.

Truck convoys coming from China via the mighty Karakoram Highway (KKH) have already begun to flood Pakistan’s domestic market with cheaper, made-in-China goods. The cost of production in Pakistan remains relatively high – partly due to the high costs inflicted by the country’s seemingly never-ending energy crisis. This also hampers the viability of Pakistan’s own exports. The corridor will, additionally, assist China to flood external markets which might otherwise have been receptive to Pakistani goods.

One industrialist summarized the situation thus: while made-in-China goods are already relatively cheap, the shorter route afforded Chinese exports via Gwadar will further reduce import costs in markets that have so far been export destinations for Pakistan.

CPEC appears more and more to be a master plan for deep Chinese penetration into Pakistan’s economy, with long term economic and political consequences

Investments are being made to resolve the energy crisis in Pakistan through building more power plants; however, the roots of the problem go much deeper than a simple production shortfall. Indeed, another IMF report mentions that in the absence of a robust distribution sector, Pakistan’s added generation capacity will have little effect. The report notes that “routing the increased generation capacity through a loss-making distribution sector could result in faster accumulation of circular debt and fiscal costs, as well as undermine long-term financial sustainability of the new energy projects.” No investment has so far been made in improving distribution.

Another potential pitfall for Pakistan is the way Chinese companies are likely to emerge as new “middle-men” in Pakistan’s economy, particularly in the agricultural sector.

Pakistan’s “national food security policy“ mentions the potential of enhancing the country’s agricultural exports to China and perceives opportunities through CPEC to achieve, among other things, “food sovereignty.” The policy measures outlined, however, indicate an increased role for Chinese companies in facilitating exports of produce from Pakistan to China – despite such private sector middle-men also being identified, in the same document, as presenting a major obstacle to producers getting a fair price. It is unclear as to how this enhanced interaction between local producers and Chinese companies will benefit Pakistan.

When one considers this proposed co-operation in agriculture, along with Chinese development of road, rail and energy projects in Pakistan, CPEC appears more and more to be a master plan for deep Chinese penetration into Pakistan’s economy, with long term economic and political consequences. All too few in Pakistan are raising objections but CPEC may turn out to be more of a liability than a golden opportunity for the country.

only idiots will beleive CPEC is bad to PAKISTAN and its people....EVERY coin has its two sides but wise man would always choose the positive instead of the nega,you indians like us and UK only be jealous and wt to jp it that's all.Nothing on earth can shake the interestS of CHINA AND PAKISTAN!!!

There is a difference between friends and making colonization. You wouldn't understand this because you guys don't have such luxury. To open your eyes see the video below. China is our true friend and it is as clear as our response to you from LOC.

INDIANS can not be called independent coz they never really are...!!!
If they had, wouldn't their history be different????? Especially for Muslims it's usually a singular project - "Either I will take Constantinople, or Constantinople will take me" - type!!!!

Turks != Muslims

Turks captured Constantinople and expected the Europeans to rollover. Europeans discovered America & sea route to India. It set the stage for European domination. That should be a warning for you. Then some folks never change
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