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As India heads into coronavirus lockdown, Modi faces one of his biggest challenges: How to ‘isolate’


Dec 14, 2008
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How Ironic, Modi isolated 14 Million Kashmiris and now has to isolate a billion citizens. The power of prayer has no bounds as Allah answers the prayers of Kashmiris.


As India heads into coronavirus lockdown, Modi faces one of his biggest challenges: How to ‘isolate’ a billion citizens

Ashish Shukla
is a senior journalist and geopolitical analyst based in India, author of ‘How United States Shot Humanity.’ He runs the NewsBred website. Follow him on Twitter @ashish40411

20 Mar, 2020 03:19 / Updated 1 day ago
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India Gate war memorial was closed for visitors amid measures for coronavirus prevention in New Delhi, India, March 19, 2020. © REUTERS/Adnan Abidi
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With China seemingly out of the coronavirus woods, the world’s second most populous nation is yet to face the worst of it. For Indian PM Narendra Modi, the coming days might be his greatest disaster… or greatest triumph.
It’s easy for headline-hunters to run away with the screamer that Modi “asks citizens for self-curfew on March 22,” which indeed he did in his address to the nation on Friday. However, the seriousness of his warning to citizens that they need to “isolate” themselves wasn’t lost on anyone.

“Science still doesn’t have a vaccine for [the coronavirus]. The trend in countries shows it explodes after a few benign weeks,” warned Modi, lest Indians be lulled into complacency by the reports of four deaths and 180 cases thus far, and come to think that India’s 1.37 billion people are somehow immune to the lurking danger.


A man wearing a protective mask walks past a bus stop displaying preventive measures against the coronavirus in Mumbai, India, March 18, 2020. © REUTERS/Francis Mascarenhas/
Quietly preparing for siege
The Indian state itself has slowly switched to a “lockdown” footing, though the government has desisted from a formal announcement, figuring it would only further the panic and not the cause.

Starting March 22, international flights will not be allowed to land for a week. Railways are cancelling trains by the hundreds. States are shutting down public transport. Formal curfews are being imposed in India’s busy hinterland cities. Shops have been forcibly shut down, except for essential services such as groceries and chemists – as has been the case in Jammu, a city in the Himalayan foothills.

ALSO ON RT.COMNew Delhi to impose 1-week ban on commercial flight landings in India as it cracks down on coronavirus
India’s secondary education exams, a touchstone for millions of teenagers aspiring to a quality higher education, have been postponed. Universities have been asked to shutter till the end of March. A government advisory has asked persons above 65 and children below 10 to stay at home. There is no telling when an evening out in shopping malls, now closed, will be in the realm of possibility again.

India’s health ministry has been converted into a virtual war-room. Screenings are no longer limited to the airports alone. Random tests are being administered to citizens, albeit on a very small sample still. Approved laboratories are training new ones. Quarantine beds and virus kits are being built up, while the export of drugs has been halted.


A private security guard uses an infrared thermometer to measure the temperature of a man at the entrance of a bank in New Delhi © Reuters / Adnan Abidi

Reasons to worry
India has reasons to be concerned. If the worst fears were to come true, it would struggle with medical preparedness. It is a densely populated country, with big cities having upwards of 20 million residents. Hygiene is still a worry. Millions of Indians can’t stay indoors all the time, either: if they do, they could spend nights on an empty stomach. An urban civilization, breathing in a tropical climate where infectious diseases thrive, is flirting with a horrific tragedy.

India simply can’t afford to overburden its medical infrastructure. Indeed, Modi has asked citizens to avoid hospitals if they can.

“Postpone surgeries if you could; don’t burden hospitals; seek advice from family doctors or on phone,” he said.


Near-deserted streets of Mumbai, India, after government imposed restrictions on public gatherings in attempts to prevent spread of COVID-19, March 19, 2020. © REUTERS/Prashant Waydande

The telltale signs on the streets and in the neighbourhood do convey that people are on the edge. Long stretches of once-busy streets are now deserted. Neighborhood parks, usually bustling with humanity in the morning and evening hours, are now almost empty. House-wives are stacking up shelves in kitchens with essentials, lest they run out of stocks. Masks and sanitizers are not easy to come by.

If Modi’s words are heeded, we could see a spectacle at 5 pm on Sunday, when millions could be whistling or clapping for those legions of masked medical and other essential staff who are standing between “you and corona,” in the PM’s words.

“We should be at the forefront of this fight against the pandemic. Like the doctors and nurses, baggage handlers and crew members of aircrafts who are evacuating stranded Indians from abroad,” Modi said.

Although the PM has said he does not intend to abandon the ongoing budget session, it is clear that the pandemic has disrupted many of his ambitious plans, from modernizing India’s army and economy to expanding trade and becoming a leader in the region. All of that will now have to take a back seat to battling the coronavirus – with Modi’s political survival, as well as that of millions of Indians, on the line.


Commuters wearing handkerchiefs as masks look at a metro train map at a station, amid coronavirus disease fears, in New Delhi, India © Reuters / Danish Siddiqu
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The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
That is not Ironic, THESE are Ironies.

On Feb 6th, A young Chinese woman held a placard in Italy: 'Please Hug me. I am Chinese. Not a virus. Some other Chinese people too had similar posters

March 20: Death toll from Corona Virus in Italy stands at 4032. Today 627 died. Total number of Confirmed cases reach 47,021.

