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Arms Race Against India May Completely Disintegrate Pakistan Like USSR

Well this is a chidish title and view. Anyone who follows pakistan and its military budget and its military expenditure should also know that,
Pakistan has never taken more than 5% of gdp for its armed forces i think figure these days is just 3.5% i believe but never above 5%.

Also pakistan has never been in an arms race with india, Pakistani Armed Forces maintain the doctrine called "Minimum Credible Detterence" had pakistan engaged in an arms race like u suggest, pakistan would have atleast 1 aircraft carrier, atleast 2 nuclear powered sub marines, Space program to the mars, Armored tanks of 60 ton+ weight and thousands jn numbers, 200 f-16 C-Ds , atleast 36 Sukhoi Su-35, Atleast 100 J-10, atleast 30 conventional Submarines , a fleet of Frigates and huge surface warships, 300 nuclear warheads of uranium class, ICBM of 7000 km+ range. atleast 3 different types of Cruise missils with 2000 km range. Atleast 4 military grade spy settalites, 1000 armed drones of Reaper class. HQ-20 anti missile defence shield or S400 missile shield across pakistan. 200+ heavy Attack helicopters. And atleast generation 4 heavy bombers in 3 or four squadrons of its airforce.

This is what is required to be somewhat on par with india and its armed forces.

The reality is quiet opposite we cant afford to match 1:1 of each Armed system and weapon system so, What pakistaniz military apparatus does is invest intelligently in technologies that nullify indian aquisitions with minimal weight on pakistan's defence budget.

Examples: india gets silent nuclear submarine that is stealthy and can stay under sea for very long time. Pakistan navy was not able to keep the trail and follow those subs undetected for such matching period of time undersea.

Options pakistan had : either get nuclear submarines from china, try to build our own or do what is smart make our exusting submarines on par with nuclear submarines.

Pakistan took help of turkish experts and tured our existing submarines with AIPs that would enable them to be on par with nuclear subs submerged time with also upgrades to avionics etc . also we got ultra silent subs 8 to be exact from china with abiloty to stay under water for very long time and also fire ballistic and cruise missiles 2nd strike ability.

2nd example: india gets s400 God damn 5 billion $ sytem. Do we purchase the same system? Nope we just get 300 million $ worth of UCAvs to form drone swarms amd confuse s400 and over satirate it with hundreds of decoy uavs while aircraft or cruise missiles take those batteries out ;) quiet genius i think. Pakistan nullified 5 to 10 billion dollar weapon systems with less than 500 million $ investment and with the ability to inflict maximum damage to the enemy in event of war.

These are just 2 examples from recent few months/ year. I can give u atleast 100 examples from recent past for airforce army and navy .

If pakistan was not in the protection of the creator and his protectors (Pakistan Army) we are a foolish bunch of people. Thank God Almighty for the defence establishment and their intelligence.

India has 10x more chances of disintegrating in near future like USSR did back in the day as compared to pakistan. This is getting long otherwise i would elaborate.

Pakistan and its defence budget is small but it is enough to annhiate india or its armed forces in matter of hours. The 3rd biggest military in the world at mercy of pakistan the 6th biggest and most professional military in the world. We sir are a warrior Nation with passion for death. For us Death is a doorway to eternal life. You have all the reason to Fear the thing called pakistan and its Arms the Armed forces of Pakistan.

Pakistan's budget for 2019 is 340 billion $ and the stupid persin above suggests pakistan uses 17% of its budget on Defence that would mean 57.8 billion $ defence budget :P

Pakistan's budget for 2019 is around 12 billion dollar which is about 3.5% of total budget.

This is a misleading article very wrong information posted.
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India-Pakistan Arms Race is on, but Pakistan appears to be making the same mistake that the USSR made against the US – getting involved in an arms race against an economically superior enemy. Can Pakistan really compete against an economic superpower and world’s fastest growing economy – India? Here is a report on Pakistan’s defence spendings.
The Pakistan government proposes to spike allocation for defence by a whopping 18 per cent to Rs1.1 trillion for the next fiscal year from the original estimate of Rs920bn for the outgoing financial year. The increase represents the highest growth in the defence budget in over a decade, as the allocation is 10.22pc greater than the revised estimate of Rs998m for the present financial year.

The Top 5 Defence Budgets of the world
  1. US ($602.8 billion)
  2. China ($150.5 billion)
  3. Saudi Arabia ($76.7 billion)
  4. Russia ($61.2 billion)
  5. India ($52.5 billion)
According to Defence News, the defence expenditure is 21pc of the total budget outlay for the next year and 3.2pc of gross domestic product. The increase is consistent with the rate of 20pc at which the current expense is estimated to grow the next financial year.

