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Army General GD Bakshi's speech equated to 'hate-mongering' by IIT-Madras student

I fail to understand how classifying someone as a fascist is an act of intolerance. Unless, in your opinion and assessment, fascist is a term of abuse, rather than a political category. Is that what it is? If not, there is nothing intolerant about calling a fascist a fascist.
Again shifting the goal post. He gave the definition of Fascim. Genral Bakshis utterances do not fall under fascism. Still you insist on calling him a fascist. That is intolerance.

Unless you have a different definition of fascism it can be concluded that you are using the term as an abuse. Q.E.D. it is intolerance
@Joe Shearer

Congress Party after Rajiv Gandhi has DEGENRATED into a vote seeking party

BJP supported Pokhran One Tests

But after Pokhran TWO Congress party said in Parliament :
What was the NEED for these tests
you will be lucky to get any response.. lol...
the capitalization of words is nice touch... we know exactly what you want to emphasize. :)

Three NATIONALISTIC Mass Media Heroes

ARNAB GOSWAMI ; Major General G D Bakshi and Major GAURAV ARYA

Anti Nationals can GO TO HELL

you will be lucky to get any response.. lol...
the capitalization of words is nice touch... we know exactly what you want to emphasize. :)

AS if I want a response

Posting here on any topic is like Voting in favour or against any subject

I want people who are OPPOSED to us KNOW that we are there to take them on

Either here or National TV or Parliament
This time also it will be Kharbuja Chaku par. We dont have any bad intentions against pakistan. but since they continue to needle us we will be "forced" to take the action

That is interesting.

That is not what Bakshi said. He said that his generation dismembered Pakistan, severed it into two pieces, and that this generation should severe Pakistan into four pieces. There was no needling, no provocation, no absence of bad intentions, just a call to impressionable young students to work for the dismemberment of a neighbouring country.

Your contention was that we opposed Inidira Gandhi. I told that yes we opposed most of her actions and policies but we supported her actions against Pakistan. Now you are shifting the goal post by saying that we were just cheerleading

Was that my contention or was it something more?

You were never supporters of Indira Gandhi. For your political faction to insert your subsequent justification, and an imaginary justification, of the actions that [were taken by] someone who bitterly opposed you, and to pretend that this was your policy being played out is bizarre.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/army-gen...it-madras-student.443827/page-5#ixzz4H90bdhZm

In the 60s, when PRC was completely isolated from the rest of the world, other than North Korea, the Albanians remained their loyal supporters. They were fond of saying,"We and the Chinese are 600 million strong."
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I fail to understand how classifying someone as a fascist is an act of intolerance. Unless, in your opinion and assessment, fascist is a term of abuse, rather than a political category. Is that what it is? If not, there is nothing intolerant about calling a fascist a fascist.
But there is, calling a decorated officer, who has nothing to do with fascism as a fascist, being unable to tolerate his views to classify him into a category of political ideology that is completely opposite to the one he signed up to give his life for.

Please do explain to me how is his opinion fascist.

Three NATIONALISTIC Mass Media Heroes

ARNAB GOSWAMI ; Major General G D Bakshi and Major GAURAV ARYA

Anti Nationals can GO TO HELL

AS if I want a response

Posting here on any topic is like Voting in favour or against any subject

I want people who are OPPOSED to us KNOW that we are there to take them on

Either here or National TV or Parliament
I admire your sense of duty to the nation.. its wasted on me though... :)
That is interesting.

That is not what Bakshi said. He said that his generation dismembered Pakistan, severed it into two pieces, and that this generation should severe Pakistan into four pieces. There was no needling, no provocation, no absence of bad intentions, just a call to impressionable young students to work for the dismemberment of a neighbouring country.
Again this is his view to tackle what he perceives as a security threat, how is that fascism?
But there is, calling a decorated officer, who has nothing to do with fascism as a fascist, being unable to tolerate his views to classify him into a category of political ideology that is completely opposite to the one he signed up to give his life for.

Please do explain to me how is his opinion fascist.
He cant. he will shift goal posts. That is his (and other left liberals) speciality
He cant. he will shift goal posts. That is his (and other left liberals) speciality

Absolutely not, His posts have been to the point, he has never shied away from discussion, and I am one of his biggest fans here.
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