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Army swoops on ‘CIA agents’

Excellent news if true.

Any citizen who collaborate with any foreign country's spy agency/ies commit high treason against his own country.

these informants have committed highest treason against Pakistan hence according to law they should be charges for treason

Isnt treason an act that goes against the national interest of a country?

But the killing of OBL is only a benefit for Pakistan....isnt it? I mean the Americans are your allies and you are committed to fighting terrorism right?
Isnt the CIA and ISI co-operating (or at least was before OBL bang) on intelligence sharing.....if this isnt intelligence what is?

So why is the execution of the big kahuna of the terrorism and help provided by locals leading to him considered such a crime?

Besides, not like OBL was Pakistani and no Pakistani was harmed in the making of this operation...
So that is all that you have to splash, now the 10%+/- figure. Who the hell is shooting a retard, did I point my guns at you yet. Listen just because you think its true dont make it the fact. For arguments sake, try to learn how to reason, not to impose your version of bs on others. And PS not that I owe you any thing MR.10% if you would open your eyes and start to read and look around properly this forum only, you will see how critical we Pakistanis are of if wrong that is done by the authorities in Pakistan.

Taimi Khan was screaming his throat out in the first 5 pages that what can be single benifit for ISI sheltering OBL. I gave so many. He probably read it and chose not to reply. And here you rest of you are hurling abuses instead of countering my argument.

My question was directed to TK and still is. You are jumping in and out without invite.
I agree and glad to see you admit that the ISI ain't perfect. Would that suggest the ISI is now aware of the dangers of the terrorist groups they claim to be useful against India or are they just going do double standards. I don't like the CIA as well. Their past history disgusts me. But the drone attack and setting up informants in other countries to gather intel is a start. Just disappointed that the ISI found the network.


Drone attacks are going to backfire in the long run---because they are inhuman---. Just like anything that is used in excess---it loses it value and creates a cause for retaliation. As for the isi just found them----well isi may have let them have the run of the mill for awhile---isi was under a lots of pressure from its own govt-----.

After this incidence, they will grow fangs----all these networks will see their demise at a rapid pace----as the peace talks between the afg, america and taliban progress, Mullah Omar may not be a target anymore---.

This issue with obl----Obama would have been better off to shut his mouth except to have taken the credit of taking out Osama. Seems like he chewed on more than he could swallow when he started putting pakistan down in the world media. It will cost him his presidency----and he will end up in the hall of shame as america most incompetent president---thus would end the progression of any black presidential electees to the white house for the next 50 years.

Obama got slammed by Rumsfeld for slamming pakistan, then he got slammed by the most of the 7 republican presidential candidates on cnn yesterday---his popularity numbers have gone down---americans didnot see anything positive in his blaming pak for everything. They will punish him by kicking him out of the office.
WASHINGTON: The the Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) has arrested five CIA informants in Pakistan, including a Pakistan Army major, suspected of feeding information on Osama bin Laden to the CIA, said a report in the New York Times.


Pakistan’s detention of the five CIA informants, including the Army major who officials said copied the license plates of cars visiting Bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad in the weeks before the raid, is the latest evidence of the fractured relationship between the United States and Pakistan. It comes at a time when the Obama administration is seeking Pakistan’s support in brokering an endgame in the war in neighboring Afghanistan.

At a closed briefing last week, members of the Senate Intelligence Committee asked Michael J. Morell, the deputy CIA director, to rate Pakistan’s cooperation with the United States on counterterrorism operations, on a scale of one to ten.

“Three,” Mr. Morell replied, according to officials familiar with the exchange.

Officials cautioned that Mr. Morell’s comments about Pakistani support was a snapshot of the current relationship, and did not represent the administration’s overall assessment.

“We have a strong relationship with our Pakistani counterparts and work through issues when they arise,” said Marie E. Harf, a CIA spokeswoman. “Director Panetta had productive meetings last week in Islamabad. It’s a crucial partnership, and we will continue to work together in the fight against Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups who threaten our country and theirs.”

American officials said that the CIA director, Leon E. Panetta, raised the issue of the arrested informants when he traveled to Islamabad last week to meet with Pakistani military and intelligence officers.

Husain Haqqani, Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States, said in a brief telephone interview that the CIA and the Pakistani spy agency “are working out mutually agreeable terms for their cooperation in fighting the menace of terrorism. It is not appropriate for us to get into the details at this stage.”

Pakistan arrests five CIA informants | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
Taimi Khan was screaming his throat out in the first 5 pages that what can be single benifit for ISI sheltering OBL. I gave so many. He brobably read it and chose not to reply.


Please show respect for my moderator here---. It is bad manners for a new guest to start insulting the host from the gitgo---now isn't it.
Isnt treason an act that goes against the national interest of a country?

But the killing of OBL is only a benefit for Pakistan....isnt it? I mean the Americans are your allies and you are committed to fighting terrorism right?
Isnt the CIA and ISI co-operating (or at least was before OBL bang) on intelligence sharing.....if this isnt intelligence what is?

