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We are not Saudia arabia. Our so called Ulemas have made DNA HARAM and not a single mullah came forward to support DNA and Saudia Based Shariah still follow SOODI NAZAM. Next logic??
Mr when I said Saudi Arabia is complete Shariah but at least they are doing some thing rather than doing nothing and if we would remain on this path we would only face civil war Mr no peace would come only civil war and unrest would come weather you like it or not so implement Shariah or face civil war which would keep getting worse after every passing day

Current shariah law is basically 'fraud'---it is deceitful---it is deceptrive. The current law as it is practised is more like---

It has nothing to do with shariah but everything to do with arabl tribal practises.

People want justice and better quality of life----current shariah don't provide justice----.

Have you ever read Quran ???

You're not an Ismaeli are you ???

Sir Jee,,, Do dafa quran khatam kia hay parh kar. Masla ye hai, Implementation kai liye society ka intellectual level bhe wo hona chahaye, hai kaya?

Mr when I said Saudi Arabia is complete Shariah but at least they are doing some thing rather than doing nothing and if we would remain on this path we would only face civil war Mr no peace would come only civil war and unrest would come weather you like it or not so implement Shariah or face civil war which would keep getting worse after every passing day

Ok Now we establish Saudia is half shariah based. But BUT BUT.... There is a uniformity in Saudia arabia. There is only one race in Saudia.

But in Pakistan there is an amalgam of races who would prefer to follow their customs,traditions and set of Islam. How would you force them to follow a particular brand of Islam?

Civil War? Which Civil war, Talk about it when it happens. It didn't happen in 500 years, not it would. Next logic
Pakistan needs to use their Armed drones heavily & upon confirm Intel they should strike & like these rented terrorists.
Sir Jee,,, Do dafa quran khatam kia hay parh kar. Masla ye hai, Implementation kai liye society ka intellectual level bhe wo hona chahaye, hai kaya?
Sirjee you don't have to convince the thief that the punishment he'll receive is justified !!!

These laws are clearly stated in the Quran. The Quran is here to guide all Muslims no matter what century the belong to.

Its verses aren't there for cherry picking !!!

And those are the limits set by Allah . And whoever transgresses the limits of Allah has certainly wronged himself. [65:1]
Sir Jee,,, Do dafa quran khatam kia hay parh kar. Masla ye hai, Implementation kai liye society ka intellectual level bhe wo hona chahaye, hai kaya?

Ok Now we establish Saudia is half shariah based. But BUT BUT.... There is a uniformity in Saudia arabia. There is only one race in Saudia.

But in Pakistan there is an amalgam of races who would prefer to follow their customs,traditions and set of Islam. How would you force them to follow a particular brand of Islam?

Civil War? Which Civil war, Talk about it when it happens. It didn't happen in 500 years, not it would. Next logic

There is no Civil War. There is just few thousand retards fighting Pakistani State and if these damn Politicians would get out of the way, Army will take care of these retards.
No matter what the liberal Pakistani retards say, Islamic law is embedded into the Constitution, it just isn't implemented which is why Pakistan is in a abysmal situation

The solution? Give the army and Pak security forces full authority to deal with the TTP animals by completely annihilating them and implement the basis of the Constitution which is Islamic law where all sects are unified.

All the sects, shia, wahabi, Sunni, deobandi, etc can easily come up with a consensus on Islamic fiqh

Once this happens, Pakistan in the true sense can become a military and economic powerhouse. Insh'Allah!
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Yes you keep fighting your own people for centuries and your Army will remain stuck in Tribal areas for every Man learn the lesson and find another way
they are not our people, those who kill innocent women and children in the streets are not worthy enough to be called even people, they can all get A** back to Afghanistan, and beat helpless innocent women, but not in Pakistan they wont
Mr Shariah is law not only for person but for whole nation and which governments have to implement if they will not people will keep rising and trying to do that on their own than government should not cry if that happens

Countries like Malaysia and Turkey progressed without implementing Shria Law. Sharia Law contradicts Islamic teaching. There is no such thing as speedy justice in islam. There is no such thing as forcibly making women wear hijab in islam. Define your version of sharia law here first then start a debate on it.
Countries like Malaysia and Turkey progressed without implementing Shria Law. Sharia Law contradicts Islamic teaching. There is no such thing as speedy justice in islam. There is no such thing as forcibly making women wear hijab in islam. Define your version of sharia law here first then start a debate on it.
Malaysia either you don't know Malaysia or you are in dreams Malaysia is most fond of proving itself as a Muslim country and they have laws separate for Muslims and for Turkey they progressed when the party which is known for its Islamic roots came into power and soon even in these countries if governments will not implement shariah people will rise up and start doing it
Countries like Malaysia and Turkey progressed without implementing Shria Law. Sharia Law contradicts Islamic teaching. There is no such thing as speedy justice in islam. There is no such thing as forcibly making women wear hijab in islam. Define your version of sharia law here first then start a debate on it.

and what authority do you have to say "Sharia contradicts Islamic teachings"? Islamic teaching is shariah law !

your idiotic statement is like saying a human is not a mammal..
Malaysia either you don't know Malaysia or you are in dreams Malaysia is most fond of proving itself as a Muslim country and they have laws separate for Muslims and for Turkey they progressed when the party which is known for its Islamic roots came into power and soon even in these countries if governments will not implement shariah people will rise up and start doing it

Islam dictates free will so one cant force his/her idea on other. You are entitled to your views but at the end of the day majority wins.
Islam dictates free will so one cant force his/her idea on other. You are entitled to your views but at the end of the day majority wins.
Mr that free will is that you can't force others to convert Islam has laws for everything from government to trade to business and social life that have to implemented and with full force Islam is a completes system if governments will not implement them people will
and what authority do you have to say "Sharia contradicts Islamic teachings"? Islamic teaching is shariah law !

your idiotic statement is like saying a human is not a mammal..

Prove me wrong rather otherwise shove it.
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