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Army only for relatives?

Is dard e dil ki sifaarish ab kr de koi yahan ..
K mil jaae ise wo nokri jo bhagaa de puri tarah ..

Lmao its a old thread peepalzz...
I wish it was like that
Sifarish works if u r son of base commander or general
Have seen it first hand

Sifarish works even if they recruit purely based on merit still everyone can not join
there are only a limited vacancies and candidates number in thousands

Is dard e dil ki sifaarish ab kr de koi yahan ..
K mil jaae ise wo nokri jo bhagaa de puri tarah ..

Lmao its a old thread peepalzz...

At this thread rejected candidates vent there frustration
Sifarish works even if they recruit purely based on merit still everyone can not join
there are only a limited vacancies and candidates number in thousands

At this thread rejected candidates vent there frustration

Yea I guess so that within merit they sifarish but I knew some who knew they would be selected
I am born a Pakistani. my two uncles were in army. One is Rtd. Colonial and other is Rtd. Late Major.
My friends told me that when they went for amc exam (physical and i.q) they were told by adjutant that you wont pass this exam without strong safarish, and indeed he was true. They failed to pass test however they clear both tests with strong margin.
So now question arises that Is the only noble institute Pakistan becoming part of traditional ......
I was quite amazed when they told me this.
Is this true?
my second question is what does GHQ generals check?
personality, mental level or strength.
I want to join army as amc cadet. advice me what to do?
When i was 15 i found security holes in servers of Major companies of world.
I have little cyber background but i want to be a doctor. So i want to ask that what sort of behavior i should have?
what GHQ generals will ask me during interview?

This is complete BS !
every looser has an excuse, and you were told that BS.

I was a part of, and i can testify, it is STRONGLY MERIT.
Most of posts are some personal experiences and narratives of relatives/friends.
May be true to some extent or may be not. IMO opinion, even true to some extent but not a standard.
I know many cases where boys were selected even without having any relative in armed forces.
incompetent!! Well i am 18 and my family even didnt know what i am. How can your generals judge me in 15min at amc?;)
They can judge in even a single minute.This is your biggest mistake saying that they can't judge you.While your parents can also judge you very well.That's another case that they ignore and you are considering that you fool them. Perhaps you have been made a pretty fool by this world.So try to understand
I am a PAF enthusiast and I don't wanna believe this but this happened to my bro, it was like 5-6 years ago, in his interview during ISSB, the interviewer just asked "Your father's name, which school did you go to" and and 2 or 3 more questions like this and said "you can go now", he said it felt like interviewer wasn't even serious since he knew that I didn't have any army background, one of his friend whose father belonged to army was selected, don't know if this still happens or it happened just with my brother.
LOL, trust me your brother is not telling you the whole story, even if he is telling the truth the interviewer has seen something which probably even your brother does not know about himself
Pak Army selection procedure is 99% on merit. This is more than any other institution in the country. We are not No 1 Army of the world without a reason. After 1971 debacle Army has made a pledge that there will be no other incident like this in the times to come and they have made a very very serious effort to select only the best. 48 years have passed and we have successfully thwarted almost 10 wars with India due to successful planning and preparation. My association with ISSB is of 50 years. Trust me the system is merit based and second to none.

They can judge in even a single minute.This is your biggest mistake saying that they can't judge you.While your parents can also judge you very well.That's another case that they ignore and you are considering that you fool them. Perhaps you have been made a pretty fool by this world.So try to understand
Selectors at ISSB are thorough professionals. Nothing escapes their trained eyes. They can tell you things about you which even you yourself or your parents also wont know. When they select you be confident that u have the that matter in you which makes a soldier. If they dont just be contended and thank Allah that He saved you from rigours of PMA. This is not the end of the world for you. Whole world is lying in front of you to explore. Remember if ISSB does not select you it means you are not feasible for military service ONLY. It does not mean tht you cannot be a successful human being in life.
I am born a Pakistani. my two uncles were in army. One is Rtd. Colonial and other is Rtd. Late Major.
My friends told me that when they went for amc exam (physical and i.q) they were told by adjutant that you wont pass this exam without strong safarish, and indeed he was true. They failed to pass test however they clear both tests with strong margin.
So now question arises that Is the only noble institute Pakistan becoming part of traditional ......
I was quite amazed when they told me this.
Is this true?
my second question is what does GHQ generals check?
personality, mental level or strength.
I want to join army as amc cadet. advice me what to do?
When i was 15 i found security holes in servers of Major companies of world.
I have little cyber background but i want to be a doctor. So i want to ask that what sort of behavior i should have?
what GHQ generals will ask me during interview?
In an ISSB batch, a poor South Punjab farmer passed, sons of serving major generals and brigadiers didn't
i have heard about this nepostism but as i said i heard second hand.

in this dunia, everything is business no passion - pesay ego power.
I saw son of serving Corps Commander (V Corps) get rejected in ISSB, he is a banker now. I have seen sons of serving Brigadiers get rejected in ISSB.
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