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As world opinion turns, Israeli soldiers parade their tyranny

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Another pic that is circulating in internet for over 15 years. Whats the problem of it?

1) There is no any source of that pic. Who and when made it. So it easily could be a fake too.
2) Nowhere u can find any other pic from same event. So u cant find what happened there before and after that pic and increases chances that its fake.

And finally the fact that Israel haters are posting one pic again and again for 15 years shows that they have nothing else to show. Even in this thread they repost it twice.
Another pic that is circulating in internet for over 15 years. Whats the problem of it?

1) There is no any source of that pic. Who and when made it. So it easily could be a fake too.
2) Nowhere u can find any other pic from same event. So u cant find what happened there before and after that pic and increases chances that its fake.

And finally the fact that Israel haters are posting one pic again and again for 15 years shows that they have nothing else to show. Even in this thread they repost it twice.

How about I question the validity of wether the holocaust happened or not, while you question the validity of the picture. Eye for an eye - Talmud.
They are like this telling world is against muslim,usa against musilm,india against muslim, Israel against muslim etc and for one photo and forgeting 200 childrens where kidnaped and thretend to be raped by a muslim group
Lots of fake propaganda against Israel aside, this is what you get when you do bad karma. Don't use child suicide bombers (no suicide bombers would be better, no bombings would be far more ideal) and children will not be shot at.... accept the fact and use non-violence to get what you can salvage..... Don't use victim card when you are the perpetrator....
They hate each other much more. Israeli-Arab conflict is just baby fight compare to wars they make between each other.
Thanks to say zionist Al Qaeda destroy everything like JEWS destroy everything

Thanks to admit that zionist Al Qaeda give Israel short wars by never helping sunnis palestinians
Doesn't matter what you say, no self respecting soldier would aim his rifle at an unarmed civilian, forget schoolgirls! Pathetic as usual!

Happens all the time. Seal Time Six setup a protective cordon in Abbottabad,
and threatened to kill people approaching.

Civilians participating in riots attacking soldiers are likely to be shot.

The wise civilian keeps out of harms way, and the wise leaders
use specially trained policeforces, to avoid having people killed.

That said, I don't doubt that Palestinians get roughed up, sometimes with cause,
and sometimes without.

The Palestinian stepping on a child, definitely should be roughed up.
Never seen an Israeli soldier wearing that uniform on news,
and the lack of reaction from bystanders is telling.
The only sensible thing you have said in this post!

Yes, but I compare it with suicide bombers, and grade it accordingly.
Palestinians would be in a much better position morally, if they followed the
Geneva Convention as regards to attacks on civilians.

While Israeli soldiers may violate this at times, and I would not argue against
that they do it more often, I consistently see that the Palestinians are
performing the worst violations and exhibit total contempt for the conventions.

Only when the Geneva Conventions suit the Palestinians they want them applied.

Please leave discussions on settlements for other threads, and lets keep this thread
on treatment of civilians.

Yes, but I compare it with suicide bombers, and grade it accordingly.
Palestinians would be in a much better position morally, if they followed the
Geneva Convention as regards to attacks on civilians.

While Israeli soldiers may violate this at times, and I would not argue against
that they do it more often, I consistently see that the Palestinians are
performing the worst violations and exhibit total contempt for the conventions.

Only when the Geneva Conventions suit the Palestinians they want them applied.

Please leave discussions on settlements for other threads, and lets keep this thread
on treatment of civilians.


This is how it all starts, subtle support of the zionists and then full blown lunacy.

It's not only sad, but disgusting and pathetic, how people justify israel's unlawful occupation, atrocities and barbarism!
This is how it all starts, subtle support of the zionists and then full blown lunacy.

It's not only sad, but disgusting and pathetic, how people justify israel's unlawful occupation, atrocities and barbarism!

No justification, this is discussed elsewhere on PDF, so it is not neccessary to discuss it here.

You want people to condemn Israelis only. Otherwise you brand it as lunacy.
I see Israelis sometimes acting beyond the law, and in some of those cases I see the Israelis beeing convicted
by Israeli law.
I do not remember seeing any Palestinians beeing convicted by Palestinians for doing the same vs Israelis.

You enter a state of denial, instead of admitting obvious atrocities. You can't admit that blowing
up a bus, is worse than pointing a gun at someone. Instead you justify the atrocity.

A crime performed by one side, is not justifying crimes by another side in my rule book, so you
are out fighting windmills.

Don't bother replying, I am ignoring You from now.
No justification, this is discussed elsewhere on PDF, so it is not neccessary to discuss it here.

You want people to condemn Israelis only. Otherwise you brand it as lunacy.
I see Israelis sometimes acting beyond the law, and in some of those cases I see the Israelis beeing convicted
by Israeli law.
I do not remember seeing any Palestinians beeing convicted by Palestinians for doing the same vs Israelis.

You enter a state of denial, instead of admitting obvious atrocities. You can't admit that blowing
up a bus, is worse than pointing a gun at someone. Instead you justify the atrocity.

A crime performed by one side, is not justifying crimes by another side in my rule book, so you
are out fighting windmills.

Don't bother replying, I am ignoring You from now.

Israel is unlawfully occupying Palestine, NOT the other way around you lunatic!

IF you walked into my house, I would have every right under the law to defend my self, be it with a kitchen knife or an ak47!
You deprive them of their basic human rights, shoot inncoent civilians and then have the audacity to play the victim card!

You can ignore me, but there are a lot like me on this forum who you won't be able to ignore. Lets see how long you can talk your lunatic BS!

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They are like this telling world is against muslim,usa against musilm,india against muslim, Israel against muslim etc and for one photo and forgeting 200 childrens where kidnaped and thretend to be raped by a muslim group
R u forgetting how many innocent muslims were killed by Israelis in Palestine and lebnon. And r u also forgetting how many innocent people were killed by USA in Iraq, Afghanistan and in pakistan. And r u also forgetting how many innocent people were killed by india in Kashmir.

No justification, this is discussed elsewhere on PDF, so it is not neccessary to discuss it here.

You want people to condemn Israelis only. Otherwise you brand it as lunacy.
I see Israelis sometimes acting beyond the law, and in some of those cases I see the Israelis beeing convicted
by Israeli law.
I do not remember seeing any Palestinians beeing convicted by Palestinians for doing the same vs Israelis.

You enter a state of denial, instead of admitting obvious atrocities. You can't admit that blowing
up a bus, is worse than pointing a gun at someone. Instead you justify the atrocity.

A crime performed by one side, is not justifying crimes by another side in my rule book, so you
are out fighting windmills.

Don't bother replying, I am ignoring You from now.

Yes Israeli are being convicted by Israel law and that's why they kept on attacking innocent Palestinians.
And Yes blowing up bus is bad but blowing up the whole city by your jets is worst.
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