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Army swoops on ‘CIA agents’

some can, yes...in fact some have been

(a bit too many for comfort)

do you think i am denying that a good number of attacks (acts of war) against Pakistan have been carried out by individuals born in Pakistan?

No you are not, individual terrorists is not uncommon in the U.S. as well. As you know the Muslim-American communities are doing their best to make sure that the terrorists are arrested. Many of them arrested are Arabs or African. American citizens have traveled to Pakistan to be trained in the acts of terror in training camps before coming back home to commit acts of terror.
you can ''appreciate'' the importance of us working together to stop that trend?
No use pretending that the ISI and people are one, not when Ambassador Haqqani says otherwise.

so you are implying either directly that ''ambassador'' haqqani and the ''people'' are one?

as i said earlier, he's a man of many hats. A lot of people are in fact questioning his credibility. Seems the Americans are more partial to him than even the President 10% himself.

If you think that, why not just use the forum's "ignore" function to blank me out rather than bother to contest what I write?

because contesting and pointing out flaws and discrepencies is a lot better (and a lot more fun) than acting like a plucked chicken and resorting to ''easy way out''
Pakistan arrests for CIA help are reality: Gates

WASHINGTON: Pakistan’s arrest of several people who provided information to the CIA before the US raid that killed Osama bin Laden is a reflection of the harsh realities of today’s world, Defence Secretary Robert Gates told senators Wednesday.

While Gates did not directly confirm the reports, his comments were the first public acknowledgement by US officials of the Pakistan arrests –the latest flare up between the US and Islamabad since the May 2 operation that took US troops deep into the country to get bin Laden.

Reflecting the growing impatience in Congress with the war in Afghanistan and the sometimes tepid support from Pakistan, Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy grilled Gates during a hearing, demanding: ”How long do we support governments that lie to us? When do we say enough is enough?”

Gates responded that based on his 27 years at the CIA and more than four as Pentagon chief, ”most governments lie to each other. That’s the way business gets done.”

”Do they also arrest the people that help us, when they say they’re allies?” Leahy pressed.

”Sometimes,” replied Gates, adding, ”and sometimes they send people to spy on us, and they’re our close allies. That’s the real world that we deal with. ”

The sharp exchange came during an otherwise friendly Senate Defence appropriations subcommittee hearing, where members lauded Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for their service during difficult times of war.

Mullen told senators that the US is struggling to rebuild its badly broken relationship with Pakistan. But the arrests have driven another wedge between the two countries, angering Congress which controls the purse strings for the billions of dollars in aid Islamabad receives.

A Western official in Pakistan has confirmed that five Pakistanis were arrested by Pakistan’s top intelligence service.

The group of detained Pakistanis included the owner of a safe house rented to the CIA to observe bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, a US official said.

The owner was detained along with a ”handful” of other Pakistanis, said the official. The Western officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence matters.

Pakistan arrests for CIA help are reality: Gates | Latest-News | DAWN.COM
^^ If the news is true, hard time ahead for Pakistan. Without us aid and freebie military hardware, Pakistan is tickling timebomb to collapse.

ur new here and i will have to tell u again, 68 billion lost on wor on terror, and got 32 billion in aid, learn the facts then open ur mouth
it is evident that more and more Pakistanis realize that the so-called ''aid'' is not only counter-productive -- it is more 'malicious' in nature than ever believed or anticipated.

a cut in aid would be a Godsend for Pakistan and for the concerned, shell-shocked American tax-payer
That's amazing, Pakistan could find informants, but they couldn't find bin Ladin. Bin Ladin lived right under their noses. The Pakistani government, was probably protecting him.
These people who have been caught probably hid Osama in that compound themselves in collusion with the CIA to setup the eventual raid on Abbotabad , it all adds up
That's not how it works. When a state employs an irregular force that by design is beyond the reach of the law citizens quickly learn that state institutions can't help them when this force commits crimes or violates their rights. Then if another outfit comes along citizens can't be certain if it is allied or part of the "approved" one or not. Law and order quickly decays.

