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Ashraf Ghani : “It’s Pakistan’s turn to open the door”

What if i told you i have Tajik origin technically but i am a pakistani citizen would you also brand me racist . most of the afghan population is illiterate so cannot blame the people but should blame the people in the gov and media which misguide the populace..

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Okay I apologise for my sentence calling Tajiks or daris as 'racist ' . Maybe I said it fluently because I met one of racists from them .

And the last part of sentence , That's what I've been trying to convince and saying to the former poster that I cannot blame the poor ordinary Afhhan refugees for actions of their government .

You didn't read my post properly. Iran is not only allowing India to build the port of Chabahar, but also facilitating Indian agents to attack installations in Pakistan....are you denying this? So clearly the concept of ummah doesn't work...only national interests does. I have given you plenty of examples. I have no problem with Afghan refugees...but those who despise Pakistan will have my hatred.

Mathayyyy jaaaaa soooooorrr ..

Okay if iran is doing something against our national interest then irs not our sincere brother and we must be cautious from it . But we shouldn't engage in activities in Iran and start similar against her as there'll be no difference between both .

Acha ab jao so jao with your guriya , I think it's night in our half British pakistan.
Oh, so you are a women? From your post it sounded like you were generalizing British Pakistani's. Okay I apologize for jumping the gun:)

Yeah I didn't say it on national ground .
I just said the one I met were quite rude and Un islamic . Maybe the atheist surrounding affected them . Well, may God guide them . What can we say else .
Okay I apologise for my sentence calling Tajiks or daris as 'racist ' . Maybe I said it fluently because I met one of racists from them .

And the last part of sentence , That's what I've been trying to convince and saying to the former poster that I cannot blame the poor ordinary Afhhan refugees for actions of their government .

yes the refugees are being used by both gov for their interests but we have housed the refugees for 30 year and it is time they go back ..our country has suffered enough the fact is (that they are refugees) they are not Pakistani citizen and they need to back. we have suffered socially and economically enough the afghan gov can shove it up we can do whatever we want on our soil. when they blame pakistan for their problem it is not because of us but because they are weak... weak to stand alone so they just piggy back other countries.
yes the refugees are being used by both gov for their interests but we have housed the refugees for 30 year and it is time they go back ..our country has suffered enough the fact is (that they are refugees) they are not Pakistani citizen and they need to back. we have suffered socially and economically enough the afghan gov can shove it up we can do whatever we want on our soil. when they blame pakistan for their problem it is not because of us but because they are weak... weak to stand alone so they just piggy back other countries.

I doesn't oppose their deportation.
They should go back because they're refugees and they've to go back one day but I don't like them being bashed and insulted in pakistan. That was all .
@A-Team my friend. I'd let you off thinking this might be your place to vent out your frustration, and therefore never bothered responding to any of your threads previously. But I think I need to have a few words with you. Well, actually essays directed at you, but do take out the time to read it because this should knock some sense into you.

I can understand Afghans don't trust Pakistan when it comes to political and economical issues, because it government have been supporting the wrong side of Afghanistan for decades. I understand that the general Afghan public loves Indians, but not because of anti-Pakistan sentiments. I understand you don't HAVE TO stay away from Pakistan's enemies in order to repay the hospitality of millions of refugees. I also understand you should be able to co-ordinate and co-operate with whoever you like, without Pakistan's interference. But what you, and the likes of you, also need to understand is that your government's attitude has been hostile towards us since our independence. We might not be threatened by you, simply because your country is not strong enough, but it raises bells of concerns looking at how Afghan government is singing at the tunes of our enemies.

Leaving government's besides, let's talk about our people. Pakistani people always had love and respect for Afghan people, your history, culture and your bravery when it came to overcoming oppression of superpowers. Same wise, Afghan people have lived in Pakistan long enough to see our generosity, hospitality, kindness and what not. We might not have provided for your food and shelter from our own pockets, we might have received billions of Dollars in aid to support the refugees. But we haven't been paid to allow Afghans to stay in Pakistan like you are one of us. You know this too, how back in the days Afghans used to roam all around Pakistan (not just KPK) as if they're in their own country. This was our attitude that didn't interfere in your way of life, NOT the American Dollars.

Just like how Afghan people have paid the price of their government's continuous meddle with Pakistan, same-wise Pakistani people are still paying the price of our government's incorrect decisions time and again. Pakistani public have suffered too, and on top of that we're being shoved up with very demeaning attitude. This needs to stop. Afghanistan can't get away with trying to increase political tension in Pakistan, nor can Pakistan stabilise by doing the opposite to Afghanistan. We Pakistani people are ready to listen to solutions, but Afghans can't throw solutions in form of insults and degration. I know that you and likes of you who roam around online, blaming Pakistan for every fly that bites a child in Afghanistan, are only a very small percentage of Afghan people. But you are supposed to be the educated lot. Grow up.

As for those of you describe Tajiks as racists, or all Afghans as Pakistan-haters, or Afghans as bunch of illiterate beings: stop. You guys are as ignorant about Afghans and Afghanistan, as are some foreigners about Pakistan and Pakistanis.

I've been to Afghanistan twice, and I absolutely loved it. From the people of Kabul, to their culture, traditions, hospitality, fashion, weddings, music, poetry, clothing, food and you name it. It's all very beautiful and pleasant. They're striving towards a more educated and more tolerant capital. They know more about worldly affairs then you would think. And originally people of Kabul don't bare the hatred some online Afghan warriors are showing us.

