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As ties between Afghanistan and India deepens, Afghan refugees in Pakistan feel the heat


Jan 20, 2013
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United States
I almost don't believe this -- Pakistanis waking up??? is that even possibly?

Article here, excerpts below:

For Samihullah, a tailor from a family of Afghan refugees in Pakistan, the first indication that it might be time to leave the country was the insults levelled at him in the bazaar. Born to refugee parents in the northern Pakistani town of Mansehra, he never gained citizenship but was always considered an Afghan, something which began to count against him as local resentment grew over Afghanistan’s deepening ties with India.


“Afghans used to be called ‘Kabuli’ in Pakistan, but now Pakistanis call them ‘Hindus’ because we signed economic agreements with India,” said Samihullah, who, like many Afghans, goes by one name.


“They were telling us, we chose India’s friendship so we should go to India. We were hiding in our shops and homes to avoid being arrested,” Samihullah said.


These people were our guests, we kept them in our house. Afghanistan should be grateful to us,” said a Pakistani army official based in the southern city of Quetta.

“Instead it … has become buddies with India, it’s like stabbing us in the back.”
I almost don't believe this -- Pakistanis waking up??? is that even possibly?

Article here, excerpts below:

For Samihullah, a tailor from a family of Afghan refugees in Pakistan, the first indication that it might be time to leave the country was the insults levelled at him in the bazaar. Born to refugee parents in the northern Pakistani town of Mansehra, he never gained citizenship but was always considered an Afghan, something which began to count against him as local resentment grew over Afghanistan’s deepening ties with India.


“Afghans used to be called ‘Kabuli’ in Pakistan, but now Pakistanis call them ‘Hindus’ because we signed economic agreements with India,” said Samihullah, who, like many Afghans, goes by one name.


“They were telling us, we chose India’s friendship so we should go to India. We were hiding in our shops and homes to avoid being arrested,” Samihullah said.


These people were our guests, we kept them in our house. Afghanistan should be grateful to us,” said a Pakistani army official based in the southern city of Quetta.

“Instead it … has become buddies with India, it’s like stabbing us in the back.”
Yes west Indian border means Pak Afghan border in the code of RAW.
I almost don't believe this -- Pakistanis waking up??? is that even possibly?

We were always awake it is just that Kabulis did not get it they thought we are fools who had given them equal rights in our country ........... they should have known a Pakistani will bear with their crimes and killing they brought to our country but back stabbing and courting our eternal enemy would never have been tolerated. It was a simple miscalculation these Kabulis made .............. when they burnt our flags, they burnt our love and sincere wishes too with those flags. What's left is ashes of one sided brotherhood.
I almost don't believe this -- Pakistanis waking up??? is that even possibly?

Article here, excerpts below:

For Samihullah, a tailor from a family of Afghan refugees in Pakistan, the first indication that it might be time to leave the country was the insults levelled at him in the bazaar. Born to refugee parents in the northern Pakistani town of Mansehra, he never gained citizenship but was always considered an Afghan, something which began to count against him as local resentment grew over Afghanistan’s deepening ties with India.


“Afghans used to be called ‘Kabuli’ in Pakistan, but now Pakistanis call them ‘Hindus’ because we signed economic agreements with India,” said Samihullah, who, like many Afghans, goes by one name.


“They were telling us, we chose India’s friendship so we should go to India. We were hiding in our shops and homes to avoid being arrested,” Samihullah said.


These people were our guests, we kept them in our house. Afghanistan should be grateful to us,” said a Pakistani army official based in the southern city of Quetta.

“Instead it … has become buddies with India, it’s like stabbing us in the back.”

My friend @pakistani342, you can do better than this :) You and I know that the commoners in any country are like sheeps, with short memory span and once you shape the narrative and they follow suit. You are brother one day and enemy the next based what TOP is feeding you.

The narrative Afghans as bad is being shaped at the military level right now because the Afghans are standing up to GHQ. The afghans were brothers when Zia/military were using Afghans to stop the Soviets in Afghanistan, you know the old slogans and thus it shaped the minds of the common Pakistanis, now its vice versa..

Anyways no hard feelings here, it is just that the Afghans have live this through for a bit longer, the tide is turning and GHQ will do business with Ghani sooner rather than later ;)

Peace be with you :)
afghans are sometime very delusional in there thoughts.not all but some majority.i have personal experiances with them.the travel on pakistani passport and abuse pakistan. very depressing keeping in mind the help we provided them.
My friend @pakistani342, you can do better than this :) You and I know that the commoners in any country are like sheeps, with short memory span and once you shape the narrative and they follow suit. You are brother one day and enemy the next based what TOP is feeding you.

The narrative Afghans as bad is being shaped at the military level right now because the Afghans are standing up to GHQ. The afghans were brothers when Zia/military were using Afghans to stop the Soviets in Afghanistan, you know the old slogans and thus it shaped the minds of the common Pakistanis, now its vice versa..