BS example........

Pakistan is no exception to this. Another example is Gaza under the 1947-67 Egyptian occupation. The Egyptians began training fedayeen there, whether or not the populace wanted it. That provided a screen for other terror groups to begin operations.

Every dictator in Pakistan,Iraq,Egypt,tunisia etc were supported by USA.
Musharaf? etc
Just for your own pathetic interests..

Pakistan confessed in October 2009 to diverting U.S. aid to forces facing India and to supporting the Taliban. Nothing stops the U.S. and Pakistan from coordinating ops if Pakistan so desired.

No we didnt..... Musharaf said tht yes the weapons bought on cash..... provided by US would be used to fight any agression... tht includes india aswell.

You never considered that Pakistan was at fault, not the USA?

65 war? 71 war? presslers amendment? u looked the other way till ur interests were taken care of!
Even the peace gate crap was a violation of the agreement.

U.S. & Saudi funds under Zia's exclusive direction created the mujaheddin.
Nope CIA funded and even bought soviet made weapons frm israel to fight the taliban.......... It was US tht named Taliban as "Mujahideen" fighting godless infidel commie USSR!

So I'm sure Pakistan was happy to see the U.S. go and leave Pakistan to establish the Taliban in power.. and thus employ Afghanistan as "strategic depth

Yes leaving us to deal with heavily armed warlords!who could turn their guns toward Pakistan after the betrayal of USA............. great....We should have started another war on our own against the whole of Afghanistan...

We still consider a friendly Afghanistan as a strategic asset...
". (if the Army ever lost Pakistan like it did Bangladesh it could then retreat to Afghanistan and lord over the population there.)
Thts the dumbest thing i have ever heard!
First it was ur BS abt using taliban against india and now this...... where did u read this crap? or did u dream abt it.

Now, what do these pathetic complaints have to do with the title thread?

An answer to ur Garbage claims abt ally and all tht shyt......

I sincerly hope US cuts the f...kin few hundred million every year and we become sulf reliant and leave this shytty agreement with the US tht has only given us problems to deal with.....
These people who have been caught probably hid Osama in that compound themselves in collusion with the CIA to setup the eventual raid on Abbotabad , it all adds up
Well looking it from neutral angle. Here are my views.
The CIA claimed it did not knew who was inside the compound when it raid, that means that person allegedly spying did not knew what he was spying, so trying to get to handover OSAMA to CIA was out of question.
Now spying for CIA in Pakistan is a crime, big crime. You are against your country. So Pakistan is right here.
Also, if they find that CIA has created a net of spies in Pakistan and they get worried is natural and correct response, who will be happy with that situation? Here also Pakistan is correct.

Having said that my hunch is Pakistan was shielding OBL, reasons not sure but could be because he had connection with AT.

Also, few people think that taking US head-on will just be loss of aid are wrong. US has too many powerful tools that they can use to hurt you. IMF and World Bank are prime example. But, had I been a Pakistani, I will perhaps take a risk and break with US and try to build my nation, even if the road is difficult. The reason is you cannot give an impression to USA that they can get whatever they want, that way you have lost everything not just sovereignty (basically izzat ka faludu ho raha hai mamu).

Let us see how it goes, next will be their turn.
I find it amusing as well they arrested the informAnts but couldn't find obl ?
What do the Americans expect, anyone found cooperating with a foreign spy agency has to be properly processed, and I hope tried for treason.

Except for the minor point that Pakistan was ment to be cooperating in the hunt for Osama? If providing the cooperation that the ISI was claiming they were providing, is actually regarded as treason it makes things very clear.
These people who have been caught probably hid Osama in that compound themselves in collusion with the CIA to setup the eventual raid on Abbotabad , it all adds up

I do not know what you smoke, but certainly the quality of it is evident from your posts.
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