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Army swoops on ‘CIA agents’


You are new on this board----I don't give hand outs ( my apologies )---that is I don't give out links----you want to gain information---search for it. A lots of information is available out there.

Dear, you wanna claim something, and then you want us to look for your claim to decide whether its right or wrong?? In that case, your claims are nothing but some false statements which can't be trusted. Please accept my apologies for the same.
One day you all can explain the dichotomy to the world. In the same thread, Pakistanis claim Osoma was not in Abbotabad, while saying it was good to arrest the people who betrayed him in Abbotabad. Does the split-personality slowly drive you all mad?

The people are not being arrested for 'betraying' OBL. They are being arrested for cooperating with a foreign spy agency -- on whatever pretext.

You are projecting your own presuppositions onto neutral facts.
The CIA has infiltrated every level of the Pakistani government, it will be very difficult or perhaps impossible to flush out all of them. Many will become sleeping cells now.
Arent these informers eligible for the millions of bounty money for providing information that can lead to his capture put up by the US Government.??

Are they paying them or not? :what:
Gates responded that based on his 27 years at the CIA and more than four as Pentagon chief, ”most governments lie to each other. That’s the way business gets done.”

that says it all , doesnt it ?

Even I can go to that blog and say that Bush knew about the attack! Its not a big deal. Look, I'm not trying to be a pain or something, I just request you to show me an official statement from the government of US that they knew about it. And that's what was claimed by you guys, you just need to prove your statement. All the best.
The CIA has infiltrated every level of the Pakistani government, it will be very difficult or perhaps impossible to flush out all of them. Many will become sleeping cells now.

They are not CIA. They are terrorists, funded and protected by Pakistan. ;)
Even I can go to that blog and say that Bush knew about the attack! Its not a big deal. Look, I'm not trying to be a pain or something, I just request you to show me an official statement from the government of US that they knew about it. And that's what was claimed by you guys, you just need to prove your statement. All the best.

I haven't followed the discussion. The link I posted was only intended to show that the US was aware of the threat of aircraft being deliberately crashed into buildings. In fact they took it seriously enough to devise specific exercises to rehearse that scenario in their anti-terror drills. Whether they believed that threat would come from AQ or other terrorists is another matter.

Perhaps it's time for you to take a break - instead of making sense you are simply being rude.
one year ago, many members here dismissed the notion of big CIA operation inside pakistan, and dismissed that as nonsense and conspiracy, these ignorant and arrogant people have now let their arrogance and ignorance flourish CIA network through out pakistan and they have since been woken up after raymond davis

this is complete pathetic, pakistanis only wake up when they have been hurt and busted, pathetic at its peak

we pakistanis need to get our priorities right, who our real enemy is
I haven't followed the discussion. The link I posted was only intended to show that the US was aware of the threat of aircraft being deliberately crashed into buildings. In fact they took it seriously enough to devise specific exercises to rehearse that scenario in their anti-terror drills. Whether they believed that threat would come from AQ or other terrorists is another matter.

This is what I'm looking for. The bold part. Is there any official statement from US government about it? Let me take you through the discussion. Mastan had claimed that some juniors in CIA knew about the attack and wanted to prove the failure of CIA, and when I asked for the link about his claim, then he wants me to look for it myself! Now does it make any sense?

Then you came in with the link which I don't think is credible (my apology). I'm looking for the official statement of their government knowing about it. Thanks!
This is what I'm looking for. The bold part. Is there any official statement from US government about it? Let me take you through the discussion. Mastan had claimed that some juniors in CIA knew about the attack and wanted to prove the failure of CIA, and when I asked for the link about his claim, then he wants me to look for it myself! Now does it make any sense?

Then you came in with the link which I don't think is credible (my apology). I'm looking for the official statement of their government knowing about it. Thanks!

