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Around 700 children reportedly fell sick after Polio vaccination in Peshawa

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The issue with vaccination is, everyone should take it to completely eradicate the disease.

Good luck to Pakistan.:)
Polio vaccine in Pakistan is provided by Gavi, Malinda and gates foundation or directly via WHO. All 3 are reputable organization and any possibility of tampering is highly unlikely. A bad batch can be a possibility as even an expired live attenuated oral vaccine wont lead to dizziness and vomiting. I would get hold of the vaccine samples and send it for analysis.
This needs to be taken head on as otherwise the refusal rate for the vaccine will sky rocket in an area which is already prone to conspiracy theories.
A clear cut case of factitious disorder or an attempt to sabotage. Oral polio vaccines are safe with very little adverse reactions, most serious of them being vaccine derived paralytic poliomyelitis that too having an incidence of 1 per 2.5 million. These vaccines have a vial monitor pasted on them that changes colour as it becomes ineffective. There is no way vaccine providers would have missed that en masse, and considering vehement protests in Pakistan they would also have doubly checked that cold chain was maintained. Had it been some injectable vaccine like IPV, BCG or measles said complications might have happened, but not with OPV.

It would take less than 7 days for a trained team of epidemiologists to dig down and find the exact cause, if at all there is any. Meanwhile you people could try stopping those illiterate hordes from attacking your health care providers and vandalizing hospitals.
Just watched an interview on ARY this morning at 9am of Provincial health minister KPK, and it was a horror show of incompetence of minister.

The guy refused to accept that anything can be done against the perpetrators of propaganda against Polio Vaccine which was all staged by a few people who want the drive to fail.

The minister told that panic spread due to use of Masajid loudspeaker to disinform people that children have died and every child who took the vaccine must get to the hospital immediately.

When the ARY anchor asked the minister that why did he not ask those 70 plus Masajid to inform people about mistake and fake propaganda, the minister planely refused and said it cannot be done as reaction could happen...that although there was no reaction yesterday but you cannot discount the possibility that reaction could occur, lol.

The minister said we will not take action, police should take action...Police says health officials should take actions.

What level of insanity is this when the health minister himself is weary of propaganda and thinks that polio vaccine can cause extreme health issue, lol or cry out loud... this is made in Indonesia vaccine by WHO and the only reaction to this polio vaccine can be as drastic as a skin rash or mild allergy.

@PakSword @BHarwana @Farah Sohail @Zibago

And news coming in that a poor Police officer has been shot and killed who was on polio team protection duty....this is what happens when propaganda is not property and immediately countered.
Incompetence, incompetence, incompetence.. illiteracy, illiteracy, illiteracy
They did similar stuff in Syria.
Fake chemical attacks.
Could be USA/CIA
Or Mizrahi Jews aka MOSSAD.

Or last option the vaccine by Bill Gates foundation really is harmful for kids.
Knee jerk reactions or jumping to conclusions is one of our national character and many of honourable members got into the trap.
One culprit who had started these rumors is in police custody. May police able to reach to the main source.
Knee jerk reactions or jumping to conclusions is one of our national character and many of honourable members got into the trap.
One culprit who had started these rumors is in police custody. May police able to reach to the main source.

Look how keenly Indians are participating in this topic.
Then People ask why Pakistan is not progressing.
Some people are talking here about global conspiracy against Pashtuun Race.
Some are pointing out obscure articles of how Vaccines are very dangerous for us.
Thanks to these efforts Smallpox have been completely eradicated from the world.
Polio is Practically Eradicated from the World because of efforts of Scientists and Global Health Organizations except the Only two Region where Polio significantly Exists today is Afghanistan and Pakistan due to this utter rubbish conspiracy theories that people of this region believe in and don't vaccinate their children.
World will be free from most of these viral diseases while we will still be following Fantasies that the world is trying to destroy our third world country for some unknown reason instead of joining the developed world and developing our selves on modern standards.
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