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ASAT and financial capability for anti sanction Diplomatic leverage?


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
This is a 'Hypothetical' thread in which i am presenting a scenario and possible solution.

Recently in the case of Iran we saw how easy it is for western powers to impose sanctions on a country without military intervention.
They blocked Iran from International Banking system SWIFT,making it impossible for Iran to receive or send payments for international trade.
Not a soldier was moved,no naval blockade and Iran's economy suffered deerly.
As they say 'Absolute power corrupts' . World trade is carried out in a western currency USD and they hold absolute power over world banking system.(Blame goes on the House of Saud,when they made deal with USA to do all their oil trade in USD)
The way out would be to create alternatives?
Trade in a currency other than USD?

Create an industy on which more than one country relies.
This trick has been learnt by many industrialized nations. For example the 'silicon barrier' of Taiwan (google it),and due to that their safety from an all out chinese invasion and destruction.
Pakistan can create similar barriers against crippling sanctions by creating industries and industrial areas on which many countries..or at least some powerful countrues rely.
Recent decision of handing over Gawadar port is one such strategic good move as china's reliance on Gawadar for trade will make it difficult for world powers to impose economic sanctions or naval blockade of Pakistan.
Another good move is allowing Afghan Transit trade. USA has financial and military interests in Afghanistan. The opium trade is controlled by USA,and the financial benifits,not necessarily for narcotics,but opium is required for pharmacheutical industry,a multi billion dollar trade.
All local competitors in this opium trade are rooted out and kept under check as 'good/bad' taliban.
Afghanistan being the world leader in opium production will remain a country of financial interest for USA even after their military have gone (if that happens any time soon).
Afghanistan's continuous reliance on Pakistan will keep buying diplomatic leverage for Pakistan and save the country from crippling sanctions.
One more way of increasing internation economic reliance on Pakistan would be to create railway lines from Kashghar in china to Karachi and Gawadar.
This will facilitate transit rade from central asia to the sea,and save money for many central asian countries and bring Russia closer to Pakistan in the form of their economic reliance on us.
Same can be done via Afghanistan,but that may be difficult.

Pakistan's involvement in chinese satellite systems is another good strategic move.
Sooner or later much of world's communication and other needs will be served by chinese satellites,as western satellites get old and expensive to replace.
Pakistan harbours tracking and other ground based fascilities for chinese satellites.
This is another field Pakistan should imorove on. Create more ground stations for more satellites of other countries,increasing their reliance on Pakistan.
On military grounds,Pakistan cannot threaten world powers similarly as North Korea.
What Pakistan can and should do is to attain ASAT capabilities.
In case diplomacy fails.Pakistan should be able to shoot downor disrupt/jam... commercial satellites.
That way Pakistan will have to ability to cripple their stock market trade,banking and general communications,posing a threat of losses of hundreds of billions of dollars.
@Safriz And you think US and all will let Pakistan attain this capability ? And if they can, how many satellites can it take it out.

You are possibly endangering so many satellites of all countries because of the debris that may disrupt all satellites of the world.

Are you ready to go against entire world ?
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On military grounds,Pakistan cannot threaten world powers similarly as North Korea.
What Pakistan can and should do is to attain ASAT capabilities.
In case diplomacy fails.Pakistan should be able to shoot downor disrupt/jam... commercial satellites.
That way Pakistan will have to ability to cripple their stock market trade,banking and general communications,posing a threat of losses of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Do you have any BASIS for your statements or just saying for the sake of it?

ASAT capability is one of the most technologically challenging capability. Only 3 nations have this capability as of now & i can only say that US has only Mastered this art in some 2-3 decades of development & testing.

The reason i said it as challenging task b'coz of fact that you need to have a missile that can hit a target of few diameters in width (satellite) that is not stationary but is revolving at a massive speed with utmost precision that to in Vacuum.

As it is, if you are talking about important communication satellites than it is placed in the GEO & not the LEO, that means you need RANGE also to destroy them.

One cannot bring everything out from the magician's hat. can we??
This is the most basic technique. When you are fighting against a very powerfull country, bring more power players in and make them a part of the game. But you need to tell me one thing, what is Pakistan fighting against?
You mentioned crippling sanctions, which sanctions?? pakistani is not sufferring from any sanctions.

Now coming over to development in the region. Your biggest bet is China no doubt. But I believe that for a country to prevent itself to be impacted from outside things like sanctions, it has to be stronger from the inside. Do you thing Pakistani s strong enough??

China has been arming you and they will keep doing that. They will fund your projects but China is atleast 2-3 decades away from challenging USA and Nato in their missions against countries like Iran and pakistan.
@Safriz And you think US and all will let Pakistan attain this capability ? And if they can, how many satellites can it take it out.

You are possibly endangering so many satellites of all countries because of the debris that may disrupt all satellites of the world.

Are you ready to go against entire world ?

You did not read the whole post?
First option is financial barriers by increasing world trade's reliance on Pakistan.
As last resort,when Pakistan cannot or does not want to escelate a conflict to an all out war... Disrupt satcom and induce financial losses on them...That is in a hypothetical scenario while Pakistan is suffering financially by crippling economic sanctions and wants to show fangs.

The idea is to make sanctions on Pakustan or war on Pakistan as crippling for them as it will be for Pakistan.
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On military grounds,Pakistan cannot threaten world powers similarly as North Korea.
What Pakistan can and should do is to attain ASAT capabilities.
In case diplomacy fails.Pakistan should be able to shoot downor disrupt/jam... commercial satellites.
That way Pakistan will have to ability to cripple their stock market trade,banking and general communications,posing a threat of losses of hundreds of billions of dollars.

