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Arms Race Against India May Completely Disintegrate Pakistan Like USSR

India-Pakistan Arms Race is on, but Pakistan appears to be making the same mistake that the USSR made against the US – getting involved in an arms race against an economically superior enemy. Can Pakistan really compete against an economic superpower and world’s fastest growing economy – India? Here is a report on Pakistan’s defence spendings.
The Pakistan government proposes to spike allocation for defence by a whopping 18 per cent to Rs1.1 trillion for the next fiscal year from the original estimate of Rs920bn for the outgoing financial year. The increase represents the highest growth in the defence budget in over a decade, as the allocation is 10.22pc greater than the revised estimate of Rs998m for the present financial year.

The Top 5 Defence Budgets of the world
  1. US ($602.8 billion)
  2. China ($150.5 billion)
  3. Saudi Arabia ($76.7 billion)
  4. Russia ($61.2 billion)
  5. India ($52.5 billion)
According to Defence News, the defence expenditure is 21pc of the total budget outlay for the next year and 3.2pc of gross domestic product. The increase is consistent with the rate of 20pc at which the current expense is estimated to grow the next financial year.

However, the allocation does not give the complete picture of the defence budget, as it does not include Rs260bn for the pension of retired soldiers and the allocation for major weapon procurement.

In his budget speech, the newly appointed Finance Minister, Miftah Ismail, noted the sacrifices rendered by the military and paramilitary forces, and their success in eliminating terrorist hideouts.

The government allowed 11pc annual increase in the defence budget on an average except for its first budget 2013-14 when the PML-N government had increased the defence spending by 15pc.

The budget does not include several other allocations for the military, including Rs260bn for pension, which is 76pc of the federal government’s total pension bill, as well as Rs45bn for security enhancement.

While there is no mention of expenditure incurred on the country’s nuclear and missile programme, major planned military hardware acquisitions are also not part of the Rs1.1tr defence allocation. The defence budget details show that maximum growth (31pc) has been recorded in the employees-related expenses over the original allocation for the outgoing year and 16.25pc when compared with the revised numbers. This head covers the salaries and allowances paid to troops in uniform and civilian employees.

The operating expense, which covers transport, POL, ration, medical treatment, training etc, has grown by 12.4pc from the one allocated in the current financial year.

A 16pc increase has been proposed for physical assets that provide for local purchase and import of arms and ammunition and related procurements. The increase is 12.8pc over the revised figures for 2017-18.

Civil works that include funds marked for maintenance of existing infrastructure and construction of new buildings get a 10.1pc increase over the original allocation, or six per cent when compared with the revised figure.

The ratio at which the budgets of the three forces and the inter-services institutions are proposed to grow also gives an interesting read. The army traditionally gets the lion’s share of the increase, but this time around the navy has been given 21.4pc increase over the original allocation, followed by the army (19.7pc), Pakistan Air Force (19.5pc) and inter-services institutions (18.6pc).

It gets even more interesting when the hike is compared with the revised budget for the outgoing year according to which the army got the lowest rise of four per cent whereas the air force 16pc, the navy 15.5pc and the inter-services institutions 17.3pc.

Jane’s Defence Budgets Report had in December forecast that global defence expenditure was set to touch the highest level in 2018 since the end of the Cold War. Over the last decade, the global defence expenditure had fallen from an average level of 2.7pc to 2.2pc of GDP. However, they are growing for the fifth consecutive year.


Pakistan is not in arms race with India that is why TNWs are developed, also Pakistan is in process of modernizing of its military, only Navy is being expended as its not in required strength.
Lol you still havnt answered ? Why do you get humiliated at every other post?? Are you infinitely shameless like Modi G? You try to defend by saying things that are completely out of context and off topic. You keep writing these massive paragraphs that are factually incorrect. May you be you get paid for every letter that you type :p I know winters are tough for people living in Mumbai slums. You gotta earn extra.

Well thanks for proving me wrong. LOL :sarcastic::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
...Until we can get to the point where we can recreate our past successes, this is our current modus operandi.
No doubt the military is a growth industry in Pakistan. However, it doesn't produce economic goods. Nor does even the prospect of successful conquest promise economic returns: subject populations would flee, there's not much in the way of natural resources, so the loot would be limited, temporary, and more than counter-acted by the destruction of trade via economic boycotts.

Pakistan has developed in many ways since independence but in one way its leadership are still unchanged: civilian or military, they lack the ability to change their minds. They unbendingly seek to defend and extend their power, status, and privilege at the cost of their people.
These number games of how much one is spending against another do not matter when Pakistan is making almost everything in house and India is paying through to the roof to purchase weapons from other nations.
No country can finish any country willing to fight and united.
Secondly having bases is one thing and quaity and numbers to use them is another.

