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As ties between Afghanistan and India deepens, Afghan refugees in Pakistan feel the heat

Here is a video for you when the Afghans were brothers :)
Lala you are still our brothers,but you know what burning Flag of a country means.That was flag which was once symbol of life for those who were running away from soviet bombers.
Frankly speaking Afghanistan can't harm us,she can only Aid India.
My friend @pakistani342, you can do better than this :) You and I know that the commoners in any country are like sheeps, with short memory span and once you shape the narrative and they follow suit. You are brother one day and enemy the next based what TOP is feeding you.

Yes and no -- can you imagine the People of Pakistan being vehemently Anti-Saudi -- Anti-Turk -- Anti--Malaysia -- ...
Further no government in Pakistan can do what the Afghan government did without drawing huge rebuke from the Pakistani population (notice the expulsion of Afghan refugees draws huge criticisms from large sections of Pakistani society).

My friend @pakistani342
The narrative Afghans as bad is being shaped at the military level right now because the Afghans are standing up to GHQ. The afghans were brothers when Zia/military were using Afghans to stop the Soviets in Afghanistan, you know the old slogans and thus it shaped the minds of the common Pakistanis, now its vice versa..

Again this is simply not true and I think this is where Afghans make the mistake.

What Afghans don't understand is that:
1. The Pakistani grand-ma who gave the money, she secretly saves under her mattress, to Afghans (and still will) was NOT motivated by the military or some political leader
2. The kid who in middle school gave up her pocket money for some collection or that for Afghan refugees was NOT motivated by the military or some political leader
3. For example in my own family when people raised money for Afghans -- the elders would often joke or sometimes let slip how Afghans have always been hostile to us -- but it was almost a taboo subject to say so and almost still is

What the Afghan people's tragedy is that they simply have failed to grasp that after living in Pakistan for 40 years.

That is why their treatment is like "traitors" and NOT simply the enemy

Anyways no hard feelings here, it is just that the Afghans have live this through for a bit longer, the tide is turning and GHQ will do business with Ghani sooner rather than later ;)

Peace be with you :)

Again -- I think you are missing the point. Ashraf Ghani's daughter is an Artist in Brooklyn -- his son is a Professor at U Washington. Ghani sab helicoptered in one fine day over a decade ago -- no matter how qualified or well meaning he may seen -- the social covenant will have to be between the Afghan and Pakistani people -- short of that the GHQ is more or less good at what they do, they are a product of hard evolution (unlike Ghani sab) -- remember the GHQ took on the USSR a full year before the world (including the US choose to tepidly start helping them) and the USSR was a near super power not bound by moral compulsions like the US and Pakistan has just be cut in half by India and was under sanctions (1979)

There is probably no the tide turning but that it's not about the tide -- it is simply that the world is round

So again the tragedy is that the Afghans still believe the world is flat -- difficult to navigate the modern world if your conception of physics is wrong.
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Yes and no -- can you imagine the People of Pakistan being vehemently Anti-Saudi -- Anti-Turk -- Anti--Malaysia -- ...
Further no government in Pakistan can do what the Afghan government did without drawing huge rebuke from the Pakistani population (notice the expulsion of Afghan refugees draws huge criticisms from large sections of Pakistani society).

Again this is simply not true and I think this is where Afghans make the mistake.

What Afghans don't understand is that:
1. The Pakistani grand-ma who gave the money, she secretly saves under her mattress, to Afghans (and still will) was NOT motivated by the military or some political leader
2. The kid who in middle school gave up her pocket money for some collection or that for Afghan refugees was NOT motivated by the military or some political leader
3. For example in my own family when people raised money for Afghans -- the elders would often joke or sometimes let slip how Afghans have always been hostile to us -- but it was almost a taboo subject to say so and almost still is

What the Afghan people's tragedy is that they simply have failed to grasp that after living in Pakistan for 40 years.

That is why their treatment is like "traitors" and NOT simply the enemy

Again -- I think you are missing the point. Ashraf Ghani's daughter is an Artist in Brooklyn -- his son is a Professor at U Washington. Ghani sab helicoptered in one fine day over a decade ago -- no matter how qualified or well meaning he may seen -- the social covenant will have to be between the Afghan and Pakistani people -- short of that the GHQ is more or less good at what they do, they are a product of hard evolution (unlike Ghani sab) -- remember the GHQ took on the USSR a full year before the world (including the US choose to tepidly start helping them) and the US was a near super power not bound by moral compulsions like the US and Pakistan has just be cut in half by India and was under sanctions (1979)

There is probably no tide -- it is simply that the world is round

So again the tragedy is that the Afghans still believe the world is flat -- difficult to navigate the modern world if your conception of physics is wrong.

