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Army plan induction of BrahMos with 'surgical strike' option

Army plan induction of BrahMos with 'surgical strike' option

This news has an interesting angle. Indian army is not telling they are Inducting Brahmoos Missiles but Inducting to make surgical strikes in Pakistan and this is the actual message. Its just like Pakistan would say "Pakistan has developed Ra'ad to target hideouts of RSS and people responsible to inflame terrorism inside Pakistan.

India is surely looking Pakistan to go offended and there must be a great plan behind every single move India is taking these days. Probably they are thinking it is the best time to take on Pakistan because 1/3rd of defense strength is placed towards the western borders or they have sensed that Pakistan is about to resolve its terrorist issues and the "chance" they see would not be there after few more months and also probably because Pakistan fairly flimsy in terms of economy and is chaired by langoor who will only bend down at the time of pressure.

My compilation of the issue is that Pakistan will not react to these provocative news. I am also suspecting a 26/11 kind attack coming in couple of months time because India is eager to indulge into some sort of conflict and gain what it cannot gain otherwise.. may be they would try to redefine LOC or even if India restrained, they would try to opt out of Indus Water Treaty.

:offtopic: Still,

How is RSS comparable to Lashkar-e-Taiba responsible for Mumbai attacks ?

RSS is our own headache and is not a terrorist org.

While the later organization is banned as a terrorist organization by India, Pakistan, the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Russia and Australia.

And about Indian elements responsible for terrorism inside Pakistan, could you provide some genuine proofs ? Please refrain from making emotional statements trying to portray India as a terrorist nation.

Army plan induction of BrahMos with 'surgical strike' option

This news has an interesting angle. Indian army is not telling they are Inducting Brahmoos Missiles but Inducting to make surgical strikes in Pakistan and this is the actual message.

Not really.. This is the next upgraded version of Brahmos. Rest is media's spin on this. Missile attack as a surgical strike option is too inflamatory to be used unless already is a declared war

I am also suspecting a 26/11 kind attack coming in couple of months time
That will be so unfortunate for whole of south asia

.. even if India restrained, they would try to opt out of Indus Water Treaty.

This is an interesting angle.. Non aggressive and still significantly punitive. Is there a acceptable strategic theory around this by any defence analyst??
Pardon my lack of knowledge on our specific contract however can we make some specific changes to Brahmos without sharing it with Russia??? I would doubt it...but would like to get corrected...

I am not sure about that raj,But India holds more stake in BrahMos Aerospace. And India has almost full management control in BrahMos Aerospace Private Limited.
quite lot of firepower I think as One regiment of the 290-km range BrahMos-I variant, which consists of 67 missiles, five mobile autonomous launchers on 12x12 Tatra vehicles and two mobile command posts, among other equipment, is already operational in the Army.
I got the point that you are trying to portray...Basically if you attack us(no matter with what intention) we will respond back as if you have waged a war against us...and i believe there should not be any doubt about it and neither there is any....

You explained my post in your own words.

Now as far as surgical strikes is concerned than do we have any other options????

Yes, why not, you have a million better alternatives, all you have to do is to open up hearts and minds. Instead of thinking of surgical strikes, why not to open a comprehensive dialog process between the two countries at the highest level. And it shouldn't be just a formal meeting, both sides should openly discuss and find solutions to all the existing problems, and these dialogues should continue as series.

Apart from this lets move to the resolution of core issues. This is where the long lasting peace of South Asia lies. And by core issues we both know what they are. Time now to finish up this mess. These have been pending for the last 60 damn years and both the nations rather the whole South Asia is suffering from them. Surely it wont be an easy process but we to go through this, if we really want a long lasting peace.

Terrorism is just one aspect rather to put it more precisely, it is the fall out of pending unresolved issues. However, it can be tackled to a grater extent by forming a mechanism where both sides can help each other, share information, help in investigation and other necessary steps. But for all this you got to come to the dialogue table, and develop mutual trust.( by trust i dont mean CBMs like just sending artists and players to each other countries, rather more serious and concrete work is needed to be sort out).

No doubt then we can avoid any kind of misunderstanding and effectively block incident like Mumbai to re-occur.

Don't you think India did have showed enough restraint in the past??? I know you may be inclined to crap indian restraint(be it Kargil...be it mumbai) as India lacks guts or capability to strike in Pakistan..

you got a point there, but if you carefully go through what I said in the above pera , i am sure will find the answer to it.

I am not inclined to what you called crap Indian restraint. Its not about guts or capability, rather a wise decision to avoid a major conflict, which can engulf billions rather the whole region into flames.It doesn't mean you guys are cowards, no question about that.
BTW your jet fighters did violate our airspace.

however any sanity will make people blinded with hatred(not talking about you but in general) see that it was nothing but restraint because capability aside we don't want a war(it will hurt our overall dreams badly)...

