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Army major injured in Afghan firing dies

We can't even handle a war torn country like Afghanistan. :hitwall:

Just because one of ours died doesn't mean we can't handle them. Do you know how many casualties they have had over the past 10 years in skirmishes? Almost 300 deaths, where as we have had under 30. Our army can easily handle them.
Local have seen some cobra and gun ship heli heading towards the border.

  1. Reports are suggesting that our forces have captured many important Afghan posts such as the Shiraz fort.

    0 retweets0 likes
  2. Reports are coming from # Torkham that the Pakistani forces are consonantly infiltrating Afghan territory forcing them to retreat.

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Pakistan captured Shiraz Fort. # Torkham

A convoy of reportedly 25 Tanks heading towards the border.

Local have seen some cobra and gun ship heli heading towards the border.

  1. Reports are suggesting that our forces have captured many important Afghan posts such as the Shiraz fort.

    0 retweets0 likes
  2. Reports are coming from # Torkham that the Pakistani forces are consonantly infiltrating Afghan territory forcing them to retreat.

**************@ ******8
Pakistan captured Shiraz Fort. # Torkham

A convoy of reportedly 25 Tanks heading towards the border.


Looks like armoured SQDs of Frontier Corps .. These guys need to be armoured with superior armour rather than old tanks.

Army chief attends funeral of Major Ali Jawad Changezi

The COAS needs to do more than just attend funerals! I understand there are wider implications to taking military action against Afghanistan but unless something is done now things will only get worse.

Also want to also see our politicians coming together to support the armed forces and denounce this foreign threat. Let the aggressors know that we as a nation are together on this issue.

Its a shame that we have no prime minister in the country when we face foreign aggression :hitwall:

AZs would do nicely but these aren't AZs, Unfortunately.

These are more than enough for Afghanistan! They will not face any tanks in battle and may be better suited to the terrain.

The COAS needs to do more than just attend funerals! I understand there are wider implications to taking military action against Afghanistan but unless something is done now things will only get worse.

Also want to also see our politicians coming together to support the armed forces and denounce this foreign threat. Let the aggressors know that we as a nation are together on this issue.

Its a shame that we have no prime minister in the country when we face foreign aggression :hitwall:

These are more than enough for Afghanistan! They will not face any tanks in battle and may be better suited to the terrain.



Seems there were multiple casualties on afghan side .. Pic of 2 deceased afghan troops.
if this time we didn't teach them a lesson.. than forget about it later coz they will continue it later ... we need one strict action against these afgan--dis and show them we will build wat ever we like on our side its our country our rules..
He was due to retire this year in Dec. Premature death. May god give solace to his family.

I seriously doubt, he will consider "biggest honor" for any army man, laying down his life to defend his country a premature death.

"Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return."" inna lillahi wa innâ ilay-hi raji'oon"
وَلَا تَقُولُوا لِمَن يُقْتَلُ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أَمْوَاتٌ ۚ بَلْ أَحْيَاءٌ وَلَٰكِن لَّا تَشْعُرُونَ
And do not say about those who are killed in the way of Allah , "They are dead." Rather, they are alive, but you perceive [it] not.

Salute Major .. and Rest in peace
now afghanis you will pay with blood for the death of major
1 Pak soldier=1000 afghanis scumbags
We will avenge him soon...Afghanis will repent and wail.
please dont talk like an amatuer

its not your playground settling score incident.

the death is regrettable. but going emotional will only help those who want trouble for Pakistan.
whatever the response .. it will be methodical and professional. but hopefully not at the cost of innocent Afghan and Pakistan civilians.

the Northern Alliance thugs and specially their security adviser is spoiling for trouble and daring Pakistan military. if our military leadership is smart then it wont play into their hands and instead him them in the correct time and place of choosing/
now afghanis you will pay with blood for the death of major
1 Pak soldier=1000 afghanis scumbags
Thats what our enemies want...the Afghan human supply line will never end but we end up in a nonstop war with ill trained force. They want our forces tired off fighting with Taliban and Afghans so that they easily creates rifts in Pakistani society in the name of Islam to create Arab spring like situation so that they can snatch our nuclear capability.

There are lot of other options available to punish unthankful Afghans...Just throw them out of Pakistan close the border and lets see how long Indian and American agencies can feed them.
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