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Army to stop ops if Omar lifts AFSPA?

Right move.

Let Omar burn his hands and learn from experience

And let the veer Jawans get a well-deserved break.

Oh fine then just give them their break but what will happen when this break gets over they will be asked to get those areas back which would have been gone in the hands of terrorists and in this process more jawans will die.:taz:

I hope IA don't listen to these idiots.
I think they should remove the army earliest and deploy CFPF.
CRPF DG has already said they can operate without any AFSPA.
Also, JK police is a good counter terrorism force now, many of the recent "kills" are by police force, not army.

Army should understand, they were stop gap arrangement. They stayed on too long.
Oh fine then just give them their break but what will happen when this break gets over they will be asked to get those areas back which would have been gone in the hands of terrorists and in this process more jawans will die.:taz:

I hope IA don't listen to these idiots.

Deep in your mind you seem worried that Kashmir will be taken over by Kashmiris and Indian Occupation will end. Good for you.
Deep in your mind you seem worried that Kashmir will be taken over by Kashmiris and Indian Occupation will end. Good for you.
Well the removal of AFSPA will remove the immunity that army enjoys. Deployment of forces are determined by GoI anyway.

However I would support army to go back to the border posts where they are needed more than stay in CI operations.
Omar Abdullah is pandering to his constituency - vote bank politics at its worst! The terrorists must be rubbing their hands with glee! Once AFSPA is withdrawn, they'll sneak back and establish their bases there. Playing into the hands of inimical forces is what this tyro of a CM is doing.

He should go back to playing golf with his dad. Jeeez!

the CM ordered the army to lift this draconian law, and the army refused.....so one is forced to ask a lot of questions about the belligerence of the occupation forces terrorizing Kashmiris
I beg you pardon? It's high time you stop getting your half baked info from those rabid pro-'Azad' Kashmir Pakistani tabloids who spew nothing but nonsense!

There is no 'terrorising' of Kashmiris as you mention. I have just come back from the Valley and nothing of the sort was evident. For your info, more than 700,000 tourists have visited the Kashmir Valley this year, including 21,000 foreigners. Businesses of Kashmiris are flourishing - from house boat owners to hoteliers to shopkeepers. Kashmiris are on the move and earning millions!

“This year has been fantastic businesswise,” said Tanveer Ahmed, a travel agency owner. “I really hope it stays like this.” Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik had also assured the tourists that Kashmir was a safe place to visit. He had also advised them not to pay heed to “false rumours.”
So who's terrorizing who? Your silly comments lack objectivity and rely only on the false propaganda you are being constantly fed by ill informed tabloids who make a quick buck by spreading nonsense for TRP ratings. Go to the Valley and see for yourself before reproducing the twaddle in some of your tabloids and the claptrap of self styled hate mongering Mullahs like Hafiz Saeed and Co.

its a time for Indian Army to pay back what atrocities they have done in IOK
Deep in your mind you seem worried that Kashmir will be taken over by Kashmiris and Indian Occupation will end. Good for you.
Kashmir is already with the kashmiri's, its the other half which we will liberate from Paks occupation known as P O K.
Kashmir is already with the kashmiri's, its the other half which we will liberate from Paks occupation known as P O K.
so here you making me troll ............... Azad kashmir is the free region while remaining is Indian occupied
how much army you have in IOK to hold it in your hand .... try to hold it harder but i know soon it will slip from your hand .... stop dreaming about Azad kashmir
We kashmiris are lot better in AJk and living a free and independent lives here and in IOK the life become worse for Kashmiris by the hands of Indian army
Let presidential rule come if this loser removes AFSPA. He's too stupid to lead a state that has always been in the grip of militancy since last 2 decades.

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