However, the allocation does not give the complete picture of the defence budget, as it does not include Rs260bn for the pension of retired soldiers and the allocation for major weapon procurement.

In his budget speech, the newly appointed Finance Minister, Miftah Ismail, noted the sacrifices rendered by the military and paramilitary forces, and their success in eliminating terrorist hideouts.

The government allowed 11pc annual increase in the defence budget on an average except for its first budget 2013-14 when the PML-N government had increased the defence spending by 15pc.

The budget does not include several other allocations for the military, including Rs260bn for pension, which is 76pc of the federal government’s total pension bill, as well as Rs45bn for security enhancement.

While there is no mention of expenditure incurred on the country’s nuclear and missile programme, major planned military hardware acquisitions are also not part of the Rs1.1tr defence allocation. The defence budget details show that maximum growth (31pc) has been recorded in the employees-related expenses over the original allocation for the outgoing year and 16.25pc when compared with the revised numbers. This head covers the salaries and allowances paid to troops in uniform and civilian employees.

The operating expense, which covers transport, POL, ration, medical treatment, training etc, has grown by 12.4pc from the one allocated in the current financial year.

A 16pc increase has been proposed for physical assets that provide for local purchase and import of arms and ammunition and related procurements. The increase is 12.8pc over the revised figures for 2017-18.

Civil works that include funds marked for maintenance of existing infrastructure and construction of new buildings get a 10.1pc increase over the original allocation, or six per cent when compared with the revised figure.

The ratio at which the budgets of the three forces and the inter-services institutions are proposed to grow also gives an interesting read. The army traditionally gets the lion’s share of the increase, but this time around the navy has been given 21.4pc increase over the original allocation, followed by the army (19.7pc), Pakistan Air Force (19.5pc) and inter-services institutions (18.6pc).

It gets even more interesting when the hike is compared with the revised budget for the outgoing year according to which the army got the lowest rise of four per cent whereas the air force 16pc, the navy 15.5pc and the inter-services institutions 17.3pc.

Jane’s Defence Budgets Report had in December forecast that global defence expenditure was set to touch the highest level in 2018 since the end of the Cold War. Over the last decade, the global defence expenditure had fallen from an average level of 2.7pc to 2.2pc of GDP. However, they are growing for the fifth consecutive year.


First they tried to invade us n failed, than another bugger came in Afghanistan hoping acess to warm waters, that bugger lost half his country in the process, than another egoistic maniac came n imposed proxy war upon us almost sure in his arrogance that this will be the end of us, that maniac just begged us for mediation in a conflict they have lost n now want to run...... After throwing every thing in the book at us, now they just sit in thier miserable abodes hoping an arms race would disintegrate us, seems like our enemies have given up, lol, this amuses me.
Pakistan will maintain " Minimum deterrence level against India"

Also Pakistan is developing non conventional and tactical nuclear arsenal. Pakistan is in no competition with India over weaponry. India should learn lesson from US who has been defeated and humiliated in Afghanistan, this is given the fact that US army is hundred times stronger and more equipped than Indian army and PA is perhaps 1000 times stronger than Taliban.

India cant maintain law and order in tiny Kashmir and talk about war with Pakistan.

Hahah is it just a co incidence that I find you getting humiliated at every thread???
Even in the East Pak theater, which by definition was a lost cause from every conceivable POV, only 800 Pak men, with 3 tanks and no artillery or air or logistics or reinforcement support whatsoever, held down 20K IA + 30K Mukti Bahini, serviced by inexhaustible air/artillery/armored/logistics/intelligence/reinforcement etc. support, for more than two weeks!!! And, that too while fighting 1200 miles away from the homeland and amidst extremely hostile populace!!!! They teach it at the military academies!!! Now, consider each Pak unit is like this against the Indian misadventure at the home turfs.....

First they tried to invade us n failed, than another bugger came in Afghanistan hoping acess to warm waters, that bugger lost half his country in the process, than another egoistic maniac came n imposed proxy war upon us almost sure in his arrogance that this will be the end of us, that maniac just begged us for mediation in a conflict they have lost n now want to run...... After throwing every thing in the book at us, now they just sit in thier miserable abodes hoping an arms race would disintegrate us, seems like our enemies have given up, lol, this amuses me.
Nay, who is there that can help you, (even as) an army, besides (God) Most Merciful? In nothing but delusion are the Unbelievers - Sura Al-Mulk (Ayet#20)

we aren't disintegrating. we are learning the art of making weapons by ourselves.we are doing great when it comes to the chinese jf-17.i don't think that we need huge money for projects.we aren't drdo or ambani company lol.
As if Pak has no die-hard friends!!! And, as if they aren't ready to go an extra mile for each other!!!!!