Anyways no hard feelings here, it is just that the Afghans have live this through for a bit longer, the tide is turning and GHQ will do business with Ghani sooner rather than later ;)

Peace be with you :)
dear same can be said about afghans.what bad was that when we started supporting the pashtoons wich was natural.we didnt had any country to hurt but only to help common afghans.u can deny all pakistani efforts as much u like but history cant be changed by any amout of indian aid.there is a reason some mountains are named hindukush.but as u said people in masses only speak what is fed to them.so u guys are now dancing on indian tunes.but there is some limits to everything.geography is a bitch here u know....
dear same can be said about afghans.what bad was that when we started supporting the pashtoons wich was natural.we didnt had any country to hurt but only to help common afghans.u can deny all pakistani efforts as much u like but history cant be changed by any amout of indian aid.there is a reason some mountains are named hindukush.but as u said people in masses only speak what is fed to them.so u guys are now dancing on indian tunes.but there is some limits to everything.geography is a bitch here u know....

supporting pashtoons?

Here is a video for you when the Afghans were brothers :)

Anyways as I said the commoners will follow rightly or wrongly what the top is feeding them, for Pak military Afghans are and were just another commodity that they used for their interests. So when Afghans were needed or when they were subservients to **** military then they were brothers but since Afghans are now standing up to GHQ for their interests and thus Afghans are bad now :)

Anyways this is common in statecraft but just letting you know that we are no fools.


afghans are sometime very delusional in there thoughts.not all but some majority.i have personal experiances with them.the travel on pakistani passport and abuse pakistan. very depressing keeping in mind the help we provided them.

Those Afghans that abuse Pakistanis or Pakistan should be ashamed and be condemned.

BTW there are thousands of Pakistanis who have been using Afghan identity to seek refuge in the west, mostly Pakhto speaking Pakistanis, and this is not exaggeration but first hand knowledge.

/ Peace
supporting pashtoons?

Here is a video for you when the Afghans were brothers :)

Anyways as I said the commoners will follow rightly or wrongly what the top is feeding them, for Pak military Afghans are and were just another commodity that they used for their interests. So when Afghans were needed or when they were subservients to **** military then they were brothers but since Afghans are now standing up to GHQ for their interests and thus Afghans are bad now :)

Anyways this is common in statecraft but just letting you know that we are no fools.


Those Afghans that abuse Pakistanis or Pakistan should be ashamed and be condemned.

BTW there are thousands of Pakistanis who have been using Afghan identity to seek refuge in the west, mostly Pakhto speaking Pakistanis, and this is not exaggeration but first hand knowledge.

/ Peace
dear all i want to say here is.
1,as u said commonerswill follow whats fed to them.thats my point that ur gov is feeding u anty pakistan seniments.and GHQ hooplas which in my guess is only a mountain from the mole hill.afhanistan was given to americans when they invaded u guys.ever wonder why the started from north and west and not from south and east where talibans were majority.and no afghans are never said bad on national tv or any official capacity,but people are actually fed up of this pro india bitch crying.and this word statecraft....i m sure u took it from gen asad durranis interview.
2.and still on daily basis afghans spit venom on pakistan.
3.pakistanis traveling on not only afghan identity but also on syrian identity.i know the facts.but thats not even 1% of afghans traveling on pakistani one.
Hate Afghans

Abuse em and send them back home

Aslong as those namak haram's are out of the country then I dont care

Pakistan has a long memory and Ghanai's recent anti Pakistan activities will be remembered
I almost don't believe this -- Pakistanis waking up??? is that even possibly?

Article here, excerpts below:

For Samihullah, a tailor from a family of Afghan refugees in Pakistan, the first indication that it might be time to leave the country was the insults levelled at him in the bazaar. Born to refugee parents in the northern Pakistani town of Mansehra, he never gained citizenship but was always considered an Afghan, something which began to count against him as local resentment grew over Afghanistan’s deepening ties with India.


“Afghans used to be called ‘Kabuli’ in Pakistan, but now Pakistanis call them ‘Hindus’ because we signed economic agreements with India,” said Samihullah, who, like many Afghans, goes by one name.


“They were telling us, we chose India’s friendship so we should go to India. We were hiding in our shops and homes to avoid being arrested,” Samihullah said.


These people were our guests, we kept them in our house. Afghanistan should be grateful to us,” said a Pakistani army official based in the southern city of Quetta.

“Instead it … has become buddies with India, it’s like stabbing us in the back.”
supporting pashtoons?

Here is a video for you when the Afghans were brothers :)

Anyways as I said the commoners will follow rightly or wrongly what the top is feeding them, for Pak military Afghans are and were just another commodity that they used for their interests. So when Afghans were needed or when they were subservients to **** military then they were brothers but since Afghans are now standing up to GHQ for their interests and thus Afghans are bad now :)

Anyways this is common in statecraft but just letting you know that we are no fools.


Those Afghans that abuse Pakistanis or Pakistan should be ashamed and be condemned.

BTW there are thousands of Pakistanis who have been using Afghan identity to seek refuge in the west, mostly Pakhto speaking Pakistanis, and this is not exaggeration but first hand knowledge.

/ Peace

it is not a big deal i have seen many afghans who were involved in drug smuggling in gcc r caught having Pakistani passports they r bringing bad name on us shame shame
it is not a big deal i have seen many afghans who were involved in drug smuggling in gcc r caught having Pakistani passports they r bringing bad name on us shame shame
exactly my point.namak harami on steroids
Hate Afghans

Abuse em and send them back home

Aslong as those namak haram's are out of the country then I dont care

Pakistan has a long memory and Ghanai's recent anti Pakistan activities will be remembered

@waz Please do the needful regarding this clown.Cursing
they should go back as soon as possible to their country if they are not getting good treatement here,

our incompetent govt should enforce visa on western border like eastern border..
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