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Around 700 children reportedly fell sick after Polio vaccination in Peshawa

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Polio vaccine is administered on streets in India.

It's just an old stock or so

Quality control works fine
Quality control works fin in India but international agencies are after Pashtoon race in Pakistan.
There are many local haters as well.... we need to hold minister responsible and register FIR against them for attempt to murder.
Common side effects of polio vaccinations are
  • injection site reactions (redness, swelling, tenderness, pain, or a lump),
  • fever,
  • irritability,
  • tiredness,
  • drowsiness,
  • joint pain
  • body aches, or
  • vomiting

This should have been properly communicated to the society at large.
Sometimes over dose also causes the side effects to elevate.

Generally these symptoms are not cause of concern unless its of very high state
Common side effects of polio vaccinations are
  • injection site reactions (redness, swelling, tenderness, pain, or a lump),
  • fever,
  • irritability,
  • tiredness,
  • drowsiness,
  • joint pain
  • body aches, or
  • vomiting

This should have been properly communicated to the society at large.
Sometimes over dose also causes the side effects to elevate.

Generally these symptoms are not cause of concern unless its of very high state

lol India giving justification on behalf of Imran Khan, who him self is busy pleasing his own gods.

You are telling us like we have never seen a kid after vaccination.

Pakistanis who live in neutral countries can confirm, if vaccinations in foreign countries react the way it does in Pakistan!
No vaccine is safe, unless it's made in Pakistan.
Irrespective it reacts immediately or have it's effect along the life.
It's about time, Pakistan should be able to fulfill it's own basic need s locally.
Vaccines must have a clearance certificate from highest authorities.
Vaccination shall be administered in controlled environment not in streets.
Some one is conspiring against Pakistan, and have already managed to bring it down from where it was 15 years ago, during Musharraf rule. or even going back to Zia rule and even further back Ayub rule.

I couldn’t agree more with this. Vaccines should be prepared in Pakistan. I don’t believe in conspiracy theories, but we should control the program from start to end. I don’t like it when outsiders come in to control the process.
Quality control works fin in India but international agencies are after Pashtoon race in Pakistan.
There are many local haters as well.... we need to hold minister responsible and register FIR against them for attempt to murder.

Are Pashtoons ALIENS on this planet?
Or do they hold some secret key for which international agencies will have be after Pashtoons.
Global world is trying to help so that kids can grow up and have a decent life without suffering from deadly diseases which causes irrecoverable damages to human body.
Are Pashtoons ALIENS on this planet?
Or do they hold some secret key for which international agencies will have be after Pashtoons.
Global world is trying to help so that kids can grow up and have a decent life without suffering from deadly diseases which causes irrecoverable damages to human body.

Why would an Indian be concerned about Pakistan and Pashtun? Why can’t you people just worry about your own problems.

Pakistan should take care of its own problems. It does not require lecturing from outsiders.
Are Pashtoons ALIENS on this planet?
Or do they hold some secret key for which international agencies will have be after Pashtoons.
Global world is trying to help so that kids can grow up and have a decent life without suffering from deadly diseases which causes irrecoverable damages to human body.
Conspiracy against Pashtoons is centuries old... i don't know what does west see in them!
Even Indians are rumored to be cross breeding with children of war kidnapped from Afghanistan, immediately after US invasion.
I couldn’t agree more with this. Vaccines should be prepared in Pakistan. I don’t believe in conspiracy theories, but we should control the program from start to end. I don’t like it when outsiders come in to control the process.

With kind of back clash that Vaccination program has seen in Pakistan, a business house will be twice concerned if he would be able to make returns on investment. Secondly currently pakistan gets a lot of aid under polio vaccination program. Thus it saves a some good amount of govts money , which can be better utilized to channelize other vaccination programs too.

Having said that, i do think once the vaccination becomes a common norm, there would be many companies.
India in past also got lot of Polio vaccines as aids from various countries, and there are still few vaccines that comes from foreign providers who supply the same product globally.

