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Army officer, 3 soldiers, BSF jawan killed while foiling infiltration bid in J&K’s Machil

Very sad. So many lives wasted due to hindutva terror.
why almost always Indian Army causalities are Sikh, other minorities and lower casts and south...why we do not see any from dilli, bombay, UP or Gujrat where BRAVE Hindutva sanghis are mostly from....
why almost always Indian Army causalities are Sikh, other minorities and lower casts and south...why we do not see any from dilli, bombay, UP or Gujrat where BRAVE Hindutva sanghis are mostly from....
Find me a single gujrati brahmin who will pass the army physical. Perhaps this is part of the answer.
Find me a single gujrati brahmin who will pass the army physical. Perhaps this is part of the answer.
but we can see here on PDF and all over news these brave brahmins .....ganging against unarmed weak innocents....so what stopping them from showing their veerta on borders. Or its for low cast Indians to die for superior Brahmins?
Just asking for Gen knowledge....
but we can see here on PDF and all over news these brave brahmins .....ganging against unarmed weak innocents....so what stopping them from showing their veerta on borders. Or its for low cast Indians to die for superior Brahmins?
Just asking for Gen knowledge....
Valid question. Perhaps some pdf Indians are best placed to answer. I can but humbly speculate. Cowardice, physical attributes and caste structure all may play a role to varying degrees.

There is an important lesson here for Pakistan though. Indian upper caste society will simply not tolerate high casualty rates. To this end, I recommend UAV arsenal upgrading to Azerbaijani or Turkish standards, with the specific intention of inflicting maximum human casualties on IA units on foot or mechanized or in tanks. The peace vigils will break out immediately as India loses its stomach for the fight. Pakistan should fortify its own positions and prepare a massive drone fleet to ravage Indians. I would go as far as to say actually gaining ground is secondary.
I thought Indian soldiers were EXPERIENCED and BATTLE HARDENED.
Modi already started his dirty game to gain sympathy card by sacrifice his army jawan and making upper hand to show how he settle the situation in front of Biden.
Indian media already started their mantra against #pakinstanfundedterriost . I say what a joker Indian army is after more than 9 lakh soldiers on foot in Kashmir, unable to contain the infiltration. If India plays any tricks, the Pakistan response will be so inadequate that India won't exist in his original shape.
Careful Modi, playing with fire.
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I thought Indian soldiers were EXPERIENCED and BATTLE HARDENED.

Indian soldiers are poorly fed and equipped.

So experience means nothing.

This is one more reason why India needs to sell Kashmir to the USA.

Indian soldiers are poorly fed and equipped.

So experience means nothing.

This is one more reason why India needs to sell Kashmir to the USA.

No deals. Window for negotiations is shut. We will have our war with you unwashed tree dwellers.
No deals. Window for negotiations is shut. We will have our war with you unwashed tree dwellers.

I know Pakistan and China are not interested in negotiating with India on Kashmir.

Hence I said that the best way forward for India is to sell Kashmir to the USA.

I know Pakistan and China are not interested in negotiating with India on Kashmir.

Hence I said that the best way forward for India is to sell Kashmir to the USA.

That will not avert war. The deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents from the Dogra killings in Jammu up until the present day in the Valley shall be avenged by the blood of Indian soldiers who identify as hindutva, "seculars" and "liberals" alike. You're all guilty by passive acceptance of these crimes committed in your name.
There was once a time when rapprochement was possible. I have said this to you on other threads. That window shut when you stabbed Kashmiris in the back.
Hindustan simply cannot put the genie back into the bottle and an existential war will occur in your lifetime.Don't try to negotiate out of it. Don't be afraid of it.

But most importantly, don't bother trying to run away from it @SuvarnaTeja because you'll only die tired.
I understand the terrain is bad. Its dense forest. Its dark forrst. A hiding and waiting terrorist can fire on people closing on him....

Curious to know the background of killed terrorist. Local? Pakistani? Afghans?

In few weeks all these routes would get frozen with white snow making visibility easy. So its last dash of infiltration to keep pot boiling.

Respect to Indian Forces and Officers.
Four security forces personnel, including an Army officer, and three militants were killed during a failed infiltration bid by the ultras along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir's Machil sector on Sunday. The militants made an abortive bid during the night to infiltrate into the Indian side of the LoC in Machil sector in north Kashmir's Kupwara district.

The infiltrators were challenged and three of them were killed. However, three Army soldiers, including an officer, and a Border Security Force (BSF) jawan were also killed during the operation.

Meanwhile, Srinagar-based defence spokesperson Col Rajesh Kalia said at about 1 am, a BSF patrol noticed suspicious movement near the Anti-Infiltration Obstacle System (LoC fence), about 3.5 km from the LoC.

The BSF personnel challenged the infiltrators and a gunbattle ensued, in which a militant was killed.

"A BSF soldier was killed in action (KIA) and the firefight stopped at 0400 hours," Col Kalia said in a statement.

He said more troops were rushed to the area and the movement of the militants was tracked with the help of surveillance devices.

"Contact was re-established at 1020 hours when heavy fire was drawn by own search parties approximately 1.5 km from the LoC.

In the ensuing firefight, two more terrorists were killed. Own troops suffered three KIA and two injured," Col Kalia said.

He added that the injured soldiers have been evacuated.

The operation is in progress and further details are awaited, the spokesperson said.

(With PTI inputs)

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Some OSINT twitter accounts are claiming Indian figures to be as high as 12. But I doubt them. But one guy is suggesting some video could arrive soon.
Another lie....

Where are the snapshots of dead bodies of three infiltrators?

Their are other possibilities.

1. Mutiny within Indian Armed forces.
2. Pakistani Commandos' successful mission with no casualties.
3. Pakistani precision shelling.

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