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Arundhati Roy Says ‘Kashmir should get Azadi from bhookhe-nange Hindustan’

Nope....like in Karachi,Quetta etc....Gosh if I start listing the places..this website will run out of bandwidth.:wave:

no it wont. you are not talking about Bharat Versha.

and btw 2+2=5 plz explain so i can weigh you :P
Arundhati Roy may face sedition charges

Roy may face sedition charges
Matt Wade
October 27, 2010

Indian police believe there is a case for charging the Booker Prize-winning author Arundhati Roy with sedition over comments she made about the disputed province of Kashmir, Indian newspapers say.

Reports yesterday said police in Delhi have sought legal opinion about a speech by Roy last week when she said Kashmir has ''never been an integral part of India''. It is not clear if authorities will act on the advice. Roy issued a statement yesterday denying she had done anything wrong.

''This morning's papers say that I may be arrested on charges of sedition for what I have said at recent public meetings … Anybody who cares to read the transcripts of my speeches will see that they were fundamentally a call for justice,'' she said.

''Some have accused me of giving 'hate speeches', of wanting India to break up. On the contrary, what I say comes from love and pride.

''It comes from not wanting people to be killed, raped, imprisoned or have their fingernails pulled out in order to force them to say they are Indians.''
New Delhi: The Centre reluctant to press charges of sedition against book writer-activist Arundhati Roy for her strong comments on Kashmir, sources said.
The Government does not want to escalate the situation based on comments made by an individual. Also with US Presdient Barack Obama's visit in November, the Government does not want to internationalise the issue.
Constitutional experts and eminent senior lawyers seem to agree with the Government's plan. Senior lawyer Mahesh Jethmalani told CNN-IBN to ignore her.

"Well this is just not a statement, saying you know lets have self-determination, let the people of Kashmir decide their own future etc. This is a concrete saying that Kashmir is not an integral part of India and that is a secessionist statement. That is a statement that undermines the concept of Indian nationhood so far as Kashmir is concerned," Mahesh Jethmalani told CNN-IBN.
CNN-IBN Editor-in-Chief Rajdeep Sardesai asked Mahesh Jethamalani on 'India@9': "was Arundhati Roy the first person to make that statement? Syed Ali Shah Geelani makes that everyday in the Kashmir Valley. Why when he makes those statements has he not charged with sedition?"
"Before you prosecute Arundhati Roy and I am again at one with Harish Salve in saying that we should ignore a fringe element like her she does not speak for anybody, not even either the Indian people. We are used to Arundhati Roy's sometimes very passionate outpourings," Jethmalani replied.
Though the Centre may be hesitating, but a Ranchi resident has gone ahead and filed a case of sedition against Arundhati Roy for her comment.
The complaint was lodged by Ashish Kumar Singh in the Chief Judicial Magistrate's Court on Monday. Singh wants action to be taken against Arundhati Roy under section 124 of the Indian Penal Code that deals with sedition.
Arundhati had shared the dais with hardline Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani and pro-Maoist leader Vara Vara Rao among others at the Delhi seminar.
Arundhati had said "Kashmir has never been an integral part of India. It is a historical fact. Even the Indian government has accepted this".

Govt 'unlikely' to take action against Arundhati - Politics - Politics News - ibnlive
Once a traitor, always a traitor.




Indian Extremists Endangering The Life Of Arundhati Roy Over Kashmir Remarks
BY AHMED QURAISHI | Wednesday, 27 October 2010.

NEW DELHI, India—You don’t antagonize a superpower-wannabe, especially one that is so serious it is spending $30 billion on latest weapons. But if you do, get ready to pay the price.

That’s the lesson Arundhati Roy, Booker Prize winner, is learning the hard way. She is India’s most famous international face. And she has embarrassed the entire Indian political, religious and military establishment like no one has done before.

For the first time in the 63-year-old international dispute with Pakistan over Kashmir, which India forcibly annexed, Roy sat next to a Kashmiri freedom leader and declared in the heart of the Indian capital that Kashmir “is not an integral part of India”.

If that’s not enough, she also said, “No one should be killed, raped, imprisoned or have their fingernails pulled out in order to force them to say they are Indians.” This was a direct attack on the Indian military, whose half a million soldiers occupy the tiny Kashmir valley near Pakistan’s border despite daily protests by Kashmiris shouting, ‘We’re not Indian.’

This is big. So far no one in India had the courage to speak up against Indian human rights violations in occupied Kashmir, which are otherwise well documented by rights organizations outside India.

For those who don’t understand how big a deal this is, consider this:

All mainstream Indian newspapers and television networks strictly adhere to the state policy on Kashmir. It is impossible to find a major Indian news outlet breaking away from this unspoken consensus. [In other words, for India, this is bigger than Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010.]

Now an environment is being created in New Delhi to arrest Roy, or at least terrorize her enough to silence her and any other Indians who might be having similarly dangerous thoughts. Unfortunately for Roy, she is a Christian, coming from a minority group vulnerable to attacks by Hindu fundamentalists. Indian Christians have been burned alive in acts of violence as recently as winter 2008.

There are early signs of a whisper campaign and intimidation against Ms. Roy inside India. Prominent Indian news outlets confirmed a sedition case was being prepared against her. Normally the accused in Indian sedition cases receives harsh treatment even before a trial and conviction.

