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Asad Umar attacks Sectarianism over Coronavirus

How is blaming Iran for something is sectarianism and crossing red line?

It isn't, but hating our Shias because of Iranian policies, is.

trying to paint it as a conspiracy by Iran is crossing a line.

No. You can call it just another conspiracy theory and ignore it but it certainly cannot be termed as crossing a red line.

Crossing a red line is when you start hating your own Shia brethren because of it.
Trying to paint it as a conspiracy by Iran is crossing a line. The Iranians are suffering more than most other countries because of their poor response to the infection. You think they did that in purpose? You think they wanted so many of their citizens to be infected and die and their already struggling economy to suffer even more?
I know they are under sanctions don't have health facilities etc. But saying something against Iran is not sectarianism. Anti Pakistan army and anti government propaganda is allowed here. You can say anything against other countries but if someone says something against Iran it is called sectarianism.
Excellent response by Asad Umar against people spreading sectarian hatred over Coronavirus

While accepting that some vested interested are using this issue for their own agenda, the majority of people are venting their anger at Iran.

I understand Pakistani citizens spend a lot of money and bring foreign exchange to Iran with these "ziyarats", on would expect Iran to give them some sort of relief. All we know, from government sources, that these Pakistanis were pushed over into Pakistan, with their exit stamps on passport, like herded animals. Even FM Qureshi raised concerns about Iran behaviour.

Bigger question is, would Pakistani Shias, like usual brush these Iranian shenanigans under the carpet, and disappoint the rest of Pakistanis?
People without talent or qualifications are hired or promoted all the time all over the world. It is not a Shia or Sunni thing rather human nature and only strong institutional controls prevent it.

Who is saying it happens only in Shia ? I just mentioned the Jewish Lobby , there is similar lobbying in ME, ask anyone who works in UAE how difficult for Shia to find a job In UAE is .. I call that Lobbying to , 3 years ago my brother lost the job, because of a Lahori Punjabi Manage who brought his cousin on my brothers position , that was also nepotism and Lobbying, but a different kind , Ask anyone from UAE specially India , Mallu prefer other Mallu 's .

There is a concept called ‘networking’ in industry - it refers to building contacts and friendships with other people in the hope that it gives you an advantage if/when the time comes. When candidates are interviewed by a manager, the manager’s personal likes/dislikes and preferences will always come into play.

Not if your boss is Naqvi, he will surely Hire or prefer Abbassi or Jafri over Omar or Usman , the power of Sectarianism is strong, Look at yourself in Mirror you are one Example of it.. You are keep Deleting my Posts, despite none of them has any hate or incitement of violence or violate any Rule of PDF, you delete them because you want to control the narrative here .. :) Talk about Freedom of Speech
I know they are under sanctions don't have health facilities etc. But saying something against Iran is not sectarianism. Anti Pakistan army and anti government propaganda is allowed here. You can say anything against other countries but if someone says something against Iran it is called sectarianism.
I said it’s crossing a line, not that it’s outright sectarianism. And when people push conspiracy theories against the Army or PTI we similarly calm them out. We have labeled anti-Army leftists as traitors & anti-Pakistani for promoting lies and propaganda.

No one is being stopped from expressing legitimate criticism of Iran - I posted a thread based on an article by Foreign Policy in Iran’s failures myself. It discussed the Iranian governments failures in combating COVID-19 factually without resort to conspiracy theories. That is what is needed.

What is the point of lies and conspiracy theories about Iran spreading the virus deliberately other than to use it as an indirect way of spreading sectarianism?
Calling out Iran openly is sectarianism, when they shove a stick up yours then you should smile and say muslim brotherhood doesnt hurt.

For these same people badmouthing west, india, hindus, israel and jews is all acceptable, but saying anything against Iran is "unacceptable", Iraniyo say kiya rishtaydari hai inn logo ki meri samajh say bahar hai.
While accepting that some vested interested are using this issue for their own agenda, the majority of people are venting their anger at Iran.

