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As India dominates heights, Chinese counterpart wants to meet, Rajnath non-committal


Jul 6, 2018
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NEW DELHI: Amid anger in Beijing over Indian Army occupying ..



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Looks like the Indians really bit the bait ... worked like magic :enjoy:
People who don't know China will think that China is weak when China is actively seeking communication, but this is one of China's steps to start a war.

Because war is the last method in Chinese culture, it will be criticized in China before other methods are proven ineffective.So be sure to publicly try something else before you start a war to get the other side to say NO.

Now China just takes a list, tries every option and then writes NO on the list. Indians feel the Chinese are backing down, but the Chinese know it's just to finish the list. 8-)8-)8-)
People who don't know China will think that China is weak when China is actively seeking communication, but this is one of China's steps to start a war.

And here in India people are curious like global times, there is just barking or some biting as well ?
Anyone know the problem with Taiwan thread, message shown is this one
Looks like the Chinese are on their knees now, Australia stands with India.
lol ya... funny thing about this whole story is the whole world including China wants India to start the war. Given India every reason to start shooting and yet the only thing they do is pump their chest to fake news stories.
Looks like the Chinese are on their knees now, Australia stands with India.
The Chinese have made a grave strategic miscalculation by threatening India's sovreignity and occuying barren, inhospitable Indian lands during this Covid19 crysis. They tried to bully India into submission to secure Belt & Road success, and wanted to teach India a lesson for luring investors and factories that are poisted to leave China - now the tides have turned on them and they are globally isolated, in the wrong, and on the wrong side of the barrel. From here, it can either cool down or escalate so quickly that both sides will suffer. Restoration of status quo will mean a big loss of face for xi jinping and big loss of faith for the Chinese people. Without Satus Quo, India wont ever back down. Let the cold winters set in and see how things unfold.
The Chinese have made a grave strategic miscalculation by threatening India's sovreignity and occuying barren, inhospitable Indian lands during this Covid19 crysis. They tried to bully India into submission to secure Belt & Road success, and wanted to teach India a lesson for luring investors and factories that are poisted to leave China - now the tides have turned on them and they are globally isolated, in the wrong, and on the wrong side of the barrel. From here, it can either cool down or escalate so quickly that both sides will suffer. Restoration of status quo will mean a big loss of face for xi jinping and big loss of faith for the Chinese people. Without Satus Quo, India wont ever back down. Let the cold winters set in and see how things unfold.
Bro don't use covid19. You can use any of the following as suggested by supreme leader Trump
- Wuhan virus
- China virus
- Kung Flu
- Winne the flue
- etc

Wei Fenghe said:

We're not budging an inch. The LAC will remain as it is currently. You are provoking us. If you try to escalate, PLA will defend our territory.

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