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Army jawan killed in encounter with militants in J&K

This new wave of attacks on occupying forces is a welcome gesture for Kashmiris. May these freedom fighters get independence soon.
At the same time I feel bad for the poor soldiers and their families who are just getting played at the hands of tyrants in government no wonder suicide rate among Indian soldiers is highest in region.
1028 soldiers committed suicide A K Antony Lastupdate:- Thu, 9 Aug 2012 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com

Suicides killing more Indian soldiers than wars - Rediff.com News
This is what happens when you use force to oppress and kill innocents.

After US forces Indian army has highest suicide rate for apparent reason.

We can just hope and pray Indian establishment and public in general realises they can't occupy Kashmir with force and last 7 decades is a live proof of that. Live and let live is the only solution.
The terrorists are desperate to infiltrate into Kashmir seeing that snowy winters are around the corner, after which they'll find it extremely difficult to cross at those altitudes due to frozen asses!!
No wonder Indian trolls here aren't mentioning the highest in region suicide rate of their soldiers.
These e warriors sitting in homes have no idea how it feels to kill innocent men and women and then to see their families mourning . Such visuals keep on haunting you until you die and one becomes morally so weak that either he commits suicide or he becomes an animal on a spree to kill innocents.
But at the end I don't see what India got in past or may get in future from all this bloodshed?
Only thing that's becoming stronger is Kashmiris resolute to get independence from India.
And people like moody will make that happen even quicker as I feel next and final Pak indo war is just round the corner and that's gonna be a decisive one.
congrats Mujahiden..fighting for their land...against indian state terrorisam
Rest in Peace soldier .

Your sacrifice will not be forgotten or forgiven .
RIP soldiers....My thoughts with your family and friends.:(
May ALLAH bless the Mujahideen who are fighting Indian state terrorism in Kashmir
So what do you mean Allah bless militants???? in that case he is blessing more people in pakistan than India... Even on the military installation in between the city...:o::o::o:...I this he is blessing the ISIS and the Israel too.... god bless Israel...:toast_sign::toast_sign:...
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