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Arranged-marriage vs ‘love-marriage’

Pff arranged and love marriage:what:? I found my lover the same way we all do, by pillaging the British Isles and bringing back the cutest one I could find:D.

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Says who
An Indian?
Do you deny this? It is a known fact.
Saying who says, Indian etc will not negate the fact.
I will rather trust learnt Islamic scholars and religious texts then some western culture influenced youngster.hijab is must for Muslim women.
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Okay, role reversal?

Is it known fact that Indian Hindu's require their women burnt as 'Sati' on the death of the husband?
No, this is not a fact.
It was a wrong practice followed in the past in limited region specially during times of foreign conquests.
It is barred by Hindus and Indian constitution.
See so easy to answer if you know simple facts.
Now another simple fact is Islam mandates women to wear hijab. That is in case of liberal interpretation.
Birth region and center of islam - Saudi Arabia - follows more stricter interpretation.
2-3 English educated Pakistani cannot change this fact.
No, this is not a fact.
When the boot slides up your a*ss then nothing is a fact, is it? Let me educate you on Sati. This was a Hindu tradition and had nothing to do with outsiders - of course this your cheap excuse to peddle the blame on the Muslim invaders.

Nothing of the kind. Sati or even anything similar is not part of Islamic practice. As regards the Indian Hindu practice - of course there will have been reasons just like honour killers also have reasons but nothing and I f*ckin mean nothing detracts from most vile thing imagineable. Kill me please, stab me please, blow me up please but don't burn me on the stake like the so civilized Hindus did to their women as a matter of practice. To add to the depths of depravityother Hindu's would watch this evilness and see the poor women scream and burn to death.


It took the British to come over and force this savages to restrict their right to practice their higher religion - Hinduism. In the 1840s, Hindu priests complained to Charles James Napier (then Commander-in-Chief of British forces in India) about the prohibition of suttee by British authorities. Suttee was the custom of burning widows alive on the funeral pyre of their husbands. According to Napier’s brother William, this is how he replied:

“Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”

Sir Charles Napier - http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=4451

And despite British attempts to bring Hindusim from savagery to civilized nearly 130 years later such incidents still happen in India.


Link > http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/5273336.stm

So before you lecture others grab a mirror and take good darn look at yourself. Your not Norway despite what you think .

Hindu Arranged Marriage


Nuff said....

You bhartis can cry and complain against me to the Mods, but nothing I posted is untrue.
When the boot slides up your a*ss then nothing is a fact, is it? Let me educate you on Sati. This was a Hindu tradition and had nothing to do with outsiders - of course this your cheap excuse to peddle the blame on the Muslim invaders.

Nothing of the kind. Sati or even anything similar is not part of Islamic practice. As regards the Indian Hindu practice - of course there will have been reasons just like honour killers also have reasons but nothing and I f*ckin mean nothing detracts from most vile thing imagineable. Kill me please, stab me please, blow me up please but don't burn me on the stake like the so civilized Hindus did to their women as a matter of practice. To add to the depths of depravityother Hindu's would watch this evilness and see the poor women scream and burn to death.


It took the British to come over and force this savages to restrict their right to practice their higher religion - Hinduism. In the 1840s, Hindu priests complained to Charles James Napier (then Commander-in-Chief of British forces in India) about the prohibition of suttee by British authorities. Suttee was the custom of burning widows alive on the funeral pyre of their husbands. According to Napier’s brother William, this is how he replied:

“Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”

Sir Charles Napier - http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=4451

And despite British attempts to bring Hindusim from savagery to civilized nearly 130 years later such incidents still happen in India.


Link > http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/5273336.stm

So before you lecture others grab a mirror and take good darn look at yourself. Your not Norway despite what you think .

Well simple facts got you pretty worked up. Calm your t*** down.
You can read about sati on internet which you must have already done and quoted from there. You know it was not a religion mandated practice.
We Hindus know it was wrong and it has stopped.
Like I know burqa, niqab, hijab are regressive. And also that this is what is mandated by Islamic scholars. Don't further quote me or expect any reply on this topic.
got you pretty worked
Worked up. Is that what you call when mirror is placed to your face? I gave you facts. Accept them or debunk them. Fact, Sati was integral part of Hinduism and it took the British invaders to attempt to stamp it out.

I am not saying Pakistan or wider Muslim world has problems, it does and I am quite blunt in facing them but you can't come here like some Norwegian with highest indices in the world and start pointing fingers.
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Any marriage is dependent on good sex..no sex..no marriage can last..
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