He is a good poster but he doesn't want to accept the realities. Kunduz has fallen again and he will dump all blame on Pakistan.
He is a good poster but he doesn't want to accept the realities. Kunduz has fallen again and he will dump all blame on Pakistan.

Mmmm, who knows maybe Pakistanis have misunderstood the Afghans -- perhaps Afghans do view themselves as they are say neighbors of the Swiss and Pakistan is some just third country. For example to Switzerland (Afghanistan)... and say Myanmar (Pakistan)

To my that is possibly the only hypothesis that seems to make sense -- lol
Mmmm, who knows maybe Pakistanis have misunderstood the Afghans -- perhaps Afghans do view themselves as they are say neighbors of the Swiss and Pakistan is some just third country. For example to Switzerland (Afghanistan)... and say Myanmar (Pakistan)

To my that is possibly the only hypothesis that seems to make sense -- lol
That is mostly the attitude of the fresh mint Kabuli elite. They think having Westerners among them (even though as overlords) makes them the same, and therefore superior to everybody in their surrondings especially Pakistanis.
That is mostly the attitude of the fresh mint Kabuli elite. They think having Westerners among them (even though as overlords) makes them the same, and therefore superior to everybody in their surrondings especially Pakistanis.

Their media has an inferiority complex to Pakistan as a country because we are suppose to be the next big thing. They are always talking about how Pakistan has taken advantage of Afghanistan 's miserable condition to its benefit. But as a race they are have this weird philosphy of Afghans being authentic and real while Pakistani 's as something fake and made up.

But well this is the sort of mentality that has distorted their rational thinking.
That is mostly the attitude of the fresh mint Kabuli elite. They think having Westerners among them (even though as overlords) makes them the same, and therefore superior to everybody in their surrondings especially Pakistanis.

yeah I've never figured this out. I mean all Muslims (the world over) are converts -- no one was a Muslim for the start of time (speaking scientifically not relige-o-mythologically).

When people say that Pakistanis don't follow their own culture my question to everyone is well how is it that you don't have to follow your own culture -- we were all Hindus before we were Muslim (ok some were Zoroastrian, some were Hindus and some something else) and before that we were something else?

When the British adopted names like John, David and Eliezer -- aren't they following a foreign culture ?? when does a foreign culture become your culture but remains a foreign culture for other people?

Interesting isn't it?
yeah I've never figured this out. I mean all Muslims (the world over) are converts -- no one was a Muslim for the start of time (speaking scientifically not relige-o-mythologically).

When people say that Pakistanis don't follow their own culture my question to everyone is well how is it that you don't have to follow your own culture -- we were all Hindus before we were Muslim (ok some were Zoroastrian, some were Hindus and some something else) and before that we were something else?

When the British adopted names like John, David and Eliezer -- aren't they following a foreign culture ?? when does a foreign culture become your culture but remains a foreign culture for other people?

Interesting isn't it?

I understand the point that your are making, and that is where the historical superiority complex comes from. But the one I am trying to point is the more recent phenomenon of the Kabuli elite i-e since we have the Americans and we are fighting for them and being trained by them. Then we are by association superior than you and you should all accept that.
I remember in one of the vidoes that you shared in this section where Amrullah Salih goes " After the US invasion we were all feeling like being spiderman".
This is where their new found arrogance (and inability to deal with the ground reality) comes from.
I understand the point that your are making, and that is where the historical superiority complex comes from. But the one I am trying to point is the more recent phenomenon of the Kabuli elite i-e since we have the Americans and we are fighting for them and being trained by them. Then we are by association superior than you and you should all accept that.
I remember in one of the vidoes that you shared in this section where Amrullah Salih goes " After the US invasion we were all feeling like being spiderman".
This is where their new found arrogance (and inability to deal with the ground reality) comes from.

you may be onto something -- I remember that: the Spiderman quote.