In fact, the Tajiks seem to be more educated and tolerant than any other Afghan. The more North you go, the lovelier the atmosphere is and the less politically motivated the people are. I'm not ashamed of pointing out the beauty of our neighbours (regardless of how they feel about us), but we would have been so much better as neighbours if we received the same acknowledgement back. Maybe, Inshahlah, one day soon. But I believe that day will come.
Pakistan never used refugees as a leverage, are you serious my friend ? :) From using them as foot soldiers in various GHQ sponsored exercises outside of Pakistan,

This is simply poorly thought out logic.

Pakistanis didn't need to host a single Afghan refugee to support insurgent forces in Afghanistan. Take a simple look at Iran -- how many Syrian refugees are there in Iran. Does India have any Baloch refugees to support Baloch insurgency in Pakistan?

All Pakistan needed to do was open Madrassas along the Durand line -- the poor socio economic conditions in Afghanistan, the conservativeness of the rural society coupled with the predatory nature of Afghan governments (starting from 1970s) provided the necessary and sufficient conditions for the destabilization of Afghanistan.

to using them as pain point point on occasions

Afghans have been hostile to Pakistan in the latest episode since before 2003 -- Did Pakistan expel Afghan refugees:
1. When Abdullah Abdullah started his anti-Pakistani drive in 2003-4
2. When Amrullah Saleh went was on an anti-Pakistani drive through out his tenure
3. When Karzai gave preference to India over Pakistan
4. When Afghanistan gave India significant access in Afghanistan
5. When Afghanistan supported Baloch terrorists?

It was not till 2016 ... more than 12 years of continuous outright hostility that Pakistan decided to finally move the refugees out -- and there are still over 2.6 million Afghan refugees left in Pakistan

when necessary, to using them in international forums ....

Ikram Seghal puts the cost of the Afghan refugees at 40 billion dollars on Pakistan -- you mean to say Pakistan should not even mention the fact they have hosted millions of the poorest Afghans for decades?!??!

Tell me what have rich Afghans like you done for these people. Poor Pakistani families have shared with them their food, cities with them.

Ghani sab's daughter lives in Brooklyn, his son in the state of Washington -- what has he done for these refugees.

I wonder if your lack of taking responsibility of these poor 3 million country men -- also reflects the lack of taking responsibility for destroying your own country.

to using them as a pretext of oh so many Afghans here we can differentiate between Talis and the ordinary refugees.... the list goes on and on.

Well -- let's put this to the test: two scions of Pakistan's most prominent families, Gilani and Taseer, were kidnapped and ended up with Afghans. If Pakistanis could not recover them before they were moved to Afghanistan then surely there is merit to that logic.

But anyhow: none of this shaming and showing the mirror to Afghans will do anything -- let me conjecture: it is, under the weight of your own convoluted logic that you shall collapse.
Afghans are meant to be our brothers and through thick and thin should have stood beside us as we stood with them. Your enemy is our enemy but that's not we got in India. Bro you betrayed us and you know and i know what's the punishment for that in according to Pushton customs. So for sake of few billion's Indian dollars you can sell us off our brotherhood. Yes I do want Taliban in power in Kabul and that's matter of time and want to see same fate of Ghani as Nagib. We will never allow any route for India for Indian benefit when our brothers and sisters are bleeding in Kashmir. If one brother have betrayed us we wont betray our other brother. In our culture people come though door not through windows only thieves take that route. Regarding refugees we still have got a big heart and we have shared what ever we had to our last rolo and no one can deny it. Just remember one thing we don't owe anything to Afghanistan we did it as a brotherhood. Standing Ghani beside Modi with snake smile that image just won't go away from my heart. In simple words current Afghan government have lost all brotherhood for me and I will wait for Ghani fate according to Pushton customs. Time is on our side and we are a patient nation.
We created Taliban's to roll back Russians adventurers and parasites like you to sent them back across the Amour river.
Pakistan has opened every single door, except one. Afghanistan wants to open the one door that can harm Pakistan, so this is nothing more than bluster.
Interesting interview. No trolling please. You gotta give it to Ashraf Ghani for reaching out to the main powerhouse in Pakistan aka GHQ, but alas for the region they didn't reciprocate.

Key points.

1) End the use of refugees as leverage
2) Diversify transit routes
3) Build institution



1. We are a poor country and we have hosted Afghans for over 45 years now. Government of Afghanistan needs to take responsibility for its citizen especially when its getting over $150 billion in aid from U.S. and international partners. Afghan political elites should deliver the aid money to poor citizens instead of embezzling it to buy luxury apartments in UAE.


Ghani mentioned Turkmenistan which has no bearings on Pakistan. To blame Pakistan for Afghanistan's lack of integration with Central Asian Republics (CARs) is a lie not endorsed by geography. As for Karachi and Gwadar, Afghanistan is free to use them. Our foreign policy with regards to India is none of Afghanistan's concern nor should Afghanistan insert itself in it. Though its proving very hard for Ghani to understand that.


3. President Ghani can start by advising Vice President of Afghanistan, Abdul Rashid Dostum, to avoid beating political rivals or kidnapping them. So far Ghani has been quiet on the matter. I feel this is a modest but a fairly good start.

Read: Afghan Vice President Seen Abducting Rival (The New York Times)
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