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ASEAN breaks deadlock on South China Sea, Beijing thanks Cambodia for support

Dude, read my signature. I don't follow the bible.

You brazenly stated that millions died for economic development and wealth. That is not true.

Failed economic policy is not murder.

Cultural revolution was not the doing of one man but rather factional fighting between red guard factions trying to be the reddest of them all.

I brazenly repeat my original accusation. Your defences are brazenly misleading. Red Guard factions trying to be the reddest of them all wouldn't happen in a democracy. That kind of faction fighting wouldn't result in the mayhem that resulted in China.

And don't call me dude.
I brazenly repeat my original accusation. Your defences are brazenly misleading. Red Guard factions trying to be the reddest of them all wouldn't happen in a democracy. That kind of faction fighting wouldn't result in the mayhem that resulted in China.

And don't call me dude.

Okay dood.

Democracy is great. All hail the fool proof power of democracy and god strike down the evil reds!

The indian paradise seems to have no famine, no fringe parties fighting in the jungle, no deviant ideologies. Apparently those things happen only in red china.
So Laos and Cambodia are now officially China's representatives in ASEAN. How depressing. I had a feeling that the Viets were over-estimating their influence in Cambodia and I guess Thailand doesn't have the will to match China's offer in Laos.
Okay dood.

Democracy is great. All hail the fool proof power of democracy and god strike down the evil reds!

The indian paradise seems to have no famine, no fringe parties fighting in the jungle, no deviant ideologies. Apparently those things happen only in red china.

Not at all.

I freely admit that under-nourishment due to maladministration happens in India; that there are dissidents in armed rebellion in the jungle, and that there are deviant ideologies. These things happen in democracies, because there is a reluctance to take to extreme armed measures to suppress the news about them, in the first case, and to suppress the people behind them, in the next two cases. But the PRC follows a different way of thinking about its people, and many people die because of this. Many more than a democracy can ever conceive of.

We are not a paradise, we are, in economic terms, worse off than China. My contention is that we are, with all the limitations of a non-coercive system, free. You are not.

And don't call me dood.
Not at all.

I freely admit that under-nourishment due to maladministration happens in India; that there are dissidents in armed rebellion in the jungle, and that there are deviant ideologies. These things happen in democracies, because there is a reluctance to take to extreme armed measures to suppress the news about them, in the first case, and to suppress the people behind them, in the next two cases. But the PRC follows a different way of thinking about its people, and many people die because of this. Many more than a democracy can ever conceive of.

We are not a paradise, we are, in economic terms, worse off than China. My contention is that we are, with all the limitations of a non-coercive system, free. You are not.

And don't call me dood.

It's my fault to tag you, sorry, you can get out now, thanks. This is my opinion.
Mass starvation and death happens in India - not simply malnutrition.

There are armed separatism in India, not simply dissidence. They hate the regime and the ruling clans, and want to have their own separate polity.

In fact India kills, and India kills savagely like the current PM did when he was a governor. The problem is, the rebellion/separatism is too big/varied to contain.

India is under sub-Saharan levels in terms of basic human development.

Besides, you have an unbreakable class system that ensures two (multiple) different laws, schooling, care for the different castes of people.

For example, if someone from a higher caste rapes and kills a girly, he will be lightly sentenced and most probbaly be released earlier.

India is not free. Most of its people are not free from literacy, starvation, social insecurity (rape) dirt/filth, lack of infrastructure, lack of sewage system, and improper housing (slum development).

Truth is, everybody has problems, and everybody has their own system to respond to those problems.

For some, it takes decades until achieving a meaningful level of development.

For some more efficient systems, it is a quicker process although not without trial and errors.
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It's my fault to tag you, sorry, you can get out now, thanks. This is my opinion.

**** your opinion. It does not matter.

Let this be a lesson; do not tag those who do not have anything to do with your rants, and do not want to have anything to do with them.
I'm not sure whose posts you are referring to.
Communist and fascist is the same , take a look at CHina, Under China the cant' vote for a leader, internet is censored , they cant raise their grievance , freedom of expression is non existent , they killed their own who oppose and feed by communist fake propaganda since birth

@waz this is the post I was referring to, in fresh red. "communist and fascist is the same" within or beyongd the bounds?
This was not making academic research or debate, we have not met one "professional". Boldly paste a bashing opinion, then use vague concepts to prove it.

**** your opinion. It does not matter.

Let this be a lesson; do not tag those who do not have anything to do with your rants, and do not want to have anything to do with them.
Your opinions in the thread are nothing. Not a opinion is yours, we can read similar opinion in the West paper, you are just a middle man of their propaganda.
You appear in China and Far east often, but can't provide some nutritive content or opinion referring to China relevant topics. You maybe a "professional" in other topics or South Indian block, in here your opinion looks like a pupil. Chinese middle school students have known the Great Leap and Cultural Revolution is wrong, you as a "professional" sell it very stupidly, this is your lesson.
@waz this is the post I was referring to, in fresh red. "communist and fascist is the same" within or beyongd the bounds?
This was not making academic research or debate, we have not met one "professional". Boldly paste a bashing opinion, then use vague concepts to prove it.

