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Army chief says will call Pakistan’s nuclear ‘bluff’, cross border if govt asks

The objective was achieved we took over indian posts for 3 weeks before they found out

But the downfall was the exit strategy because cowards like Nawaz Sharif came under US pressure. And indians got caught with their pants down so had to reply back and did so by killing PA officers coming back from the posts they had occupied.

Cold starts exit strategy is defined already, we hand over your territory back once you withdraw from ours.

You guys occupied a no man post and felling proud about it :lol:
You guys occupied a no man post and felling proud about it :lol:
yes occupied no man's Post and made it Pakistani man's post
He and Modi, a perfect pair to lead India into disasters.

Sure and we are quite happy about the disaster :partay:
Yes pray that you find no resistance so u can oppucy Indian territory and claim victory and objective achieved. Lol
Like i said If your boys think the only response to cold start is NK tactical missiles then you are greatly misinformed.

To counter cold start Pakistan will do its own cold start. Easier to negotiate retreats when both parties have something to loose.

You guys occupied a no man post and felling proud about it :lol:
no, we are proud about how Jinnah gutted Hindustan into 3 parts in 47 :lol:
Its will be dangerous if he keeps repeating this 'bluff' theory. Indians will come to believe it and 'bluff' theory will be accepted as a fact. Indians will obviously want their army then to call this bluff. Risky business I would say, saying things like that.
Pakistans response to cold start is the same as indias plan for cold start. To intrude into enemy territory and hold a sizeable chunk of land.

Pakistan will intrude into India and take a chunk of their land so negotiations are easier to do as both countries will have to go back to the LOC eventually. To fight India in the territory they have taken over of Pakistan isnt ever the answer to cold start, what you will do we will do in another area.

using tactical nukes is the B option.

I thought the current doctrine of Pakistan is heavy on defending rather that offense. Can you share some more information on the armies doctrine ?
Another Surgical Strike to Pakistan :sarcastic::sarcastic:.. look ur army situation and talking about pakistan hahahaha
I thought the current doctrine of Pakistan is heavy on defending rather that offense. Can you share some more information on the armies doctrine ?
Its always been defensive but in case of Cold start the most logical way to push back indian troops into their side of LOC is to do exactly what India does and take over Indian territory.

No point fighting the armies in the area intruded, as it will be pointless and exhausting for both militaries. Also a deal is more likely to be achieved if both armies have something to give up and retreat.

Using tactical nukes is last option.

I havent got any article on this but was picked up by me listening to some retired army general explaining how can Pakistan counter cold start one of those talks they do with media and public.

In my humble personal opinion cold start is an out dated doctrine which can be countered by PA easily weve been hearing about cold start for near enough a decade now. i think India wont even use cold start and will have a new doctrine to follow if it attacks Pakistan in the future.

If war happens in my opinion Indias doctrine now will be to go deep inside Azad kashmir especially the Gilgit Balistan region to cut of karakhoram highway and they will counter attack Balochistan costal areas at the same time using their navy.
no, we are proud about how Jinnah gutted Hindustan into 3 parts in 47 :lol:
No, Jinnah divided Hindustan into two parts.
We are thankful to him for that or else United India would be a muslim majority. He did hindus a favour by taking a small chunk of land with a huge muslim population and left hindus a huge chunk of land where they would be in majority. Thank you Mr. Jinnah.
For your Info. It was hindu India that divided Pakistan into two making erstwhile British India into 3 nations. 2 small muslim nations and one giant hindu nation.
No, Jinnah divided Hindustan into two parts.
We are thankful to him for that or else United India would be a muslim majority. He did hindus a favour by taking a small chunk of land with a huge muslim population and left hindus a huge chunk of land where they would be in majority. Thank you Mr. Jinnah.
For your Info. It was hindu India that divided Pakistan into two making erstwhile British India into 3 nations. 2 small muslim nations and one giant hindu nation.
Thank You Jinnah for dividing hindustan into 3 parts

Jinnah the legend
Its always been defensive but in case of Cold start the most logical way to push back indian troops into their side of LOC is to do exactly what India does and take over Indian territory.

No point fighting the armies in the area intruded, as it will be pointless and exhausting for both militaries. Also a deal is more likely to be achieved if both armies have something to give up and retreat.

Using tactical nukes is last option.

I havent got any article on this but was picked up by me listening to some retired army general explaining how can Pakistan counter cold start one of those talks they do with media and public.

In my humble personal opinion cold start is an out dated doctrine which can be countered by PA easily weve been hearing about cold start for near enough a decade now. i think India wont even use cold start and will have a new doctrine to follow if it attacks Pakistan in the future.

If war happens in my opinion Indias doctrine now will be to go deep inside Azad kashmir especially the Gilgit Balistan region to cut of karakhoram highway and they will counter attack Balochistan costal areas at the same time using their navy.

But if you see from India's perspective India has no other option but cold start. Rapid mobilization and swift attack before the international community starts pressure on cooling down tensions.

I dont think India will harm CPEC because that would bring China in to the picture India would instead attack much softer and easy to get tracks on Pakistan border.
But if you see from India's perspective India has no other option but cold start. Rapid mobilization and swift attack before the international community starts pressure on cooling down tensions.

I dont think India will harm CPEC because that would bring China in to the picture India would instead attack much softer and easy to get tracks on Pakistan border.
Its really interesting to hear that from an Indian perspective you still believe in cold start as the best option to strike Pakistan.

I thought once tactical nuclear weapons got mentioned it pretty much ended the idea of using cold start as a doctrine to start war because the norm around the world is once nuclear weapons are deployed as a deterrence enemies dont still use the same tactic. they have to pen other plans as nuclear conflict will be too difficult to explain to the world why the countries still went to war when the lives of future generations were at stake.

Say if US wanted to strike Pak it would just use its service fleet thousands of miles away to pick off targets using missiles, something like cold start would mean them risking thousands of lives occupying some dessert area that has no real significance to the country.

Also, what do you think about PA response of cold start, to not engage on an all out assault on indian strike corps who have intruded into Pak and respond by sending its strike corp into vulnerable Indian territory over the LOC, let the chest thumping and national anger of revenge die out in both nations after couple of days, wait for the international world to interfere (which they will at the thought of the war turning Nuclear) and then negotiate a deal to retreat from each others captured land. Your opinions?

Thank You Jinnah for dividing hindustan into 3 parts

Jinnah the legend
Thank you Mrs. Indira Gandhi for dividing Pakistan into two parts.
Thank you Mrs. Indira Gandhi for dividing Pakistan into two parts.
IOK is burning. watch out
Thank you Mrs. Indira Gandhi for dividing Pakistan into two parts.
It wasn't Indira Gandhi who created Bangladesh.

It is the Bengalis who created Bangladesh.
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