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Asaram disciples threatened, tried to bribe cops: Rajasthan police

1. I said if involved in criminal activities , they should be hanged . I think for most crimes IPC is soft on the culprits . Hanging only for the rarest of the rarest cases .WTF is that .

2. Fringe elements can be removed .They will come from time to time . Not taking action is not the answer .

3. Hinduism is not a hollow religion that it requires some fringe element to take the guard . Moreover these godmen are no saints . They are using Hinduism for their personal benefits .

4. Do you understand simple words . I did not passed any judgement . Look up the meaning of ' if ' .

LOL........So your suggestion is to hang anyone found guilty of any crime ? ..... or does your disregard for IPC extend only to godmen?

I have no idea about 'fringe element to take the guard' ....what does that even mean ? Guard against what ? Who are they guarding, How are they guarding, where have they claimed to guard anything ????? ....this suspiciously is beginning to look like a strawman.

Everyone Hindu uses Hinduism for their personal benefits. :cheesy: That is the whole point of Hinduism........ LOL.......you don't want people to use it for personal benefit ?

Now let me quote you,

These Godmen and their supporters are a disgrace for Hinduism and India .

If that is not passing judgement then I do not know what is. There is no 'IF' here :coffee: ..... stop trying to wriggle out of your own statement.
LOL........So your suggestion is to hang anyone found guilty of any crime ? ..... or does your disregard for IPC extend only to godmen?

Criminal cases which requires capital punishment not only for rarest of the rarest cases and for all .

I have no idea about 'fringe element to take the guard' ....what does that even mean ? Guard against what ? Who are they guarding, How are they guarding, where have they claimed to guard anything ????? ....this suspiciously is beginning to look like a strawman.

Your comment looked like you were proposing them as a guardian .

"The vacuum left by such giants will be then filled by others. All those who are impotent to defend Hinduisms have no moral authority to comment on the act of others."

Everyone Hindu uses Hinduism for their personal benefits. :cheesy: That is the whole point of Hinduism........ LOL.......you don't want people to use it for personal benefit ?

The personal benefit I was talking was where these godmen manipulates these masses and setup religion as a corporate industry ammassing wealth .

Now let me quote you,

If that is not passing judgement then I do not know what is. There is no 'IF' here :coffee: ..... stop trying to wriggle out of your own statement.

I stand by what I said , these godmen are a disgrace .

Whether asaram is guilty in this particular case , I don't know .
Criminal cases which requires capital punishment not only for rarest of the rarest cases and for all .

Your comment looked like you were proposing them as a guardian .

"The vacuum left by such giants will be then filled by others. All those who are impotent to defend Hinduisms have no moral authority to comment on the act of others."

The personal benefit I was talking was where these godmen manipulates these masses and setup religion as a corporate industry ammassing wealth .

I stand by what I said , these godmen are a disgrace .

Whether asaram is guilty in this particular case , I don't know .

These "godmen" are a disease, ravaging the body corporeal and ethereal of the nation and its people.

In their inanity and sheer absurdity they can match even the likes of the great Mullah Izzat Atiyya.

In their megalomania and egocentricity they can match the worst form of personality cults.

In their greed they have outdone even the scientologists, by a wide margin!

But above all, they are not common confidence men or hustlers, in stead they form a nexus of criminals of the worst kind who hide under the burkha of religious sanctity and holiness.
Criminal cases which requires capital punishment not only for rarest of the rarest cases and for all .

You earlier comment was for capital punishment for 'godmen'. You are now backtracking from it.

Your comment looked like you were proposing them as a guardian .

"The vacuum left by such giants will be then filled by others. All those who are impotent to defend Hinduisms have no moral authority to comment on the act of others."

In which parallel universe does my comment come across as that. My reply is clearly for those who comment on others.

The personal benefit I was talking was where these godmen manipulates these masses and setup religion as a corporate industry ammassing wealth .

By your logic, every church and priest (godmen) must be 'hanged' since they amass Billions of $ and is one of the largest Corporate industry which manipulates masses. Strangely your display too much cowardice to comment on them. All your bluster seems to be on Hindu godmen. How about comments seeking 'hanging' the Pope for keeping silence on pedophile priests and laundering Mafia money ? Where is your bluster now ?

I stand by what I said , these godmen are a disgrace .

Then have the integrity to comment on ALL Godmen including 'prophet' muhammed who amassed millions and attacked nations, kept slaves and Ruled over large part of arabia. Have the integrity and courage to comment on the Pope and stand by what you say. Let us see how much integrity your show now.
These "godmen" are a disease, ravaging the body corporeal and ethereal of the nation and its people.

