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Army to stop ops if Omar lifts AFSPA?


Jul 30, 2011
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In an indication of the growing chasm between the Army and the J&K government, senior military sources indicated on Thursday that the former might suspend counter-insurgency operations if chief minister Omar Abdullah unilaterally lifted the controversial Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) from parts of the state.

Speaking to the media in Srinagar a day after chairing a meeting at which the Army reiterated its reservations against the partial withdrawal of the Act, Abdullah said: "No cannot be the answer" to his proposal for the phased withdrawal AFSPA from areas where militancy had been contained.

"As chief minister of the state, I have the authority do it (lift AFSPA)," he added.

The political grapevine in Srinagar is buzzing with talk of the imminent lifting of AFSPA in Srinagar, Budgam and some other areas.

The Army had suspended operations in 1996-97, when the then Farooq Abdullah government had replaced two corps commanders as security advisors with a senior police officer. It finally relented and came out of its barracks again only after the state government backtracked on its decision and restored the positions to its officers.

A defiant Omar Abdullah is hoping his strong stand in favour of partially lifting AFSPA, which protects all actions of security personnel from judicial scrutiny, will help him regain the political capital — and authority — he has lost since his swearing in almost three years ago following a series of violent street agitations, administrative lapses and the controversial death of a party worker last month.

Army to stop ops if Omar lifts AFSPA? - Hindustan Times
Way to go army. I think either the army is moved to the baracks and states security is handled by police, in that case Omar Abdullah will actually have to work hard because police in India is not at all trained or equipped with resources for this kind of job.

The JnK government will actually have to work hard so as to get investment in the state so as to run the economy and not just sit their AC offices and wait for annaul donation from central government.

They will have to spend money on filling all the police posts and then equip them with resources to fight any danger. I hope Mr. Abdullah have the ropes to get out of this hole that he is creating.

As far as army is concerned, i think our soldiers can take a couple years off because lets face it, IA will return. As far as enemy attack is concerned, IA will still be in JnK so no worries.
Right move.

Let Omar burn his hands and learn from experience

And let the veer Jawans get a well-deserved break.
In principle the offer for lifting ASPFA from selected sectors in Kashimir may seem to be seductive but we already have a glaring example of how this thing can go wrong in the form of manipur. Lets hope omar doesn't pull off some blunder here
AFSPA should be lifted except in the Kashmir valley where violence is the most concentrated including with border areas along the LoC where militants like to hide and regroup to launch attacks like Sopore Gurez etc

Omar is a fool should he lift AFSPA Presidents rule should be enacted in Kashmir if AFSPA is taken away
the CM ordered the army to lift this draconian law, and the army refused.....so one is forced to ask a lot of questions about the belligerence of the occupation forces terrorizing Kashmiris
^^^ yeah thats hypocritical to say the least our forces in Kashmir protect those from the menace of the militants forces backed by covertly by your forces don't forget who is really behind what in Kashmir we didn't cause the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits from the valley you guys did.
^^^ yeah thats hypocritical to say the least our forces in Kashmir protect those from the menace of the militants forces backed by covertly by your forces don't forget who is really behind what in Kashmir we didn't cause the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits from the valley you guys did.

if they are protecting them (as you claim) then why has there been constant rebellion and defiance against their presence?

as for so-called "Ethnic cleansing" --- that is a myth which even the pundits (in Kashmir --the ones who didn't run away like cowards to next door india for purely economic reasons) claim is ''exaggerated''

the occupation forces in Kashmir have far more blood on their hands than do a few resistance fighters
if they are protecting them (as you claim) then why has there been constant rebellion and defiance against their presence?

as for so-called "Ethnic cleansing" --- that is a myth which even the pundits (in Kashmir --the ones who didn't run away like cowards to next door india for purely economic reasons) claim is ''exaggerated''

the occupation forces in Kashmir have far more blood on their hands than do a few resistance fighters

the Kashmir valley experiences what you are saying Jammu and Ladakh are peaceful today besides what you claim to be rebellion and defiance is today nothing short of protests and demonstrations and at the worst is a bunch of young fools throwing stones at security forces

and what you claim to be exaggerations are noticed throughout the world not just India the Pandits have suffered most in Kashmir they the true Kashmiris that still live there with there original religion have been forced to leave because of what the militants backed by your nation try to do.

take a look http://www.leg.state.or.us/09reg/measpdf/sjr1.dir/sjr0023.intro.pdf

and the "occupation forces" will do what they need to do, the people in the Kashmir valley can continue there hardline ways and in return will be punished for it when you throw rocks at soldiers who try and preserve internal stability do not expect any sympathy. the AFSPA would not even exist if these people would stop trying to destabilize Kashmir as a whole.
the CM ordered the army to lift this draconian law, and the army refused.....so one is forced to ask a lot of questions about the belligerence of the occupation forces terrorizing Kashmiris

the CM is not the one who will take guns and fight the terrorists if **** hits the fan..

The Army is the primary stakeholder in the maintenance of security in the state and as such its concern are of the primary concern...a bit like Pak Army involving itself in India-Pak relations on the basis that in security of Pakistan they also have a stake.
AJE is FAR more neutral and objective than a lot of other international mainstream media.....i'll trust it more than i trust your ToI(let)
The Army does not wish to be deployed in the Valley. Counter insurgency operations are detrimental to the health of any army which is trained and equipped to fight the enemy on the borders and not its own citizens. The Army was deployed in the Valley on the orders of the politicians when the politicians managed to fcuk up the situation nearly to the point of no return. The Army is not keen to be there in the first place but if the Army has to be deployed then it should be on its terms. Politicians can't have it both ways. Don't like the AFSPA? Denotify the state, withdraw the Disturbed Area act and tell the Army that they can go. The Army will be grateful to be allowed to leave the Valley. But you can't keep the Army there, not give it any powers and use it like the Police.

Correct decision by the Army.
the CM ordered the army to lift this draconian law, and the army refused.....so one is forced to ask a lot of questions about the belligerence of the occupation forces terrorizing Kashmiris
Pakistan and kashmir have one similarity.
Army plays equal role as politicians.
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