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Army's Combat Swarm Drones Fly In Public For First Time

love it
absolutely love it
we are on the brink of becoming a massive weapons producer
Chinas aggression has awake a sleeping giant
we have always had the mathematicians scientist but not the will .
we are harnessing our resources and using Israel is French and usa for ideas.
75 quadcopters were displayed, each having range of 50km and armed with 2x mini suicide drones i.e total of 150 duicide drones capable of delivering 600kg of explosives

Fixed wing loitering munition will be soon tested by HAL and Newspace. These will be launched from fighter aircrafts.
ALPAGU is Turkish 🤣
Surprise! Indian Army Day Drone Swarm demo

Not as big as potrayed by india but it will certainly wake up Pakistan if it already isnt working on such small technologies...

I know that counter systems are being worked on since Jan 2020 but idk if they are working on such deones
Indians have had loitering munition since the mid-2000s. We have nothing to show for, in this case. Our decision-making process is extremely lethargic and very much dependent upon access to tech via Chinese/Turks. Hoping to see us try and catch up here, soon.
75 quadcopters were displayed, each having range of 50km and armed with 2x mini suicide drones i.e total of 150 duicide drones capable of delivering 600kg of explosives

Fixed wing loitering munition will be soon tested by HAL and Newspace. These will be launched from fighter aircrafts.
ALPAGU is a Turkish loitering munition so........
Not as big as potrayed by india but it will certainly wake up Pakistan if it already isnt working on such small technologies...

I know that counter systems are being worked on since Jan 2020 but idk if they are working on such deones
Trust me they are simply digging their grave if they introduce loitering munitions at LOC then Pakistan will go with a Chinese or Turkish option or even develop our own result dead Indian soldiers for no reason.........
This one is not turkish... Is it??? Alpha-S swarm drone by HAL and newspace. Will soon be tested from a jaguar aircraft and each Jaguar aircraft will carry 27 of these swarm drones.
Emphasis on Soon and wheres the propeller bro 🤔
These aren't something that a Chinese jammer would have any trouble bringing down quietly
These aren't something that a Chinese jammer would have any trouble bringing down quietly

Don’t need any jammers. Just give the DJI CEO a call and ask for back door info.

You are better off doing a CGI video show case than whatever the hell they did here. Imagine if China did something like this... Controlled demolition of cardboard vehicles and house... How would Indian members react?
These drones can penetrate up to 50 km behind enemy lines and create havoc, while drone operators can stay hidden safely.

From afar, they look like a flock of birds. But on closer look, they make a hum that only a machine can make and fly in a neat formation. These are combat drones of the Indian Army that can swarm enemy forces and overwhelm their defences.

Over 15 such swarm drones of the army flew for the first time in public at the Army Day parade in Delhi. These drones can penetrate up to 50 km behind enemy lines and create havoc, while drone operators can stay hidden safely, the presenter at the parade said.

Swarm drones are seen as a potent weapon in future warfare. The US, China, Russia and a few European countries are in the process of developing the first elements of their swarm-drone strike packages.

The government strongly backs the drone development initiative as part of the Make in India programme, which encourages Indian defence manufacturers to focus on core research and development projects towards the next-generation requirements of India's armed forces.

For more follow the link below.
Would be interesting to know how much resistance to electrical interference these have. The further away from the controller these drones are the weaker the signal. I know that drones used by army here have built in capability to vary the frequency over a set bandwith.

If these are what I think they are, commercial drones running over a single frequency without any means of fluctuating and varying the frequency they will be a piece of cake to jam and compromise.

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