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As ties between Afghanistan and India deepens, Afghan refugees in Pakistan feel the heat

What sort of balloonies is this ? We want the western forces and their help so we can train our forces and institutions, we don't really care if they are western, russian or asian, we will partner with whoever that can assist us and not go against our national interests.

I don't think I have seen any fair and white cream advertisements in Afghanistan, but which is a common feature in some countries, speak of inferiority Complex!! ;)

Stop projecting!

Have you seen fair and white cream advertisements on local TVs in some countries? That is inferiority complex :P

A quick note -- I assure you nose jobs, skin bleaching, hair removal are far more common amongst the current Afghan diaspora than the Pakistani diaspora if I were to guess.

Further -- the wearing of white wedding gowns for brides is unheard off amongst Pakistani women -- even in the West -- which an Afghan wedding can't seem to take place without ;-)
I must have touched a raw nerve there. LOL

The Western forces went to Afghanistan seeking revenge for 911. They are not there to rebuild what has been destroyed first in the anti-Soviet war by US sponsored fighters and since 2011 through direct military action. Sure they do build some infrastructure some times but it is nothing compared to what has been destroyed since 1979. So don't give me the bullcrap of we want Western Forces because of this and that.
The US didn't come to Afghanistan because you were asking them to, they came for revenge and because of geopolitics and they will leave not because of some puppet sitting in Kabul but because either when their goals are achieved or when they get exhausted due to the resistance.

By the way you really need to watch that video of Amrullah Salih again. I couldn't be bothered to dig it out for you, but it is in this section and was posted by @pakistani342

As far fair and white goes. I will ask you this, here in Europe I see plenty of tanning saloons and fake tan sprays does that mean that the Europeans have an inferiority complex?
NATO came after the false flags of 9/11 to get a Base in order to destabilise Pakistan and China.
I almost don't believe this -- Pakistanis waking up??? is that even possibly?

Article here, excerpts below:

For Samihullah, a tailor from a family of Afghan refugees in Pakistan, the first indication that it might be time to leave the country was the insults levelled at him in the bazaar. Born to refugee parents in the northern Pakistani town of Mansehra, he never gained citizenship but was always considered an Afghan, something which began to count against him as local resentment grew over Afghanistan’s deepening ties with India.


“Afghans used to be called ‘Kabuli’ in Pakistan, but now Pakistanis call them ‘Hindus’ because we signed economic agreements with India,” said Samihullah, who, like many Afghans, goes by one name.


“They were telling us, we chose India’s friendship so we should go to India. We were hiding in our shops and homes to avoid being arrested,” Samihullah said.


These people were our guests, we kept them in our house. Afghanistan should be grateful to us,” said a Pakistani army official based in the southern city of Quetta.

“Instead it … has become buddies with India, it’s like stabbing us in the back.”
Arab countries and Iran are also stabbing Pakistanis in the back by having good relationships with India?
Arab countries and Iran are also stabbing Pakistanis in the back by having good relationships with India?

Forgive me, my reading of history could be flawed, but I don't remember the last time Iran or the Arab countries took in 6 million Pakistani refugees?
I don't think I have seen any fair and white cream advertisements in Afghanistan, but which is a common feature in some countries, speak of inferiority Complex!! ;)

Stop projecting!



afghans were fine when the $$$ was rolling in during the 1980s and after 9-11
now that the gravy train has stopped they are going to kick you out

hope afghans never believed the brotherhood storiesert

Misconception, many Afghan refugees moved to Pakistan in early 70's thanks to famine and economic hardships. Tens of thousands of them died of starvation. These are likely not even counted among refugees now. The border was always open and they kept coming and never going back but Pakistan can't afford it on permanent basis. Since Kabulis can't seem to get in to head that first priority of government is taking care of its own citizens before supporting proxy wars against others. Especially against country in which millions found themselves save from either dying starvation or invasions.


Misconception, many Afghan refugees moved to Pakistan in early 70's thanks to famine and economic hardships. Tens of thousands of them died of starvation. These are likely not even counted among refugees now. The border was always open and they kept coming and never going back but Pakistan can't afford it on permanent basis. Since Kabulis can't seem to get in to head that first priority of government is taking care of its own citizens before supporting proxy wars against others. Especially against country in which millions found themselves save from either dying from starvation or invasions because of policies of its leaders.

it does not look like Pakistan can enforce the border. I would hand over the border enforcement to NWFP provincial government and have them enforce the laws
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