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Army to stop ops if Omar lifts AFSPA?

If you think it's your Kashmir, Then come and take it. How long you gonna wait ?? Already 65 years completed. Take it before it's too late and things will turn towards P.0.K.

We dnt have to take it by force:


the CM ordered the army to lift this draconian law, and the army refused.....so one is forced to ask a lot of questions about the belligerence of the occupation forces terrorizing Kashmiris

I agree the civil Govt. must be the best Judge. The Armies in Asia are subtle power centers as no one wants to crticize them as most of their F-Ups are covered under draconian OSA. Reminds me of the PA over ruling the civillian Govt. from removing ISI from Army control but of course good old Abu sees only one side.

kashmiri freedom fighters are fighting in kashmir .......... if you want a peaceful solution then come on table and find a solution that is acceptable to kashmiris too and then there will be a peace between Pakistan and India

Papa you have been ranting this for 60 plus years, what have you acheived so far?
Any Indian government which would do what Pakistan wants would loose its power, all its MPs would loose deposit. Dont you see powerful Anna surge? its in the indian Parliament act - Kashmir is atoot ang of India - US-UN or any tom dickens Harry cant undo what u want. More so, when Pakistan is on crutches, begging for aids. Giving MFN to Rival India out of compulsion, looking at US hostile attitude, and local precarious conditions - with no international help coming through its so called democratic freinds of Pakistan.....till then - mend your ways and means.....
kashmiri freedom fighters are fighting in kashmir .......... if you want a peaceful solution then come on table and find a solution that is acceptable to kashmiris too and then there will be a peace between Pakistan and India

So lot of mass graves abt to come anyhow it is gud news for OUR VEER JAWANS.Wat kashmiri's/pakistan thinks is not matters for us ,decision abt kashmir issue would be based upon India strategic interest . Peace between India and pakistan r u kidding???
Guys please stick to topic. No my kashmir vs your kashmir please.
I am not at all convinced we cant go back to kashmir if we want. That can happen any time.
The chances of terrorists coming back from outside is very low, but locals getting angry is very high.
This is not unique to kashmir people, anywhere you station forces, there will be human right violations.

Remember punjab police defeated militancy, give JK police a chance.(Or add CRPF/CISF who as good as army.)
Also, border policing is much better now, very less change of many fighters sneaking in.
Guys please stick to topic. No my kashmir vs your kashmir please.
I am not at all convinced we cant go back to kashmir if we want. That can happen any time.
The chances of terrorists coming back from outside is very low, but locals getting angry is very high.
This is not unique to kashmir people, anywhere you station forces, there will be human right violations.

Remember punjab police defeated militancy, give JK police a chance.(Or add CRPF/CISF who as good as army.)
Also, border policing is much better now, very less change of many fighters sneaking in.

I think u have less idea abt Kashmir and the situation is completely differ frm other states. Already JK,CRPF,ARMY EVEN some MARCOS stand there that's y situation is under control if u withdraw military then u can't imagine abt that consequences . There is no need to lift AFSPA now.
Oh fine then just give them their break but what will happen when this break gets over they will be asked to get those areas back which would have been gone in the hands of terrorists and in this process more jawans will die.:taz:

I hope IA don't listen to these idiots.

Do what it always does best. Fedex them to hell. :sniper:
if Omar lifts the AFSPA New Delhi should in response declare presidents rule while J&K is peaceful the Kashmir valley still experiences militancy from Pakistani backed terrorists that infiltrate LoC, i have a solution place sentry guns all across LoC to turn infiltrating militants into swiss cheese the minute they try and infiltrate and make a new act that eases up the power of the military in Jammu and Ladakh whereas the Kashmir valley should still have that legislation due to the questionable internal situation
Omar is a fool, playing this out in public like this. Why couldn't he have discussed this with GoI/IA before announcing such measures? If he really cared about security this is what he would have done and this would have given him an oppurtunity to hear and understand the IA's frustrations and reservations about such moves as, after all, it really is their ***' on the line every day. You cant have an operationally successful CI force without a mandate to carry out their actions. If a soldier feels he is going to come under scrutiny for every move he makes he is going to put himself and the mission at risk. Cheap politics being played out and we all know who will be the poor saps who pay the price in blood.

I have always maintained the AFSPA is an old political buzzword branded around to score points and used as an example of tyranny of J&K by those who do not understand military tactics or how the AFSPA is used and by whom. Also no on seems to understand that despite the huge amount of ALLEGATIONS levelled at the IA, only VERY a minute fraction are ever found to be independently correct and of they are there are mechanisms within the IA who deal with the culprits VERY seriously. After all the IA is one of the moss professional armies in the world with exceptionally high standards for all serving men and women.

If the situation is so good the question of why the IA are still in J&K arises? As long as IA are in J&K they need such legal protection to be militarily effective, end of.

It stuns me such momentous decisions can be made on such a low, relatively, level and the GoI in Delhi doesn't have more of a say given they are charged with the bigger picture of India's national security.
so here you making me troll ............... Azad kashmir is the free region. We kashmiris are lot better in AJk and living a free and independent lives here
Oh really? Then what is all this about?........

You guys will deny all this, naturally - You're living in a world of denial! :azn:
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^^^ LOL what is the point of self governance when the elections are rigged so that the people you vote for are not even elected to power? :lol: the only thing Pakistan has developed in there occupied part of Kashmir is terrorist training camps whereas India uses federal funds for the development and betterment of the people living in J&K more than any other state
kashmiri freedom fighters are fighting in kashmir .......... if you want a peaceful solution then come on table and find a solution that is acceptable to kashmiris too and then there will be a peace between Pakistan and India

why do u need to hire Arabs to fight your war if you think they are Kashmiri Freedom fighters..have you yourself tried once to fight for that so called right. NO right.

I will tell you once more..with you or without you, we will get P O K..no crap about azad ..vazad...we have seen how much azad they are ...no food, no work, no water, no life..thats y they are azad..most important no free education.

do you think Kashmir will be azad anytime in the future...no..you have the option and only option to return our land, you can safely stay with Pakistan.
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