Kindly go & check all the agreements between India & these countries. These are all Military bases where we have our soldiers, radars, intelligence, ships & planes. You can mock at our forces & on my details mentioned, but reality will hit you soon. The next war with Pakistan is not going to be like 1965, 71 or 99. We are not dependent on others like before. We have our own Military satellites, our own intelligence & radars to track every move apart from help from our allies like Afghanistan, Iran, US & Israel. And to make matters worse, we have far far advanced armaments than Pakistan. We have Brahmos, Sukhois, Rafaels, KALI, Baraq, S 400 & our own Missile Defence system whereas you are dependent on China & other countries who won't help for satellites & intelligence with inferior equipment's.

Why would any of those countries try to become a part of war in which two nuclear armed countries are involved?

We have a Military base in Bhutan. You may want to forget what happened in Doklam with China. It was not our territory. That's just the sample of the new face of India.

Oman, Tajikistan, Afghanistan or any other country need not involve in our war. But we have the right to use our Military in these bases. Our ships, jets & intelligence will come to play in a war with Pakistan. If we are spending money for satellite stations, infrastructure & stationing our Military & arms, it's not to drain our money. It has a strategic reason & plan behind all these deployment.

You people are still living in fake glories of 1965 & brainwashed bravery that India can't destroy Pakistan & if it destroys India will also be destroyed. Wake up from your illusive world & go study what are the strategic moves planned by India economically & Militarily to dismantle Pakistan.

Sorry to say, your Military establishment & Imran Khan know what's coming so will keep begging for talks & Peace with India but in vain. Without giving up Kashmir & terror support, there is no use of any peace talks or meetings. You may not like it, but according to today's Military might of India, only a surrender to India by forgetting past, shedding differences, hatred & accepting all Indian terms can save Pakistanis. Every tide is against you & you are left with no choice but to let go of Kashmir, make peace, open borders & start trade to save your country.
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Is there no-one to object to this distortion???
Probably because it's Friday?

Note the partial exceptions: B. Bhutto, I.K., and General Yaqub-Khan. Benazir was robbed of real power, I.K. doesn't seem to have much, and YK resigned.
Pakistan does need to be careful here, especially with a view on the current economic climate. But the OdishaAsian Times mouthpiece doesn't take into account that Pakistan's economy could possibly grow and finance the expansion, aside;

Civil works that include funds marked for maintenance of existing infrastructure and construction of new buildings

Also have a multipler effect on the economy and boost growth.

Anyway, meet the team;



Don't they have an equal opportunities policy? Why is everyone Indian?
India-Pakistan Arms Race is on, but Pakistan appears to be making the same mistake that the USSR made against the US – getting involved in an arms race against an economically superior enemy. Can Pakistan really compete against an economic superpower and world’s fastest growing economy – India? Here is a report on Pakistan’s defence spendings.
The Pakistan government proposes to spike allocation for defence by a whopping 18 per cent to Rs1.1 trillion for the next fiscal year from the original estimate of Rs920bn for the outgoing financial year. The increase represents the highest growth in the defence budget in over a decade, as the allocation is 10.22pc greater than the revised estimate of Rs998m for the present financial year.

The Top 5 Defence Budgets of the world
  1. US ($602.8 billion)
  2. China ($150.5 billion)
  3. Saudi Arabia ($76.7 billion)
  4. Russia ($61.2 billion)
  5. India ($52.5 billion)
According to Defence News, the defence expenditure is 21pc of the total budget outlay for the next year and 3.2pc of gross domestic product. The increase is consistent with the rate of 20pc at which the current expense is estimated to grow the next financial year.

However, the allocation does not give the complete picture of the defence budget, as it does not include Rs260bn for the pension of retired soldiers and the allocation for major weapon procurement.

In his budget speech, the newly appointed Finance Minister, Miftah Ismail, noted the sacrifices rendered by the military and paramilitary forces, and their success in eliminating terrorist hideouts.

The government allowed 11pc annual increase in the defence budget on an average except for its first budget 2013-14 when the PML-N government had increased the defence spending by 15pc.

The budget does not include several other allocations for the military, including Rs260bn for pension, which is 76pc of the federal government’s total pension bill, as well as Rs45bn for security enhancement.

While there is no mention of expenditure incurred on the country’s nuclear and missile programme, major planned military hardware acquisitions are also not part of the Rs1.1tr defence allocation. The defence budget details show that maximum growth (31pc) has been recorded in the employees-related expenses over the original allocation for the outgoing year and 16.25pc when compared with the revised numbers. This head covers the salaries and allowances paid to troops in uniform and civilian employees.

The operating expense, which covers transport, POL, ration, medical treatment, training etc, has grown by 12.4pc from the one allocated in the current financial year.

A 16pc increase has been proposed for physical assets that provide for local purchase and import of arms and ammunition and related procurements. The increase is 12.8pc over the revised figures for 2017-18.