I understand Pakistani citizens spend a lot of money and bring foreign exchange to Iran with these "ziyarats", on would expect Iran to give them some sort of relief. All we know, from government sources, that these Pakistanis were pushed over into Pakistan, with their exit stamps on passport, like herded animals. Even FM Qureshi raised concerns about Iran behaviour.

Bigger question is, would Pakistani Shias, like usual brush these Iranian shenanigans under the carpet, and disappoint the rest of Pakistanis?
While accepting that some vested interested are using this issue for their own agenda, the majority of people are venting their anger at Iran.

I understand Pakistani citizens spend a lot of money and bring foreign exchange to Iran with these "ziyarats", on would expect Iran to give them some sort of relief. All we know, from government sources, that these Pakistanis were pushed over into Pakistan, with their exit stamps on passport, like herded animals. Even FM Qureshi raised concerns about Iran behaviour.

Bigger question is, would Pakistani Shias, like usual brush these Iranian shenanigans under the carpet, and disappoint the rest of Pakistanis?
Ian’s behavior was poor, but they did it out of panic. What do you want Pakistani Shia to do here? Pakistani Shia don’t go around demanding Pakistani Sunnis to ‘demonstrate’ their anger at the Saudi and Emirati betrayal of Pakistan’s interests WRT India.

The responsibility is with the Pakistani government to engage with Iran once the situation is under control to get better facilities for Pakistanis and come up with better measures for any similar future situation.
I said it’s crossing a line, not that it’s outright sectarianism. And when people push conspiracy theories against the Army or PTI we similarly calm them out. We have labeled anti-Army leftists as traitors & anti-Pakistani for promoting lies and propaganda.

No one is being stopped from expressing legitimate criticism of Iran - I posted a thread based on an article by Foreign Policy in Iran’s failures myself. It discussed the Iranian governments failures in combating COVID-19 factually without resort to conspiracy theories. That is what is needed.

What is the point of lies and conspiracy theories about Iran spreading the virus deliberately other than to use it as an indirect way of spreading sectarianism?
I don't believe in these anti Iran conspiracy theories. I was only saying Iran should be treated like all other normal countries at PDF. But if someone is spreading hatred against some sect he should be stopped.
The Irony of this Forum is that Mods like @AgNoStiC MuSliM who use words like Sectarianism a lot, and ban people for it , I am pretty sure he Doesn't even know what that Word means .. :lol: No wonder the reputation of this forum is going down the drains .
For these same people badmouthing west, india, hindus, israel and jews is all acceptable, but saying anything against Iran is "unacceptable", Iraniyo say kiya rishtaydari hai inn logo ki meri samajh say bahar hai.
If someone posted a thread about COVID-19 being an Israeli conspiracy without any credible supporting evidence, I would delete that as well.
I have criticized Iran repeatedly in terms of their poor response to control COVID-19, but trying to argue that Iran did this as some kind of a conspiracy is crossing a line. And there have been dozens of threads about the influx of infected Pakistanis from Iran.

conspiracy is when actions are hidden, when you see the action (and this is not the only time) then you don't look for conspiracy
Bhai, your posts indeed do reek of sectarianism and hatred towards a certain community/sect... This is not the time .. United we stand, divided we fall

Sectarianism Against Who, and to counter who ? I am sorry but Speaking the Truth ain't Sectarianism ..
Trying to paint it as a conspiracy by Iran is crossing a line. The Iranians are suffering more than most other countries because of their poor response to the infection. You think they did that in purpose? You think they wanted so many of their citizens to be infected and die and their already struggling economy to suffer even more?
No one has done that,and we feel sympathy towards Iranian people but we do have problem with the Iranian way of treating Pakistani shias in current time of pandemic.They didn't warned Pakistan about the fact that,they have been hit that worst and that to knowing the fact that Qom is worst hit and thousands of Pakistanis are there and number of Pakistanis must have been infected.They just started cricling and dumping them on Border,which is hardly equipped to handle such operations.
Don't you think by doing that, they have not only endangered lives of thousands of Pakistanis and have put million on risk?
P.S:-I suggest PDF should put a notice regarding ban on criticising any policy related to Iran,it would solve this issue once and for all.
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