I think it is easy for a naive observer to think that American technological success is a product of some fancy words. The amount of hard work that has going into putting America or other developed countries where they are is invisible for many reasons, one of which is that it was a multi generational effort.
I understand the point that your are making, and that is where the historical superiority complex comes from. But the one I am trying to point is the more recent phenomenon of the Kabuli elite i-e since we have the Americans and we are fighting for them and being trained by them. Then we are by association superior than you and you should all accept that.
I remember in one of the vidoes that you shared in this section where Amrullah Salih goes " After the US invasion we were all feeling like being spiderman".
This is where their new found arrogance (and inability to deal with the ground reality) comes from.
Really?! This is shameful! What honor?! (or lack of).
My friend @pakistani342, you can do better than this :) You and I know that the commoners in any country are like sheeps, with short memory span and once you shape the narrative and they follow suit. You are brother one day and enemy the next based what TOP is feeding you.

The narrative Afghans as bad is being shaped at the military level right now because the Afghans are standing up to GHQ. The afghans were brothers when Zia/military were using Afghans to stop the Soviets in Afghanistan, you know the old slogans and thus it shaped the minds of the common Pakistanis, now its vice versa..

Anyways no hard feelings here, it is just that the Afghans have live this through for a bit longer, the tide is turning and GHQ will do business with Ghani sooner rather than later ;)

Peace be with you :)

afghans were fine when the $$$ was rolling in during the 1980s and after 9-11
now that the gravy train has stopped they are going to kick you out

hope afghans never believed the brotherhood stories

I understand the point that your are making, and that is where the historical superiority complex comes from. But the one I am trying to point is the more recent phenomenon of the Kabuli elite i-e since we have the Americans and we are fighting for them and being trained by them. Then we are by association superior than you and you should all accept that.
I remember in one of the vidoes that you shared in this section where Amrullah Salih goes " After the US invasion we were all feeling like being spiderman".
This is where their new found arrogance (and inability to deal with the ground reality) comes from.

some Indian Muslims think they are superior to other Indian Muslims because they were true bred descendants from Turks/Persians as opposed to a Hindu convert
That is mostly the attitude of the fresh mint Kabuli elite. They think having Westerners among them (even though as overlords) makes them the same, and therefore superior to everybody in their surrondings especially Pakistanis.

What sort of balloonies is this ? We want the western forces and their help so we can train our forces and institutions, we don't really care if they are western, russian or asian, we will partner with whoever that can assist us and not go against our national interests.

I don't think I have seen any fair and white cream advertisements in Afghanistan, but which is a common feature in some countries, speak of inferiority Complex!! ;)

Stop projecting!

Their media has an inferiority complex to Pakistan as a country because we are suppose to be the next big thing. They are always talking about how Pakistan has taken advantage of Afghanistan 's miserable condition to its benefit. But as a race they are have this weird philosphy of Afghans being authentic and real while Pakistani 's as something fake and made up.

But well this is the sort of mentality that has distorted their rational thinking.

Have you seen fair and white cream advertisements on local TVs in some countries? That is inferiority complex :P
What sort of balloonies is this ? We want the western forces and their help so we can train our forces and institutions, we don't really care if they are western, russian or asian, we will partner with whoever that can assist us and not go against our national interests.

I don't think I have seen any fair and white cream advertisements in Afghanistan, but which is a common feature in some countries, speak of inferiority Complex!! ;)

Stop projecting!

Have you seen fair and white cream advertisements on local TVs in some countries? That is inferiority complex :P
i have seen them in India :P
What sort of balloonies is this ? We want the western forces and their help so we can train our forces and institutions, we don't really care if they are western, russian or asian, we will partner with whoever that can assist us and not go against our national interests.

I don't think I have seen any fair and white cream advertisements in Afghanistan, but which is a common feature in some countries, speak of inferiority Complex!! ;)

Stop projecting!

Have you seen fair and white cream advertisements on local TVs in some countries? That is inferiority complex :P

I must have touched a raw nerve there. LOL

The Western forces went to Afghanistan seeking revenge for 911. They are not there to rebuild what has been destroyed first in the anti-Soviet war by US sponsored fighters and since 2011 through direct military action. Sure they do build some infrastructure some times but it is nothing compared to what has been destroyed since 1979. So don't give me the bullcrap of we want Western Forces because of this and that.
The US didn't come to Afghanistan because you were asking them to, they came for revenge and because of geopolitics and they will leave not because of some puppet sitting in Kabul but because either when their goals are achieved or when they get exhausted due to the resistance.

By the way you really need to watch that video of Amrullah Salih again. I couldn't be bothered to dig it out for you, but it is in this section and was posted by @pakistani342

As far fair and white goes. I will ask you this, here in Europe I see plenty of tanning saloons and fake tan sprays does that mean that the Europeans have an inferiority complex?
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