Civil works that include funds marked for maintenance of existing infrastructure and construction of new buildings get a 10.1pc increase over the original allocation, or six per cent when compared with the revised figure.

The ratio at which the budgets of the three forces and the inter-services institutions are proposed to grow also gives an interesting read. The army traditionally gets the lion’s share of the increase, but this time around the navy has been given 21.4pc increase over the original allocation, followed by the army (19.7pc), Pakistan Air Force (19.5pc) and inter-services institutions (18.6pc).

It gets even more interesting when the hike is compared with the revised budget for the outgoing year according to which the army got the lowest rise of four per cent whereas the air force 16pc, the navy 15.5pc and the inter-services institutions 17.3pc.

Jane’s Defence Budgets Report had in December forecast that global defence expenditure was set to touch the highest level in 2018 since the end of the Cold War. Over the last decade, the global defence expenditure had fallen from an average level of 2.7pc to 2.2pc of GDP. However, they are growing for the fifth consecutive year.


Pakistan isnt in an arms race. Pakistan has minimum effective deterrence and maintains that. Its india that desires to be a global super power.
Kindly go & check all the agreements between India & these countries. These are all Military bases where we have our soldiers, radars, intelligence, ships & planes. You can mock at our forces & on my details mentioned, but reality will hit you soon. The next war with Pakistan is not going to be like 1965, 71 or 99. We are not dependent on others like before. We have our own Military satellites, our own intelligence & radars to track every move apart from help from our allies like Afghanistan, Iran, US & Israel. And to make matters worse, we have far far advanced armaments than Pakistan. We have Brahmos, Sukhois, Rafaels, KALI, Baraq, S 400 & our own Missile Defence system whereas you are dependent on China & other countries who won't help for satellites & intelligence with inferior equipment's.

We have a Military base in Bhutan. You may want to forget what happened in Doklam with China. It was not our territory. That's just the sample of the new face of India.

Oman, Tajikistan, Afghanistan or any other country need not involve in our war. But we have the right to use our Military in these bases. Our ships, jets & intelligence will come to play in a war with Pakistan. If we are spending money for satellite stations, infrastructure & stationing our Military & arms, it's not to drain our money. It has a strategic reason & plan behind all these deployment.

You people are still living in fake glories of 1965 & brainwashed bravery that India can't destroy Pakistan & if it destroys India will also be destroyed. Wake up from your illusive world & go study what are the strategic moves planned by India economically & Militarily to dismantle Pakistan.

Sorry to say, your Military establishment & Imran Khan know what's coming so will keep begging for talks & Peace with India but in vain. Without giving up Kashmir & terror support, there is no use of any peace talks or meetings. You may not like it, but according to today's Military might of India, only a surrender to India by forgetting past, shedding differences, hatred & accepting all Indian terms can save Pakistanis. Every tide is against you & you are left with no choice but to let go of Kashmir, make peace, open borders & start trade to save your country.

lol.:rofl::rofl: in which world u live in... or u just shut down ur pc after watching a comedy Bollywood movie...come on dude wake up u r talking like Pakistanis are sitting duck or Pakistanis are sleeping and mighty indian will come and destroy Pakistan run and scoop wtf i mean seriously..? how old are you
we aren't disintegrating. we are learning the art of making weapons by ourselves.we are doing great when it comes to the chinese jf-17.i don't think that we need huge money for projects.we aren't drdo or ambani company lol.
Article after article ………… Ask these mofos tell me ,show me one big ticket item we bought because of this so called race???????????????????????????????????????
Only Atomic bombs was a race that's it...…………
Our Missiles programme is very slow speed compare to India !!!!!!!!!!
Our air defence no where near India...…… We just bought (maybe) some good medium to long range Air defence system...… For God sakes , it is our first system in many years without having one ….. Its not a race...…We did not bought S-400 ………………….
Look at our Air Force...…………. We did not bought RAFAL ,,,,,,,,,
Look at Navy we did not bought Atomic Sub or AC...……. The 8 subs we bought are our first Sub order after 90s and still take 8 more years (total may be 30 years from Agutsa 90B order) it is not a race...……..

We are only doing what responsible nations will do . we are upgrading our defences (very slowly) ,,,, We will not allow any one to dictate us on our defence and our needs.
lol.:rofl::rofl: in which world u live in... or u just shut down ur pc after watching a comedy Bollywood movie...come on dude wake up u r talking like Pakistanis are sitting duck or Pakistanis are sleeping and mighty indian will come and destroy Pakistan run and scoop wtf i mean seriously..? how old are you

What's my age got to do with my posts. If you want to convince, kindly tell these people from your country to wake up, Pakistan is not sitting duck. There are more who are worried & scared crying on media. Do you want to see all of them. First you counter a small non -nuclear ill equipped Afghanistan fighting with out dated weapons. You can't even defeat them, you think you can defeat India.

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