In their inanity and sheer absurdity they can match even the likes of the great Mullah Izzat Atiyya.

In their megalomania and egocentricity they can match the worst form of personality cults.

In their greed they have outdone even the scientologists, by a wide margin!

But above all, they are not common confidence men or hustlers, in stead they form a nexus of criminals of the worst kind who hide under the burkha of religious sanctity and holiness.

The same is true for any "Politician" and politics, any "Judge" and judiciary or any "Bureaucrat" and bureaucracy.

Then why the double standards ?
These "godmen" are a disease, ravaging the body corporeal and ethereal of the nation and its people.

In their inanity and sheer absurdity they can match even the likes of the great Mullah Izzat Atiyya.

In their megalomania and egocentricity they can match the worst form of personality cults.

In their greed they have outdone even the scientologists, by a wide margin!

But above all, they are not common confidence men or hustlers, in stead they form a nexus of criminals of the worst kind who hide under the burkha of religious sanctity and holiness.

Wo sab baat theek hai but how are people so stupid that they come under influence of these "babas". Log itne c***ye kaise ho jaate hain :confused:
The same is true for any "Politician", any "Judge" or any "Bureaucrat".

Then why the double standards ?

Politicians and bureaucrats do not claim to be the viceroys of god, or more than human, or great sanyasis who can "heal" people. Their perfidious behavior and decadence is equally disgusting but it is absent the denigration of the religious faiths themselves.

The vast majority of these babas, swamis, mullahs, fathers, grand muftis and the likes are rogues. But then the brainwashed masses deserve them too so I will not be advocating any exemplary punishments for them on my part.

Till date the only Swamis worthy of their title have been Vivekananda and Ramkrishna, among the fathers one may find solitary examples but the rest are confessional booth buggers and Attiya's shenanigans have covered the mullahs for the next hundred years or so.

Wo sab baat theek hai but how are people so stupid that they come under influence of these "babas". Log itne c***ye kaise ho jaate hain :confused:

You'll find specimens everywhere, from PDF to millionaire businessmen and across ALL religions (even the one's which claim having only one entity worthy of worship). Dafa karo, bhugatne do nakabil-e-ilaj paglon ko.
Politicians and bureaucrats do not claim to be the viceroys of god, or more than human, or great sanyasis who can "heal" people. Their perfidious behavior and decadence is equally disgusting but it is absent the denigration of the religious faiths themselves.

The vast majority of these babas, swamis, mullahs, fathers, grand muftis and the likes are rogues. But then the brainwashed masses deserve them too so I will not be advocating any exemplary punishments for them on my part.

In your hurry to reply you did not read properly,

Godmen have their religion,

Politicians have their politics,

Judges have their judiciary,

Bureaucrat have their bureaucracy.

They claim to be 'Gandhis' and great leader who can 'heal' our system or grant personal favors in exchange for votes, money or favor. How is it any different from godmen ?

The vast majority of these politicians, judges and bureaucrats are also rogues. Why not demonstrate your 'righteousness' by making similar comments on them too ?
In your hurry to reply you did not read properly,

Godmen have their religion,

Politicians have their politics,

Judges have their judiciary,

Bureaucrat have their bureaucracy.

They claim to be 'Gandhis' and great leader who can 'heal' our system or grant personal favors in exchange for votes, money or favor. How is it any different from godmen ?

The vast majority of these politicians, judges and bureaucrats are also rogues. Why not demonstrate your 'righteousness' by making similar comments on them too ?

Have done so enough times. One sticks to the topic and target at hand, cogency and coherency may be alien attributes to you and your ilk perhaps.

Every condemnation of an individual or class of culprits need not be accompanied by a condemnation of everyone else guilty of the same or similar crimes. Your argument reeks of fallacious logic.

When the issue of politicians shall be broached in the appropriate thread my views on them shall be expressed, the same shall hold true for lawyers, truck drivers, rag-pickers, squirrels and the lot.

Or do you condemn every single dynastic and corrupt politician every time you criticize the likes of Sonia or the great duffer VC. Or do you mention every single able administrator EVER born till date when you mention and praise Modi jee? If not then you had better begin to incorporate the required addendum lest you be accused of selective bias.
Have done so enough times. One sticks to the topic and target at hand, cogency and coherency may be alien attributes to you and your ilk perhaps.

Every condemnation of an individual or class of culprits need not be accompanied by a condemnation of everyone else guilty of the same or similar crimes. Your argument reeks of fallacious logic.

