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Army jawan killed in encounter with militants in J&K


Apr 28, 2011
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SRINAGAR: An Army soldier was killed in an encounter with militants near the line of Ccontrol in Keran sector of Jammu & Kashmir.

An encounter broke out in Keran sector in Kupwara district on saturday night when security forces launched a search operation in the area following information about presence of militants, an Army official said on Sunday.

READ ALSO: Pakistan violates ceasefire again, targets 25 BSF posts in J&K

He said in the exchange of fire, one soldier identified as Rahul Kumar was injured.

Kumar was taken to the military hospital at Drugmulla where he succumbed to injuries on Sunday morning.

The operation was in progress when reports last came in, the official added.

India responding adequately to Pak provocations: Jaitley

Meanwhile, defence minister Arun Jaitley on Sunday reiterated that there has been a series of "provocations" by Pakistani Army and the country's armed forces are "responding adequately".

"I have said yesterday and repeating it today that there has been a series of provocations from the Pakistani Army in the last few fays," he told reporters on the sidelines of inauguration of Murshidabad campus of Management Development Institute (MDI).

He said the country's armed forces at the LoC and BSF on the international border are "fully protecting both our territory and people".

"Whatever response is required are being adequately made by them," the defence minister said.

Pakistani troops shelled and fired upon 25 Border Out Posts (BoPs) and 19 villages along the International Border in Jammu sector throughout the night, prompting the BSF to retaliate.

On Saturday, Pakistani troops had indulged in heavy unprovoked shelling and firing on 22 border outposts and 13 villages, killing two civilians and injuring six others.
Army jawan killed in encounter with militants in J&K - TOI Mobile | The Times of India Mobile Site
Sudden sharp rise in such incidents indicates plenty is going on inside and as anticipated by many ISI is not going to spare Raw and IA for their involvement in killing of thousands of innocent Pakistani's from 2006 onwards through their proxies once US withdraws in 2015.
But as history tells us such acts may lead to a full fledged war, is Pakistan ready for one?
My personal opinion is we should go for a well planned offensive after activating our support from within Kashmiris and get this problem solved for once and all.
Once its solved all over other issues will fall in order.
A final powerful blow is all what we need and sooner the better.
Our relations with India will heal in few years after we have taken what's ours and that's going to be really good for the prosperity of poor Indians as they will get access to Iran , Afghanistan and Central Asia .
Though still the best thing is Kashmiris get their rights without any bloodshed hut considering the hindu mentality and no room for justice in their social system that's almost impossible so let's plan for a final battle.
Sudden sharp rise in such incidents indicates plenty is going on inside and as anticipated by many ISI is not going to spare Raw and IA for their involvement in killing of thousands of innocent Pakistani's from 2006 onwards through their proxies once US withdraws in 2015.
But as history tells us such acts may lead to a full fledged war, is Pakistan ready for one?
My personal opinion is we should go for a well planned offensive after activating our support from within Kashmiris and get this problem solved for once and all.
Once its solved all over other issues will fall in order.
A final powerful blow is all what we need and sooner the better.
Our relations with India will heal in few years after we have taken what's ours and that's going to be really good for the prosperity of poor Indians as they will get access to Iran , Afghanistan and Central Asia .
Though still the best thing is Kashmiris get their rights without any bloodshed hut considering the hindu mentality and no room for justice in their social system that's almost impossible so let's plan for a final battle.
Problem with India will only heel when one country completely destroy the other one
Brave soldier. RIP

...4 terrorists were killed...
Rest ..bottled up...
Just wait for little time ..when these ISI men are discharged to ...jhannum..soon..:azn:
News didn't mention any kashmiri loosing his life?
Problem with India will only heel when one country completely destroy the other one
That's extreme case and can't be done unless both use nukes a distant possibility.
Just to ensure peace in the region Pakistan will have to make a hard decision and force IA out of Kashmir and if you look at map we are on top and strategically well placed and can sandwich Indian forces easily from Tibet side too with our own troops only what india can do complain to china let her.
India will open international border let her our nukes will act as an effective deterrent there and in the mean while we can press them out of Kashmir.
But we should plan for months long war
My personal opinion is we should go for a well planned offensive after activating our support from within Kashmiris and get this problem solved for once and all.
Once its solved all over other issues will fall in order.
A final powerful blow is all what we need and sooner the better.
Our relations with India will heal in few years after we have taken what's ours and that's going to be really good for the prosperity of poor Indians as they will get access to Iran , Afghanistan and Central Asia .
Though still the best thing is Kashmiris get their rights without any bloodshed hut considering the hindu mentality and no room for justice in their social system that's almost impossible so let's plan for a final battle.