More worrying is that her opponents – a motley crew of extremist politicians, Hindu fanatics, Hindu terror groups, media affiliates of extremist politicians, and sympathizers inside Indian security agencies – might get to her in other ways without making it look like payback for her Kashmir remarks. Already there are reports suggesting she might be dragged to court in other cases. Funny how these reports suddenly appeared just in time to take her down.

So no one should be surprised if there is a sudden news blackout on her and she slips off the headlines any minute.

The mainstream India media has begun whipping up religious sentiments against Roy. This is dangerous in a religious boiling pot like India where rumors in 2002 resulted in Hindu mobs burning alive 2,000 Indian Muslim men, women and children in the Indian state of Gujarat, in what was 21st century’s first incident of religious genocide.

Ironically, mainstream India media is at the forefront of inflaming passions. For example, the Indian Express has dedicated a page on its internet version of the newspaper to lynching Roy.

“If I were the prime minister I would stripped her citizenship and deport her to Pakistan,” wrote one reader who signed his name as ‘Indian’.

Another Indian, Sunanda, based in Manchester, UK, ironically chides Roy for her Western links. She writes: “looking for some more European awards missy? By selling your nation that too (…) You remain a pointless non productive self serving woman, your life is wasted. Dont pride yourself with a thinkers cap, clearly you are a confused ugly face, pretending to be an angel.”

Karan titled his comment, “Arundhati, a publicity hungry maggot.”

To be fair, there is the occasional supportive comment, like that of Mr. I. Gill, who writes: “How many of you have been to Kashmir (I am talking for last 40 years, since I have been there)? If you have been then you will understand what Kashmere's think of India. If you want to bring India pride then listen to your people and give them freedom.”

But the worry is from rabble-rousers aiming to activate extremists. An Indian apparently based in the United States wrote this: “In America, we have a way to deal with these crazies. The rest of the media will make them look like clowns incessantly. That will shut them off permanently (…) Wake up [local] scribes go for the kill.”
^^ She's as good as dead anyway. The court may try to save her for political reasons but the military won't spare her. There are more than one ways to get rid of a blood traitor.
India—You don’t antagonize a superpower-wannabe, especially one that is so serious it is spending $30 billion on latest weapons. But if you do, get ready to pay the price

I like this sentence... perhaps it is time we metted this treatment to her big time and parcelled her out of our borders to LET's harem to be used and abused by her overlords.
i sense some anger and discomfort in your tone! :)

have a cool glass of water and chill out

if you'll call yourselves democratic people, then I'm surprised you are reacting quite scared to such dissent. Is it insecurity?
Please maintain civility people. Calling Arundhuti traitor is stretching the matter too far!

1. A traitor is one who betrays a principle, here Arundhuti rather sticking to her principle, which can be wrong but she isn't deceptive.

2. As I said before, state is always answerable to her citizens, if there's anything outlandish in her claims, refute those logically and firmly.

3. All Arundhuti gave a statement, however wrong that was, in no way it's gonna promote or help secession. She doesn't carry that much weight, all her brouhaha about Maoists didn't help a bit to solve tribal problem, except for making headlines in corporate driven media which she apparently loathes. Please don't give the undeserving importance to her.
^^ She's as good as dead anyway. The court may try to save her for political reasons but the military won't spare her. There are more than one ways to get rid of a blood traitor.

That's a horribly wrong statement. Indian Army is a processional force which don't indulge in internal matters. Certainly IA don't work like bounty killer. :angry:
Just like Geelani i guess she also sold herself to ISI for money i guess... so pathetic of her

Everybdy who says the truth has sold himself to ISI?
Millions of Kashmiris and some HUMANS in this occupating and brutalising worlds biggest sham democracy?
I am amazed that all those who are giving importance to Arundhati Roy irrespective of what side they belong to are doing no good for their own cause....Let me dwell more into it

- Indian POV : Our interlocutors are in Kashmir and instead of making their job easy we are making it tough for them by provoking hardliners on our side...
- Kashmir POV : Instead of getting media attention on the real cuase of Kashmir the focus has shifted altogether on sedition charges....Kashmiri people have struggled a lot for 3 months to get the much needed attention of GOI and when they finally get something which will give them a ray of hope we have Ms Arundhati Roy taking all the limelight...
- Pakistan POV : Hardliners in india will get more say and the whole start of the interlocutors will loose its charm...Even if GOI want they will not be able to compromise anything. Every move will be highlighted as sell-out...

So in essence apart from getting media highlight for herself, Ms Roy has not done any good to Kashmir....Yes if the objective is to disrupt the talks by interlocutors then the move was in the right direction, however if the objective is to help kashmir cause then poor job....Now people participating in this debate should think what side they are...
Once a traitor, always a traitor.


In some protest with lots of other protesting indian TRAITORS?

Interviewing ppl fightin for the rights and many indians on PDF even supporting them in other threads?Traitors?


Fighting for there right of determination is a CRIME in worls biggest SHAM DEMOCRACY?

May GOD help u ... for his love of SUFI SAINT KHAWAJA GAREEB NAWAZ.....May he let u see the truth and take of this pathetic blindfold of supporting killing,torturing and raping KASHMIRIS in IOK.


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