Conspiracy against Pashtoons is centuries old... i don't know what does west see in them!
Even Indians are rumored to be cross breeding with children of war kidnapped from Afghanistan, immediately after US invasion.

I have not clues about your conspiracy theories, but I feel you are surely having some something from pastoon region that keeping you very high...or crossbreeding gone wrong ?
Quality control works fin in India but international agencies are after Pashtoon race in Pakistan.
There are many local haters as well.... we need to hold minister responsible and register FIR against them for attempt to murder.
You are getting too much angry
PESHAWAR: At least 700 schoolchildren fell sick after polio vaccination in Peshawar causing an attack on a hospital in city by angry mob, ARY News reported on Monday.

An angry mob resorted to rioting at Mashokhel Hospital in Badha Beer area of Peshawar after several children allegedly fell sick after being administered polio vaccine.

A heavy contingent of police reached to the spot and controlled the unrest.

A mob of the infuriated people staged protest in front of the hospital and damaged the property after reports of several children fell sick after polio vaccination. The protesters broke down the compound wall of the hospital and set the building on fire. A gas cylinder also exploded after the blaze incident.

A heavy contingent of police rushed to the hospital and overcome the lawless situation. SSP Operations Peshawar has said that the legal action will be taken against the people involved in the rioting incident

A spokesperson of Hayatabad Medical Complex has said that the children from Primary School No. 1 Mashokhel brought to the hospital with complaints of vomiting and dizziness are now in stable condition.

A school teacher said that after administration of anti-polio drops the children suffered vomiting and dizziness.

Read more: Health Minister Pechuho inaugurates anti-polio campaign in Sindh

According to earlier reports over 100 children suffering from dizziness were brought to the City Hospital, while 20 others to another hospital. The number, however, later rocketed to around 700 children complaining vomiting and dizziness brought to the medical facilities of Peshawar, hospital sources said.

Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Shah Farman has called a report from the provincial health minister and ordered an inquiry into the incident.

A countrywide campaign to administer anti-polio drops to children under five years of age started today.

National Coordinator of Polio Eradication Programme Dr Rana Safdar told Radio Pakistan Islamabad that the anti-polio drive will target 39 million children in all four provinces, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan region.


I am at Peshawar and it is true.
There is anger & resentment in the peoples, and their anger must immediately be redressed.
Never, an incident like this has happened at a large scale, and precautionary measures must be taken and all civilian places and utilities centers must be closely guarded.

There can be Political motives behind this incident, and there can be foreign players as well! Suppose, if all water being supplied to houses is poisoned then what will and what can happen? We must remain cautious and alert at each and everything happened around ourselves.

These people are easily manipulated.

Put yourself in their shoes and try to understand the situation. Something, some events, and incidents & accidents "Manipulate" peoples. Peoples NEVER get changed overnight.

And Admit that we have a range of problems in Pakistan, and are still far away from the vision of Mr. Jinnah and Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal.
I heard we dont even have the technology to test them let alone make them. Is it true @Zibago ?

That is certainly our shortcoming. Unfortunately we have had such rubbish leaders that have never made health a priority. The people are no different though.

There is no denying that we have crazies who don’t want to vaccinate their children. Such parents need to be penalized heavily.

As for the state, they need to provide vaccination from start to end. They need to be able to produce the vaccination at home. There should be no INGO involved with their personal agenda to dictate the terms.
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More than anything else, I think its failure of vaccination team to properly convey the side effects of vaccination.
They should have properly conveyed to parents that what side effects are expected and that parents should not get worried and care they should take. Many of these parents must have bought there child to vaccination center for first time. Moresoever given that negative environment about vaccination in Pakistan, it was must for the team to do proper ground level engagement about its side effect, with monitoring post vaccination.

In india, the vaccination team guides about the side effects to the extent that they even mention that vaccine might even cause polio in a child who didnt had it previously, but the chances are like 1 in million. They also suggest the symptoms to check out for and what do to over come the symptoms.

Interesting read about how India is fighting the polio war and how actions are taken.
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