So why is the execution of the big kahuna of the terrorism and help provided by locals leading to him considered such a crime?

Besides, not like OBL was Pakistani and no Pakistani was harmed in the making of this operation...

Killing of OBL is not the issue here. The same people who presumable are Pakistanis could have informed the authorities and helped the armed forces to nab the guy. (and dont give me the age old bs that the PA has leaks) Instead they chose to cooperate with a different spy agency of another country. I wonder what was their motive, not Patriotism ofcourse. Money yes. Then when they could do that for $ they can do harm to Pakistan when the amount is right. So a +ve move by the ISI, and PS they are not doing any thing out of the ordinary. Any country could have done that. And was it not Ravans own brother who back stabbed him.

Please show respect for my moderator here---. It is bad manners for a new guest to start insulting the host from the gitgo---now isn't it.

SIr, please see who started it. Instead of countering my argument, people are getting into personal abuses without provocation.

No disrespect meant to TK though.
its proving that instead of osama, that place hosted some ISI, army guys and the taliban guys who might be negotiating with isi, army, which was raided by cia, otherwise the thread doesnt make any sense
Taimi Khan was screaming his throat out in the first 5 pages that what can be single benifit for ISI sheltering OBL. I gave so many. He probably read it and chose not to reply.

My question was directed to TK and still is. You are jumping in and out without invite.

TK is a brother and a friend. I will stand up for him any day of the week. Do you have issues to that. And secondly it was not a questions rather it was the same old version of filt% that come out of you indians day in day out. Sugar coating sh!t dont make it candy. So learn to talk to others respectfully and then you will have your answers in the same manner. Or you reap what you sow.
The US Congress has acted and is suspending 75% of financial support to Pakistan until President Obama can lay out how the US fudning will be used in support of the War on Terrorism as it is intended to be so used, not for other purposes.

damn, why 75% and why not 100%, please suspend all aids, please please please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we insist

Sh-it happens---now doesn't it----you have this holier than thou attitude over here now----. Remember 9/11---how it happened and who's failures caused it---fbi or the cia---in fighting---backbiting---hatred and disgust against the others in those agencies---junior operators crying out loud about the inevitable about to happen and the holier than thous, not giving a rats ar-se about it---.

We are no saints, but your sh-it stinks as bad as ours---so get off that high horse you come riding to this blog post---get down and talk to us like regular people---.

Lol.. you wanna compare your ISI with CIA and FBI? 9/11 was unpredictable as no one would think something like that (just like Mumbai). Planes crashing in 2 towers was unimaginable. You know what is imaginable?, "OBL living in Pakistan!" This was imaginable and he lived there for 6 years near military academy with high walls and gunmen, but your so called security agencies have no idea about it. This is called failure. Either you can accept it..
Or option B- Keep living in denial mode.
I'm so dam sure that you would go with option B!
Regarding super duperity of ISI my argument is that No other attack has happened in US after 9/11. No other attack has happened in India post 26/11.

Where as every single day attacks happening in pakistan, and also on ISI and PA installments, Naval bases etc.

Attacks may happen once, but the real macho intel agency is which prevents such attack in future. 9.9/10 for CIA for its job. :tup:
Isnt treason an act that goes against the national interest of a country?

But the killing of OBL is only a benefit for Pakistan....isnt it? I mean the Americans are your allies and you are committed to fighting terrorism right?
Isnt the CIA and ISI co-operating (or at least was before OBL bang) on intelligence sharing.....if this isnt intelligence what is?

So why is the execution of the big kahuna of the terrorism and help provided by locals leading to him considered such a crime?

Besides, not like OBL was Pakistani and no Pakistani was harmed in the making of this operation...

Yes it has harmed the country big time and now we are seeing daily killings of hundreds of innocent Pakistanis as revenge for OBL saga.

these native informants should have informed our own law enforcement agencies as citizens its their responsibility to inform own govt of presence of any terrorist.

its a high treason and now our govt should charge them with same.

as far as allies are concerned CIA is a hostile agency which is bent upon harming Pakistan.
Things are getting dirty ...
This time I will say USA interfere little too much inside Pakistan .. They knew weak points in PA and they no it in GOP.
Pakistan should withdraw from WOT ...
They can get rid of TTP (if they want) without any help ... (common man with half million well trained Army with good weapons easily)..
They need change of leadership ASAP ...or at least shutdown on all GOP programs which are no related to WOT for couple of months .. just concentrate on TTP ..push them more into mountains .. cut their supply routes ... get public into confidence .. clear mess in all security agencies .. There will be casualties for PA ( may be big in numbers) but it is war .. what you think is to protect your land from enemy .. right ?

Leave every think behind... if some one try to object actions put him behind bars until operation don't get finished...
Don't accept damm $ from any Arab countries or from USA ... stop all publications who are directly or indirectly supporting any anti Pakistani elements ...
Even finish all so called strategic assets (against India, you guys can create them again :toast_sign: )

Clean your country like how we clean our house after flood... just f**** s**** do it...

Now that's a very non Bharati post Nothing. I appreciate it. :tup:

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