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Army conducts operation in SWAT against Taliban

This post reeks of immaturity .
on the contrary this post is overflowing with unrivaled wisdom. Vcheng is meant to keep us mere mortals on our toes and use our limited brain powers and our frog in the well grasp to explain what is happening in Pakistan.

he sits back and nods or shakes his head
What does it prove? Banks mai tmharay account hai,,, Pathaan sood khors are famous, you eat naswar. Even if pathan goes to umrah, he will eat naswar in Makkah. you indulge in tribal wars, kill each other. Sell charas. Indulge in nationalism, think of yourself as superior race. Faida kaya howa namazay parhnay ka?

This post reeks of immaturity .
Kaway, from where you are getting the idea that pashtuns are soodkhors?
Kaway, from where you are getting the idea that pashtuns are soodkhors?

Business is business. Pathans don't mix business and religion.

on the contrary this post is overflowing with unrivaled wisdom. Vcheng is meant to keep us mere mortals on our toes and use our limited brain powers and our frog in the well grasp to explain what is happening in Pakistan.

he sits back and nods or shakes his head

His american president so astoundingly declared success on the deck of a nuclear powered aircraft carrier. Whats happened afterward was a cluster fcuk of epic proportions but hey you don't question your new masters for you don't bite the hand that feeds you ;)
Then why is the Army going in again?

The very definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
now you are challenging me to my limits here. and I must admit its a valid point which I agree.

let me seek an easy escape here and say.
Army is going there because its obliged to do so on the order of the government. yes its insanity if its operation is not followed up with an effective and confident civilian writ afterwords.. so maybe Indian model maybe adapted with permanent settlement.

globally, armies are routinely recalled in such cases of resurfacing of the rebellions. over a million army is now permanently sitting in Indian Kashmir just to ensure that the area remains the part of India.

what say you.. ?
now you are challenging me to my limits here. and I must admit its a valid point which I agree.

let me seek an easy escape here and say.
Army is going there because its obliged to do so on the order of the government. yes its insanity if its operation is not followed up with an effective and confident civilian writ afterwords.. so maybe Indian model maybe adapted with permanent settlement.

globally, armies are routinely recalled in such cases of resurfacing of the rebellions. over a million army is now permanently sitting in Indian Kashmir just to ensure that the area remains the part of India.

what say you.. ?

What say I? The same thing I have been saying all along: This problem was decades in the making due to many system wide failures, and it will take all the institutions of the country working together in an intelligent manner over several years if it is to be resolved.

(Which is also why I realistically see no chances for success, but that is another story.)
People want sharia because there is no justice, equality etc.
And those who are saying sharia can't provide these things simply don't know what sharia is.
Its about freedom, justice, balance economic system to name a few.
Sharia not possible , Pakistanis should fight and clean these scums who want to enforce their mindset
Shariah is completely possible and it would be implemented and traitors of Islam would be wiped out soon

Weren't the Army fanbois claiming the first Swat operation to be a resounding success not that long ago? What happened?
I was telling from day one it can't be sustained by putting Army their we would have to put our whole Army their still it would not control Tribal area

Army is conducting fresh operation against Taliban in SWAT Man I told you they are back they would keep coming back until we get rid of USA talk to Taliban them implement Shariah break as many groups on our side as we can than take out the rest who just want war

Minor operation. Rats would be flushed out soon.
(Which is also why I realistically see no chances for success, but that is another story.)
dont mean to put words in your mouth.. but the reason why you dont see any success is.

there is lack of comprehension if there is a problem
defining the problem
and then agreeing on fixing the problem

to sum it up

patchwork and fire fighting

but then again.. why should you expect anything better?

do you know something about the lawsuit against Sacha Baron Cohen on the Movie "Borat"?
the village where the movie was shot sued Sacha for deceiving and insulting the people so some lawyers agreed to fight for their case for free but they lost and when they came back with the bad news they had to open their briefcases to show that they had not taken any bribes from Sacha to loose the case.. (I really wish I have conveyed the message and the comic absurdness and dark humour in this episode)
dont mean to put words in your mouth.. but the reason why you dont see any success is.

there is lack of comprehension if there is a problem
defining the problem
and then agreeing on fixing the problem

to sum it up

patchwork and fire fighting

but then again.. why should you expect anything better?

do you know something about the lawsuit against Sacha Baron Cohen on the Movie "Borat"?
the village where the movie was shot sued Sacha for deceiving and insulting the people so some lawyers agreed to fight for their case for free but they lost and when they came back with the bad news they had to open their briefcases to show that they had not taken any bribes from Sacha to loose the case.. (I really wish I have conveyed the message and the comic absurdness and dark humour in this episode)

Just be glad Borat did not make a movie about Pakistan - yet. :D
Shariah is completely possible and it would be implemented and traitors of Islam would be wiped out soon

extremists can kill / threat to kill as many unarmed civilians as they want , the 7th century tactic of spreading Islam by force and fear mongering amoungst its faithful just doesnt work any more and has back fired! thus why many muslims now oppose sharia law, Its just not compatible with the current times also there is no clarity since there are over 70 sects therefore its impossible to implement.
Bareilwi, why so much materialistic thinking? That i am not in favour of sharia because it is not directly proportional to economic progress?
I have observed your kind in Qatar, you know that there used to be break for nimaz in PEC. Only three students including me used to go for nimaz, the rest of 33 students, your kind, prefer to chit chat. In the begining i try to convince them to go to nimaz, they started making fun of me by calling me "maulvi" so i stopped asking them. Your kind is called be-nimazi for reason in our areas. I am not surprised that attitude about sharia is same as nimaz.

Still after praying namaz u dont follow Islam..you call for division among Muslims and wish to create Fasad in our country..read the last sermon of Prophet PBUH and stop categorizing Muslims..I know your kind when i started university..in the start your kind of people wanted to divide Pakistanis but Alhamdulilah now all of us are united and proud Pakistanis.. No one make fun of eachother,
extremists can kill / threat to kill as many unarmed civilians as they want , the 7th century tactic of spreading Islam by force and fear mongering amoungst its faithful just doesnt work any more and has back fired! thus why many muslims now oppose sharia law, Its just not compatible with the current times also there is no clarity since there are over 70 sects therefore its impossible to implement.
Mr still majority Muslims support Shariah in fact more than 90 % of the world but pets of west and kufr always talk shit against shariah to please their western masters
Everyone knows that the ‘peace talks’ with the Taliban are ongoing, and we certainly wish to see an end to the bloodshed that has plagued the nation for a long time. At the same time, it is imperative to stay vigilant against those who continue to threaten the safety of our nations. Like all governments; Pakistan also carries the responsibility of safeguarding its homeland and eliminating any threats that risk the lives of its citizens. Our nations have been working side by side with regards to our share peace objectives in the region. Pakistan has been a great ally, and we greatly appreciate all of its sacrifices in fighting terrorism. It is also important to note that Pakistan is an independent partner nation, and we fully support whatever decision it makes in regards to restoring peace in the country.

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
Mr still majority Muslims support Shariah in fact more than 90 % of the world but pets of west and kufr always talk shit against shariah to please their western masters

90 % support sharia where did u get these figures from ?? In Pakistan only a small bunch fundos , except them no one else for eg look at election results no one supports religious parties a very smal minority which are mostly from tribal areas do that will change once this medevil system is rooted out from their society !!?? same is the case in all over muslim world no one supports Islamists ..

bottom line is if you want sharia implement in your personal lives do not try forcing this on the state , by beheading and slaughtering those who disagree with your kind it will result in sharia getting more complicated.

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