Didn't get the first line, but the second line stating about avoiding the war, (at all costs, may i add) is what i call need of this hour. One must understand we cannot go to war or any conflict, its not 60s or 70s era, where one can have a decisive win at a marginal cost, no sir those days are over, so war and any action leading to war is no more an option.

However as said in various post mumbai is a game changer...Even if GOI want it would not be able to ignore any such attacks..NO MATTER WHAT..period...

If its a game changer , so why not learn from it and planning to take action after another such god forbid strike,(which can lead to bigger problems) why not plan ahead and find out means and ways to avoid in the first place by cooperating with each other and getting to the solutions of problems as soon as possible.
Dont you think a third party can take advantage of this situation. So its more necessary then ever to move in fast to take those steps.

the same way even if GOP wants she cannot ignore any surgical strikes in Pakistan by India.... So believe me surgical strikes is a word that our generals are very much aware of and have doctorines to implement it.... Rest how pakistan will respond to it would be the choice of Pakistan and her leadership...An all out war or reply the limited strikes with similar strikes etc.....

This would be going to point zero again, so i would not comment but just add, here we are creating problems and not the solutions and it depends upon ones intellect to assess the gravity of the problem.

Edited : Damn how to put an Indian flag here?? I used the same script identifier as used for Pakistan flag...

My sympathies with you on this issue:D


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You explained my post in your own words.
Good that we are on same page....

Yes, why not, you have a million better alternatives, all you have to do is to open up hearts and minds. Instead of thinking of surgical strikes, why not to open a comprehensive dialog process between the two countries at the highest level. And it shouldn't be just a formal meeting, both sides should openly discuss and find solutions to all the existing problems, and these dialogues should continue as series.

Great thought and i share the same feelings apart from when you say open up hearts and minds...That's where the compexity lies...When you say continue dialogue my question is with whom??? This is the biggest dilemna that India has...During Musharraf era we knwo that the center of power lies in him....He controls the govt., he controled the army and ISI...so in fact India did make lot of progress as far dialogue is concerned... In fact one major achievement(not even talking about back door channel achievement on Kashmir - Since it is not de-classified of what exactly was agreed upon) was cease-fire agreement...In fact one of the proof that hearts and minds were open can be guessed by few instances(Feel Free to correct me)

- It was india who initiated the Lahore Bus Yatra(trip)
- Even after Kargil it was india who initiated Agra Summit with the same man who is the architect of Kargil
- Even after mumbai and all the hieghtened tention it was India who did let the mentioning of Balochistan in the Joint Statement. It was indeed great statemenship of Manmohan Singh(even acknowledged by sections in Pak media) that he allowed such a reference which has never been mentioned before....HIs stance we have nothing to do there so what's wrong if they want to talk about it...Do you see india applying hearts and mind there???

Please do share with me instance that you think Pakistan did to have lasting peace here(Please note that i am asking in sincerity and not scoring points)

Above all this is one of the myth that India halted composite dialogue after mumbai.. India halted that process right after Musharraf regime was in trouble because it don't make sense to settle issues as complex as Kashmir with a regime who can clearly see its doom's day...Though i admit after mumbai there was no way GOI can even think about starting this dialogue... Just see what happened after the Sharmel Sheikh Joint statement...

Apart from this lets move to the resolution of core issues. This is where the long lasting peace of South Asia lies. And by core issues we both know what they are. Time now to finish up this mess. These have been pending for the last 60 damn years and both the nations rather the whole South Asia is suffering from them. Surely it wont be an easy process but we to go through this, if we really want a long lasting peace.

Cannot agree more on this.. In fact i would like to see more and more engagement between India and Pak..When i meet Pakistani nationals here(in US) they greet me with lot of warmth(me being a sikh can easily be spotted) and i reciprocate...In other words people have lot of warmth for each other...Its just My dikc is bigger than yours attitude which spoil the party...

Terrorism is just one aspect rather to put it more precisely, it is the fall out of pending unresolved issues.

With all due respect i disagree(just in semantics)...if not now then atleast in the past terrorism has been used by Pak as strategic asset against India...Bleed India by instigating thousand cuts is not a fantacy of Indian establishment but a reality...I am not saying/implying that GOI did not goofed up in Kashmir but one thing no one can deny that almost all the terrorists killed in Kashmir are of foreign origin..This statement says a lot about root of terrorism in Kashmir...Not trying to belittle Kashmir and its problem that has kept India-Pak as foes but truth is today world see terrorism with a different eye and Pak establishment has to acknowledge that its her moral duty to ensure frankenstein created by her is well-checked....

However, it can be tackled to a grater extent by forming a mechanism where both sides can help each other, share information, help in investigation and other necessary steps. But for all this you got to come to the dialogue table, and develop mutual trust.( by trust i dont mean CBMs like just sending artists and players to each other countries, rather more serious and concrete work is needed to be sort out).

