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Art of resistance: Palestinians plant flowers in Israeli tear gas canisters

Umair Nawaz

Sep 10, 2012
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Residents of a Palestinian village have planted flowers in hundreds of Israeli spent tear gas canisters, to honor those killed during their weekly protests against the separation barrier.

The village of Bil’in, 12 kilometers west of Palestinian de-facto capital Ramallah, has recently become a symbol of peaceful resistance to the Israeli settlement program. Residents have created an oasis in the middle of the desert landscapes of the West Bank, and sown flower seeds in tear gas canisters, which they collected following clashes with Israeli police.

“We can make life out of these gas canisters which can kill people. We plant flowers inside these things,” Khadi Abu Rahma, a Palestinian journalist and one of the garden’s creators told RT.

Khadi is cousin of Bassem Abu Rahma, a protest leader who was killed in 2009 when a tear gas canister struck him in the chest. The garden is to commemorate him and other victims of the Palestinians’ fight for their land.

Residents of Bil’in claim 60% of their farmland was cut off by the Israeli separation wall. The Israeli Supreme Court ruled in 2004 that it should partially be re-routed.

Since 2005, villagers have been going out almost every Friday for anti-wall protests, which would often result on violent crackdowns by Israeli soldiers. The village's struggle to regain its land became the subject of a 2012 Oscar-nominated documentary - "Five Broken Cameras."

Despite protests, Israel says it needs the wall to keep Palestinian attackers out.

For more on the Israeli-Palestinian standoff and the unusual garden, watch RT Paula Slier’s report from, Bil’in, West Bank.

Art of resistance: Palestinians plant flowers in Israeli tear gas canisters — RT News
this news report reminds me about Taiwan,who sold metalworks made by extracted metals from used shells used during Second Taiwan Strait Crisis..The spent shell casings have become a recyclable resource for steel for the local economy. Since the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis, Quemoy has become famous for its production of meat cleavers made from bomb shells.
Nice innovation. At least they're realizing that fighting and boiling endlessly will get them nothing.
HEH !! yeah attacking doesnt get u anywhere but defending is your inevitable right .......

palestine should be free and back to its people ...
some guys in Palestine use violence, terrorism and attack civilians in Israel. it is not just one side.

Palestine never been an Arab territory. But a territory for Arabs and Jews.
Israel exists. They should live together with respect.
some guys in Palestine use violence, terrorism and attack civilians in Israel. it is not just one side.

Palestine never been an Arab territory. But a territory for Arabs and Jews.
Israel exists. They should live together with respect.

israhell doesnt exist ; at least untill 50 yrs ago :laughcry:

what israhelli civilian ?? is there a "civilian" there??

Israel exists for UNO so Israel exists.

We should support peace process and living together solutions (except for West bank of course), not involve in supporting the violence. what i mean. supporting violence gives non solution except pain to Palestinians and Arabs there.

sad to see a little girl doing this anyway.
1-Nasrallah who fires rockets at little girls is a good guy.

2-Little girl who writes message to Nasrallah on a shell is evil and must be killed.

1- the irony is that at the same time when hezbollah attacks that little terrorist , its lebenese kids who die !!! but thats COLLATERAL DAMAGE :omghaha:

looks like the iron dome is capable of returning the missile towards its launcher :omghaha:


2-dont fool yourself !! what that little terrorist wrote on the missile was quote "to lebenese kids : from israhell with love "

u can clearly see the "love" word , and i'm not making this up , it was on the news ;

so its better for u not to open your mouth without thinking first.....
Long live Palestine

No, it's more like this:

bad guy fires rockets at Israel (bad).

Israel blows up entire village (worse).

Mullah logic:

Nasrallah who fires rockets at little girls is a good guy.
Little girl who writes message to Nasrallah on a shell is evil and must be killed.
1- the irony is that at the same time when hezbollah attacks that little terrorist , its lebenese kids who die !!! but thats COLLATERAL DAMAGE :omghaha:

looks like the iron dome is capable of returning the missile towards its launcher :omghaha:

Nasrallah deliberately targeted civilian neighborhoods.

Israel could easily wipe out the entire Shiite population of Lebanon in hours. But instead we spent billions of dollars and risked our soldiers to hunt down Hezbollah terrorists which hided among their civilians.

2-dont fool yourself !! what that little terrorist wrote on the missile was quote "to lebenese kids : from israhell with love "

u can clearly see the "love" word , and i'm not making this up , it was on the news ;
Thats typical example of lying mullah propaganda.


You can clearly see that its to Nazrallah (Nazrala).

so its better for u not to open your mouth without thinking first.....
Apply that advice to urself.

Long live Palestine

No, it's more like this:

bad guy fires rockets at Israel (bad).

Israel blows up entire village (worse).
Hezbollah fired 4000 rockets at Israel. Not a single village was destroyed in Lebanon.
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