When the issue of politicians shall be broached in the appropriate thread my views on them shall be expressed, the same shall hold true for lawyers, truck drivers, rag-pickers, squirrels and the lot.

Or do you condemn every single dynastic and corrupt politician every time you criticize the likes of Sonia or the great duffer VC. Or do you mention every single able administrator EVER born till date when you mention and praise Modi jee? If not then you had better begin to incorporate the required addendum lest you be accused of selective bias.

The double standards for measuring godmen is the topic but you seem to be more interested in mouthing profanities and passing poor judgement at other, including godmen. That must be your attribute and that of you ilk.

Its your eagerness to jump onto the 'righteousness' bandwagon and playing to the gallery that highlights your fallacious logic of painting all 'godmen' with the same brush.

It is those who indulge in bad mouthing others who need to be specific and define boundaries of their comments. It is you who demonstrate bias in your eagerness to criticize godmen, not me. So when you find me criticizing rag pickers and squirrels ,you can question me then, not before.
The double standards for measuring godmen is the topic but you seem to be more interested in mouthing profanities and passing poor judgement at other, including godmen. That must be your attribute and that of you ilk.

Its your eagerness to jump onto the 'righteousness' bandwagon and playing to the gallery that highlights your fallacious logic of painting all 'godmen' with the same brush.

It is those who indulge in bad mouthing others who need to be specific and define boundaries of their comments. It is you who demonstrate bias in your eagerness to criticize godmen, not me. So when you find me criticizing rag pickers and squirrels ,you can question me then, not before.

It is tedious to engage with those who's proclivities force them to engage in association fallacies. Since the topic is godmen, in fact one godman in particular, it is you who has injected irrelevant detritus through logorrhea into the discussion by bringing up politicians and bureaucrats. Failure to comprehend that renders any further posts or arguments an exercise in sheer futility.
@Mritunjaya .. show me some godmen who dont lie or cheat their followers...
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It is tedious to engage with those who's proclivities force them to engage in association fallacies. Since the topic is godmen, in fact one godman in particular, it is you who has injected irrelevant detritus through logorrhea into the discussion by bringing up politicians and bureaucrats. Failure to comprehend that renders any further posts or arguments an exercise in sheer futility.

Your ineptness to comprehend analogies is what appears as detritus to the doltish mind. A pity it put a dampener on your logorrhea on godmen. Good luck in finding a less vicious substitute that appear to compensate for personal inadequacies.

@Mritunjaya .. show me some godmen who dont lie or cheat their followers...

I could ....but what is the point ? ........how are you going to determine that their whole concept (of god or its equivalent) is not a lie and they are not cheating you ?
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You earlier comment was for capital punishment for 'godmen'. You are now backtracking from it.

Not my problem that you have comprehension problems .

In which parallel universe does my comment come across as that. My reply is clearly for those who comment on others.

As an INdian and a Hindu , I have my rights to comment on it .

By your logic, every church and priest (godmen) must be 'hanged' since they amass Billions of $ and is one of the largest Corporate industry which manipulates masses. Strangely your display too much cowardice to comment on them. All your bluster seems to be on Hindu godmen. How about comments seeking 'hanging' the Pope for keeping silence on pedophile priests and laundering Mafia money ? Where is your bluster now ?

Church and temple are different from godmen .

And my comment is not restricted to Hinduism but all those who uses religion .

What happens to pope is none of my concern as he is neither Indian nor Hindu and the matter does not have any connection with India ???

Then have the integrity to comment on ALL Godmen including 'prophet' muhammed who amassed millions and attacked nations, kept slaves and Ruled over large part of arabia. Have the integrity and courage to comment on the Pope and stand by what you say. Let us see how much integrity your show now.

Read above .
Not my problem that you have comprehension problems .

As an INdian and a Hindu , I have my rights to comment on it .

Church and temple are different from godmen .

And my comment is not restricted to Hinduism but all those who uses religion .

What happens to pope is none of my concern as he is neither Indian nor Hindu and the matter does not have any connection with India ???

Read above .

Your problem is not my comprehension but your inability to face up to your own post. Rights comes after Responsibilities in the scheme of things. How is Church, Temple and their priests different from godmen ? Godmen are people who claim to represent god and can communicate with god. That is exactly what priests do. Hypocricy much ?

Pope still happens to be a significant godman for all Roman Catholics in India. How is it now suddenly not your problem ? :angel:...I thought you had the courage and integrity to comment on all godmen affecting Indians :azn: how about a comment on the archbishop of Mumbai who is keeping a rationalist away by threatening him with blasphemy laws ?? :devil:...that good enough for you ?
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