Cannot agree more on this.. However you know what happened in India after Sharmel-sheikh joint statement...India being a diplomacy cannot ignore public sentiments...and thats why i said Mumbai is a game changer...People need some results from Pak this time... The minimum Pak can do is to get those pigs who were the chief instigator of Mumbai(including hafeez saeed) behind bars for good.. Unfortunately that's again a separate story..weather India gave enough proof or Pak is dilly dallying(the way they did to acknowledge Kasab identity).....

No doubt then we can avoid any kind of misunderstanding and effectively block incident like Mumbai to re-occur.

I agree... The point here is how to win trust?? Taking the mumbai carnage to its logicial conclusion will do a world of good...or atleast bring the proofs of India establishment hand in Balochistan/TTP so that an average Indian/Pakistani don't go bezerk thinking that country has been sold out....

you got a point there, but if you carefully go through what I said in the above pera , i am sure will find the answer to it.

I am not inclined to what you called crap Indian restraint. Its not about guts or capability, rather a wise decision to avoid a major conflict, which can engulf billions rather the whole region into flames.It doesn't mean you guys are cowards, no question about that.
Thanks for sharing your views...I am glad some people do think that its the restraint and not because indians are cowards that conflict did not took place...

BTW your jet fighters did violate our airspace.

Sir, with all due respect your President openly said it was a technical incursion....Let me tell you that we south asians owe a lot to Mr. Manmohan Singh...He is a gem of a person....Even under tremendous public pressure he simply said "WAR IS NOT AN OPTION".. I am not sure how much Indian media you follow but our leaders were openly saying that we have all the options open but war is something that needs to be avoided at all costs.... Just imagine how difficult it is to ignore public pressure because congress was labeled as weak govt. He choose to go the difficult and right path of diplomacy than to have a knee-jerk reaction and opting for surgical strikes...Will he be able to repeat that...my bet is HE WONT BE ABLE TO DO SO....

Didn't get the first line, but the second line stating about avoiding the war, (at all costs, may i add) is what i call need of this hour. One must understand we cannot go to war or any conflict, its not 60s or 70s era, where one can have a decisive win at a marginal cost, no sir those days are over, so war and any action leading to war is no more an option.
Cannot agree more on this..but the reality is when you are pushed to a corner your options get limited...

If its a game changer , so why not learn from it and planning to take action after another such god forbid strike,(which can lead to bigger problems) why not plan ahead and find out means and ways to avoid in the first place by cooperating with each other and getting to the solutions of problems as soon as possible.
Dont you think a third party can take advantage of this situation. So its more necessary then ever to move in fast to take those steps.

Very wise words...However public sentiments cannot be ignored and that too in a democracy...Punishing architect of mumbai instigators is all that indian establishment need to change the sentiments in this part of world....

This would be going to point zero again, so i would not comment but just add, here we are creating problems and not the solutions and it depends upon ones intellect to assess the gravity of the problem.
believe me i know the gravity of the problem and that's why i say that South Asia is sitting on a time bomb...We have taken some concrete steps to increase our security but would need pak to do her part as well....Secondly this is an unfortunate reality that any more such attack with instigate India-Pak arm conflict...How big/small only time will tell...


My sympathies with you on this issue:D

Thanks let me reply back with this...:pakistan:
Yes, but it need to be able to find the target. Nowadays, a cruise missile can be detected as look down-shoot down radars are common. The strength of the missile is the speed. But if its fast but not accurate, its useless unless its nuclear tipped.

a look-down radar looks down...how do you reckon it'd help detect a target that is flying towards you...cus a cruise missile still flies albeit on a lower plane...
a look-down radar is aboard missiles and planes for ground mapping and detection of targets in lower planes...
the speed contributes to the impact kinetic energy...and eases escape form countermeasures...but the warhead does the 90% of the damage...
Another question, does this mean the army has not inducted the Brahmos yet and are hoping for some wonders from this Block II variant?
Another question, does this mean the army has not inducted the Brahmos yet and are hoping for some wonders from this Block II variant?

Care to read the article again, sir. One regiment is already in operation. They are inducting a different variant. Not that details are available, but an improved one probably. What they are hoping out of it, wonders or not is free for you to conjecture.
If I am not mistaken,


''The Indian Army is the first and only army in the world to have a regiment of supersonic cruise missile.'' :yes2:
. . . .
I think the regiment comes under Regiment of Artillery, Indian Army.:undecided:

Just out of curiosity who holds the decision to use cruise missiles in a war zone...The question might sound lame on the periphery but if you add the probability of suspicion weather the missile is a nulclear tipped missile vs a conventional then whole game can change....We might end up instigating a nuclear conflict out of nothing...What say???
Every modern army has missile regiments so what even PA has many of them?with missiles that ACTUALLY WORK.Its good to know that one of indias russian missile works

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