And this argument entirely defies the fact that fascism is a right wing ideology and cannot in no sense be associated with Communism. Communist polities can be called authoritarian but not fascist.

And you do not have to be a single-party polity to be considered fascist. In fact, fascism best flourishes in right-wing polities with competitive elections and extreme liberal fundamentalism.

Extreme socialism leads to Communism.

Extreme capitalism leads to Fascism.

You appear in China and Far east often, but can't provide some nutritive content or opinion referring to China relevant topics. You maybe a "professional" in other topics or South Indian block, in here your opinion looks like a pupil. Chinese middle school students have known the Great Leap and Cultural Revolution is wrong, you as a "professional" sell it very stupidly, this is your lesson.

What that person does is mocking, throwing out single liners, and taking it lightly by coming out some "apparently" cunning and content-free rhetoric.

They wishes to show off their wit and sharp tongue with no scholarship. They cover up their lack of scholarship by the pretension that the rest is incapable of comprehending scholarly posts; hence the reason for resorting to allegedly sharp-witted mocking single liners.

It is impossible to call it a contribution. This sort of members are often those who are already permanently banned.

But they are like Jesus story; always have a second coming.

Hopefully this type will be taken care of sooner than later.
And this argument entirely defies the fact that fascism is a right wing ideology and cannot in no sense be associated with Communism. Communist polities can be called authoritarian but not fascist.

And you do not have to be a single-party polity to be considered fascist. In fact, fascism best flourishes in right-wing polities with competitive elections and extreme liberal fundamentalism.

Extreme socialism leads to Communism.

Extreme capitalism leads to Fascism.

Fascism is neither left or right, but in recent history, and never mind Hitler, fascism is a collectivist mentality often used by the ideological left as a tool to rally up nationalistic fervor and finally as a unifying force for the citizenry.

The collectivist mentality can be used by any ideological faction. Even wiki has it correct...

Collectivism is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that emphasizes the significance of groups—their identities, goals, rights, outcomes, etc.—and tends to analyze issues in those terms.
Any potential for conflict is ripe ground for collectivism, and for the Marxist-communist faction, collectivism was the often 'go to' tool in their political toolbox.

What you guys often called 'In fact' is nothing but.
Vietnam warns South China Sea is a 'test' of ASEAN
By tribunaldebunked Beijing's legal claim to vast stretches of the strategically vital sea.

After talks stuttered on Sunday, Vietnam's Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a late night statement warning that the South China Sea had become "a test case for the unity and the central role of ASEAN".

Southeast Asian nations overcame days of deadlock on Monday when the Philippines dropped a request for their joint statement to mention a landmark legal ruling on the South China Sea, officials said, after objections from Cambodia.

Beijing publicly thanked Cambodia for supporting its stance on maritime disputes, a position which threw the regional bloc's weekend meeting in the Laos capital of Vientiane into disarray.

Four ASEAN members including Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei have competing claims with Beijing over parts of the South China Sea.

Most members of the bloc want to keep pressure on China over its campaign of island building in the strategic waters.

But ASEAN operates on a tradition of consensus diplomacy, meaning a single nation can have an effective veto power if it disagrees with the others.

China has been accused of teasing poorer members like Laos and Cambodia into fracturing regional unity with promises of aid and trade.

Critics have long derided ASEAN for lacking real diplomatic clout.

Chinese pressure was blamed last month for a startling show of discord by the bloc, when countries swiftly disowned a joint statement released by Malaysia after anASEAN-China meeting.

That statement had expressed alarm over Beijing's activities in the South China Sea.Cambodia and Laos were later fingered as being behind moves to block the joint statement.

why is this so difficult to understand? or is it that you are not allowed to accept the superiority of democracy over communism?

All animals eat sleep reproduce play and die. What separates human beings from the other animals is their ability to develop their minds and create things of joyous pleasure. This can only happen when the mind is free. Communism dictatorship and other forms of tyranny rob the human beings of this very basic identity that makes them human. You are not allowed to be human!

BTW such authoritarianism is not the only way freedom can be lost. Many Indians live in a state of fear for next meal or next mistreatment by some elite idiot.

We in the US have lost freedom as well to barbaric terrorism at the hands of islamic terrorists.

None of this is desirable. But poverty and hunger can be overcome. Terrorists are overcome. With creativity and motivation.

Are Chinese motivated or motivatable to get rid of communism and recover their humanity? Or are they doomed to accept the regression to pre homospaienhood?

You are brainwashed as like a robot repeating no sense. The shocking speech can't attract attention for long. Crazily attacking others' ideology don't make you sound like a human.

Communism society is a social goal human never expierenced. The Communism society is based on high-level prosperous economy, technology, science, abundant consumption materials, no bias, no racism, no sexism, no war, the real social equality, the real world harmony.
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