How about building satellites instead of destroying them???? Is that a better option?

if you think that just by shooting down satellites you can prevent the impact of sanctions then I think till now North Korea would have tried as they have nothing to loose or gain. Moreover they do have long range missiles to do that.

You need to find better ways. Discover a biological weapon that can simply kill the world in 30 mins but doesn't harm the Pakistani gene that way world will always be at your gun point. And after entire world is dead Pakistanis can use the satellites and everything for their benefit.
You did not read the whole post?
First option is financial barriers by increasing world trade's reliance on Pakistan.
As last resort,when Pakistan cannot or does not want to escelate a conflict to an all out war... Disrupt satcom and induce financial losses on them...That is in a hypothetical scenario while Pakistan is suffering financially by crippling economic sanctions and wants to show fangs.The idea is to make sanctions on Pakustan or war on Pakistan as crippling for them as it will be for Pakistan.
Well for that Pakistan has to do a hell lot. Too much hypothetical. Not possible to do by 2020. Beyond that all can be vague speculation.

You did not read the whole post?
First option is financial barriers by increasing world trade's reliance on Pakistan.
As last resort,when Pakistan cannot or does not want to escelate a conflict to an all out war... Disrupt satcom and induce financial losses on them...That is in a hypothetical scenario while Pakistan is suffering financially by crippling economic sanctions and wants to show fangs.The idea is to make sanctions on Pakustan or war on Pakistan as crippling for them as it will be for Pakistan.
Well for that Pakistan has to do a hell lot. Too much hypothetical. Not possible to do by 2020. Beyond that all can be vague speculation.
This all could be great for Pakistan but there is a big but,you can forget all that if you dont solve you inner country problems.
First priority should be a good functioning government,as long as you dont have that this will be a fantasy.
I hope for Pakistan the future to be prosperous.
Well for that Pakistan has to do a hell lot. Too much hypothetical. Not possible to do by 2020. Beyond that all can be vague speculation.

Well for that Pakistan has to do a hell lot. Too much hypothetical. Not possible to do by 2020. Beyond that all can be vague speculation.

I know.
Thats why i proposed the most practical option.
Make Pakistan an international highway for world trade by fascilitating transit.
That way too many countries will rely on Pakistan for their trade.

Europe fought among each other like mad dogs in both world wars,but then they learned the trick.
Their unity isnt politucal,its financial.
They rely so much on each other for trade and finances that they simply cannot fight among each other and war on one european country will cause financial losses on others.Hence NATO.
How about building satellites instead of destroying them???? Is that a better option?

if you think that just by shooting down satellites you can prevent the impact of sanctions then I think till now North Korea would have tried as they have nothing to loose or gain. Moreover they do have long range missiles to do that.

You need to find better ways. Discover a biological weapon that can simply kill the world in 30 mins but doesn't harm the Pakistani gene that way world will always be at your gun point. And after entire world is dead Pakistanis can use the satellites and everything for their benefit.

I was referring to 'non mass murder' ways of effecting an attacking world power decisively.
Jamming a satellite or shooting it will take the effects of war all the way to their homes and will impose psycological effects and financial.
Currently they can bomb Kndhar or Basra to extinction or cripple Iranian economy without any effects felt in their homes.
Stock markey screens going blank.
TV signal or phone signal disappearing,banks not being able to process payments...these will be great psycological effects on morale of their citizens and they too will taste war/sanctions....
This sure will buy diplomatic leverage and deterrance for Pakistan.
@Safriz Non mass murder ways. ?

Dude airplanes, trains will be crashing, etc., communication channels are life line and the situation will become horrendous if the debris take out many satellites.

You are talking of an act that can possibly and indirectly kill friendly countries' people. Debris don't see whether it is Chinese, Russian, Indian or US satellite.
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@Safriz do you really think the West is declining Financially and technologically?? :blink:

As far as Satellites are concerned Eevry country will have their own satellites as space is considered as critical area in the defense of a country. Countries are spending more on space assets these days and there will be no monopoly of Chinese in this area.

ASAT do not mean hitting the satellite with a missile but it involves lot of other ways like denial of space assets, blinding satellites, hacking of satellites.
This involves lot of IT skill as well. First you people should know how to build a satellite and send it to space.
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I was referring to 'non mass murder' ways of effecting an attacking world power decisively.
Jamming a satellite or shooting it will take the effects of war all the way to their homes and will impose psycological effects and financial.
Currently they can bomb Kndhar or Basra to extinction or cripple Iranian economy without any effects felt in their homes.
Stock markey screens going blank.
TV signal or phone signal disappearing,banks not being able to process payments...these will be great psycological effects on morale of their citizens and they too will taste war/sanctions....
This sure will buy diplomatic leverage and deterrance for Pakistan.

Dude all I can say is the don't build a weapon that can deter Usa, build an economy that can deter Usa. This Asat dream is just too dangerous to humanity especially in the hands of Pakistan. The day Pakistan tests an asat weapon the next moring prolly wont be the same daily rountine. Before you can mass produce your Asat capable missiles you will be invaded and taken care of.
Intriguing thoughts, but for striking a stock exchange one has to bring down the entire internet infrastructure to halt trading, and there are probably dozens of such satellites in the orbit. And not to forget massive fiber optics cables under the ocean.

And if Pakistan somehow manages to do that, Pakistan be banged by even China, considering China is holding a massive $3 trillion dollars of US bonds electronically.
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