Two links at the bottom of that blog post:
USATODAY.com - NORAD had drills of jets as weapons
CNN.com - NORAD exercise had jet crashing into building - Apr 19, 2004

Both USAToday and CNN are respectable mainstream media outlets. I expect you know what NORAD is.
It is clear that there is a section of people in Pakistan who believe that giving refuge to OBL or the strategic assets currently is/was never a good idea. This notion though is evidently against the national discourse (led by the army all over these years). However, such people will follow their conscience in trying to attribute to the health of Pakistan by fighting the extremism and fundamentalism that is extremely pervasive in Pakistan to this day. Is it correct to brandish these people with treason? How many on this forum will disagree that killing OBL was a good incident in itself? Only in the light of this opinion shall one seek to brandish people who helped US against their own ISI to expose OBL as treasonists.

Why has the army not been so active in bringing to account the killers of Shahzad who was blatantly tortured and murdered and the body dumped in a canal? Why is the army not so keen to investigate the mehran collusionists? Why is the army not looking for the support network of OBL (if they claim innocence in his presence right next to their academy)? The actions give away the objective.

I am preaching to the choir? Maybe. But try I will.
Pakistan Denies Arresting Army Major Who Reportedly Fed CIA Information Leading Up To Bin Laden Raid

ISLAMABAD -- The Pakistani army denied Wednesday that one of its majors was among a group of Pakistanis who Western officials say were arrested for feeding the CIA information before the American raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

The New York Times, which first reported the arrests of five Pakistani informants Tuesday, said an army major was detained who copied license plates of cars visiting the al-Qaida chief's compound in Pakistan in the weeks before the raid.

A Western official in Pakistan confirmed that five Pakistanis who fed information to the CIA before the May 2 operation were arrested by Pakistan's top intelligence service.

But Pakistani army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas denied an army major was arrested, saying the report was "false and totally baseless." Neither the army nor Pakistan's spy agency would confirm or deny the overall report about the detentions.

The group of detained Pakistanis included the owner of a safe house rented to the CIA to observe bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, an army town not far from the Pakistani capital of Islamabad, a U.S. official said. The owner was detained along with a "handful" of other Pakistanis, said the official.

The Western officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence matters.

The fate of the purported CIA informants who were arrested was unclear, but American officials told the Times that CIA Director Leon Panetta raised the issue when he visited Islamabad last week to meet with Pakistani military and intelligence officers.

U.S.-Pakistani relations have been strained over the raid by Navy SEALs on Pakistani territory, which embarrassed Pakistan's military, and other issues.

One of the issues that has caused tension between the two countries is U.S. drone missile strikes targeting militants in Pakistan's tribal region near the Afghan border.

Three attacks on Wednesday targeted suspected militant compounds and a vehicles in south and north Waziristan tribal areas, killing at least 15 alleged insurgents, according to Pakistani intelligence officials. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.

Pakistani officials often denounce the strikes in public, even though many are believed to support them in private. That support has been strained in the wake of the bin Laden raid, especially since the strikes are unpopular with the Pakistani public.

Officials said the arrests of the suspected informants was just the latest evidence of the fractured relationship between the two nations.

The Times said that at a closed briefing last week, members of the Senate Intelligence Committee asked Michael Morell, the deputy CIA director, to rate Pakistan's cooperation with the United States on counterterrorism operations, on a scale of 1 to 10.

"Three," Morell replied, according to officials familiar with the exchange, the newspaper said.

American officials speaking to the Times cautioned that Morell's comment was a snapshot of the current relationship and did not represent the Obama administration's overall assessment.

"We have a strong relationship with our Pakistani counterparts and work through issues when they arise," Marie Harf, a CIA spokeswoman, told the newspaper. "Director Panetta had productive meetings last week in Islamabad. It's a crucial partnership, and we will continue to work together in the fight against al-Qaida and other terrorist groups who threaten our country and theirs."

Husain Haqqani, Pakistan's ambassador to the United States, said in an interview with the Times that the CIA and the Pakistani spy agency "are working out mutually acceptable terms for their cooperation in fighting the menace of terrorism. It is not appropriate for us to get into the details at this stage."

Pakistan Denies Arresting Army Major Who Reportedly Fed CIA Information Leading Up To Bin Laden Raid
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