Or THIS is Irony,

How Ironic, Modi isolated 14 Million Kashmiris and now has to isolate a billion citizens. The power of prayer has no bounds as Allah answers the prayers of Kashmiris.


As India heads into coronavirus lockdown, Modi faces one of his biggest challenges: How to ‘isolate’ a billion citizens

Ashish Shukla
is a senior journalist and geopolitical analyst based in India, author of ‘How United States Shot Humanity.’ He runs the NewsBred website. Follow him on Twitter @ashish40411

20 Mar, 2020 03:19 / Updated 1 day ago
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India Gate war memorial was closed for visitors amid measures for coronavirus prevention in New Delhi, India, March 19, 2020. © REUTERS/Adnan Abidi
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With China seemingly out of the coronavirus woods, the world’s second most populous nation is yet to face the worst of it. For Indian PM Narendra Modi, the coming days might be his greatest disaster… or greatest triumph.
It’s easy for headline-hunters to run away with the screamer that Modi “asks citizens for self-curfew on March 22,” which indeed he did in his address to the nation on Friday. However, the seriousness of his warning to citizens that they need to “isolate” themselves wasn’t lost on anyone.

“Science still doesn’t have a vaccine for [the coronavirus]. The trend in countries shows it explodes after a few benign weeks,” warned Modi, lest Indians be lulled into complacency by the reports of four deaths and 180 cases thus far, and come to think that India’s 1.37 billion people are somehow immune to the lurking danger.


A man wearing a protective mask walks past a bus stop displaying preventive measures against the coronavirus in Mumbai, India, March 18, 2020. © REUTERS/Francis Mascarenhas/
Quietly preparing for siege
The Indian state itself has slowly switched to a “lockdown” footing, though the government has desisted from a formal announcement, figuring it would only further the panic and not the cause.

Starting March 22, international flights will not be allowed to land for a week. Railways are cancelling trains by the hundreds. States are shutting down public transport. Formal curfews are being imposed in India’s busy hinterland cities. Shops have been forcibly shut down, except for essential services such as groceries and chemists – as has been the case in Jammu, a city in the Himalayan foothills.

ALSO ON RT.COMNew Delhi to impose 1-week ban on commercial flight landings in India as it cracks down on coronavirus
India’s secondary education exams, a touchstone for millions of teenagers aspiring to a quality higher education, have been postponed. Universities have been asked to shutter till the end of March. A government advisory has asked persons above 65 and children below 10 to stay at home. There is no telling when an evening out in shopping malls, now closed, will be in the realm of possibility again.

India’s health ministry has been converted into a virtual war-room. Screenings are no longer limited to the airports alone. Random tests are being administered to citizens, albeit on a very small sample still. Approved laboratories are training new ones. Quarantine beds and virus kits are being built up, while the export of drugs has been halted.


A private security guard uses an infrared thermometer to measure the temperature of a man at the entrance of a bank in New Delhi © Reuters / Adnan Abidi

Reasons to worry
India has reasons to be concerned. If the worst fears were to come true, it would struggle with medical preparedness. It is a densely populated country, with big cities having upwards of 20 million residents. Hygiene is still a worry. Millions of Indians can’t stay indoors all the time, either: if they do, they could spend nights on an empty stomach. An urban civilization, breathing in a tropical climate where infectious diseases thrive, is flirting with a horrific tragedy.

India simply can’t afford to overburden its medical infrastructure. Indeed, Modi has asked citizens to avoid hospitals if they can.

“Postpone surgeries if you could; don’t burden hospitals; seek advice from family doctors or on phone,” he said.


Near-deserted streets of Mumbai, India, after government imposed restrictions on public gatherings in attempts to prevent spread of COVID-19, March 19, 2020. © REUTERS/Prashant Waydande

The telltale signs on the streets and in the neighbourhood do convey that people are on the edge. Long stretches of once-busy streets are now deserted. Neighborhood parks, usually bustling with humanity in the morning and evening hours, are now almost empty. House-wives are stacking up shelves in kitchens with essentials, lest they run out of stocks. Masks and sanitizers are not easy to come by.

If Modi’s words are heeded, we could see a spectacle at 5 pm on Sunday, when millions could be whistling or clapping for those legions of masked medical and other essential staff who are standing between “you and corona,” in the PM’s words.

“We should be at the forefront of this fight against the pandemic. Like the doctors and nurses, baggage handlers and crew members of aircrafts who are evacuating stranded Indians from abroad,” Modi said.

Although the PM has said he does not intend to abandon the ongoing budget session, it is clear that the pandemic has disrupted many of his ambitious plans, from modernizing India’s army and economy to expanding trade and becoming a leader in the region. All of that will now have to take a back seat to battling the coronavirus – with Modi’s political survival, as well as that of millions of Indians, on the line.


Commuters wearing handkerchiefs as masks look at a metro train map at a station, amid coronavirus disease fears, in New Delhi, India © Reuters / Danish Siddiqu
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The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily

Kashmir is also in quarantine.
How Ironic, Modi isolated 14 Million Kashmiris and now has to isolate a billion citizens. The power of prayer has no bounds as Allah answers the prayers of Kashmiris.

Pak government also stresses self isolation to its citizens.



This - I think - qualifies as ALLAH'S TEST and not a punishment.
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