Yes, a well planned offensive - you will go with the stated objective of gaining Indian territory...except the Kashmiri's supporting the Pakistan army part.

While our objective for this war (because we do not desire any Pakistani territory) will be to completely wipe out Pakistan's ability to wage jihad and proxy wars. Dismantle and destroy Pakistan's entire terrorism infrastructure, which I am afraid is a much more complicated task than plain land grabbing. So essentially, India will need to approach a conflict with Pakistan with much more preparations and planned strategies. Most of Pakistan's Kashmir based terror groups, recruits and training infrastructure is based out of Pakistan's Punjab and kashmir, Dismantling cheap infrastructure will not wipe out Pakistan's capability of spawning terrorists because you have much bigger factories in your North West regions, so any offensive should be well planned and should yield final results - no more Shimla type of Agreements anymore.
Srinagar: Four guerrillas and two soldiers were killed Sunday in two gunfights in Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir, officials said.

"Four militants have been killed in the ongoing gun battle between security forces and militants in Kalaroos forest of Kupwara district," a police officer told IANS here.

A soldier was critically injured in the gunfight. He was brought to the army's base hospital in Badami Bagh cantonment area of Srinagar where he died of his injuries, the officer said.

Personnel from the counter-insurgency Rashtriya Rifles were engaged in the gunfight in Kalaroos forest area with heavily armed guerrillas who had infiltrated into the valley two days back. The forest area is around 95 km from Srinagar.

In another incident, a soldier was killed by separatist guerrillas Sunday near the Line of Control (LoC) in Kupwara district.

"A soldier was killed near the LoC in Tangdhar area in militant firing today (Sunday)," a police officer told IANS.

"The soldier was killed in the ongoing operation against militants in the area that has been continuing since the last fortnight in which four militants have been killed so far," the officer said.

Four guerrillas, two soldiers killed in Kashmir gunfights
Sudden sharp rise in such incidents indicates plenty is going on inside and as anticipated by many ISI is not going to spare Raw and IA for their involvement in killing of thousands of innocent Pakistani's from 2006 onwards through their proxies once US withdraws in 2015.
But as history tells us such acts may lead to a full fledged war, is Pakistan ready for one?
My personal opinion is we should go for a well planned offensive after activating our support from within Kashmiris and get this problem solved for once and all.
Once its solved all over other issues will fall in order.
A final powerful blow is all what we need and sooner the better.
Our relations with India will heal in few years after we have taken what's ours and that's going to be really good for the prosperity of poor Indians as they will get access to Iran , Afghanistan and Central Asia .
Though still the best thing is Kashmiris get their rights without any bloodshed hut considering the hindu mentality and no room for justice in their social system that's almost impossible so let's plan for a final battle.

Well, You may not know it, but there indeed exists such a thing called reappraisal, an exercise usually conducted in light of new developments or as is often the case, in light of past experiences.

My personal opinion is we should go for a well planned offensive after activating our support from within Kashmiris and get this problem solved for once and all.

What you are suggesting is exactly, and I cannot emphasize this enough, the exact same strategy the PA have followed in 1948, 1965 and more recently, in 1989-present. And in all these campaigns, the PA has been handed their behinds in silver platters, devoid of dressings. The cost for the Pak public, far worse.

But that apart, do you want India to reactivate/re-establish back units of CIT-X and CIT-J within Pakistan? The last time India used them your then PM Benazir Bhutto came over and pretty much shut down the Khalistan militants. Why? Coz for every act of Pakistan in the sub-conventional realm, India can, and this has been demonstrated before, respond in a far worse and ruthless manner.

And this should be especially clear, given the massive disparity in economic fortunes between India and Pakistan now. Add to that a baniya, genocidal hindu at the helm of India (as you guys point out), and we will burn you down if you singe us.
RIP to the soldiers who die to protect us from these terrorists..
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