Pak security is also Turkey's security - Prof Dr Ahmet Davuto'lu, while on a visit to Pak as FM
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Even in the East Pak theater, which by definition was a lost cause from every conceivable POV, only 800 Pak men, with 3 tanks and no artillery or air or logistics or reinforcement support whatsoever, held down 20K IA + 30K Mukti Bahini, serviced by inexhaustible air/artillery/armored/logistics/intelligence/reinforcement etc. support, for more than two weeks!!! And, that too while fighting 1200 miles away from the homeland and amidst extremely hostile populace!!!! They teach it at the military academies!!! Now, consider each Pak unit is like this against the Indian misadventure at the home turfs.....

Nay, who is there that can help you, (even as) an army, besides (God) Most Merciful? In nothing but delusion are the Unbelievers - Sura Al-Mulk (Ayet#20)

As if Pak has no die-hard friends!!! And, as if they aren't ready to go an extra mile for each other!!!!!

Pak security is also Turkey's security - Prof Dr Ahmet Davuto'lu, while on a visit to Pak as FM

What ?? only 800 Pak Men and 3 tanks ?????
What happened to the real facts and history - over 90,000 Pak men surrendered to India !!!!
What ?? only 800 Pak Men and 3 tanks ?????
What happened to the real facts and history - over 90,000 Pak men surrendered to India !!!!
Why you did interfere our internal matters in 71 @sanker
India-Pakistan Arms Race is on, but Pakistan appears to be making the same mistake that the USSR made against the US – getting involved in an arms race against an economically superior enemy. Can Pakistan really compete against an economic superpower and world’s fastest growing economy – India? Here is a report on Pakistan’s defence spendings.
The Pakistan government proposes to spike allocation for defence by a whopping 18 per cent to Rs1.1 trillion for the next fiscal year from the original estimate of Rs920bn for the outgoing financial year. The increase represents the highest growth in the defence budget in over a decade, as the allocation is 10.22pc greater than the revised estimate of Rs998m for the present financial year.

The Top 5 Defence Budgets of the world
  1. US ($602.8 billion)
  2. China ($150.5 billion)
  3. Saudi Arabia ($76.7 billion)
  4. Russia ($61.2 billion)
  5. India ($52.5 billion)
According to Defence News, the defence expenditure is 21pc of the total budget outlay for the next year and 3.2pc of gross domestic product. The increase is consistent with the rate of 20pc at which the current expense is estimated to grow the next financial year.

However, the allocation does not give the complete picture of the defence budget, as it does not include Rs260bn for the pension of retired soldiers and the allocation for major weapon procurement.

In his budget speech, the newly appointed Finance Minister, Miftah Ismail, noted the sacrifices rendered by the military and paramilitary forces, and their success in eliminating terrorist hideouts.

The government allowed 11pc annual increase in the defence budget on an average except for its first budget 2013-14 when the PML-N government had increased the defence spending by 15pc.

The budget does not include several other allocations for the military, including Rs260bn for pension, which is 76pc of the federal government’s total pension bill, as well as Rs45bn for security enhancement.

While there is no mention of expenditure incurred on the country’s nuclear and missile programme, major planned military hardware acquisitions are also not part of the Rs1.1tr defence allocation. The defence budget details show that maximum growth (31pc) has been recorded in the employees-related expenses over the original allocation for the outgoing year and 16.25pc when compared with the revised numbers. This head covers the salaries and allowances paid to troops in uniform and civilian employees.

The operating expense, which covers transport, POL, ration, medical treatment, training etc, has grown by 12.4pc from the one allocated in the current financial year.

A 16pc increase has been proposed for physical assets that provide for local purchase and import of arms and ammunition and related procurements. The increase is 12.8pc over the revised figures for 2017-18.

Civil works that include funds marked for maintenance of existing infrastructure and construction of new buildings get a 10.1pc increase over the original allocation, or six per cent when compared with the revised figure.

The ratio at which the budgets of the three forces and the inter-services institutions are proposed to grow also gives an interesting read. The army traditionally gets the lion’s share of the increase, but this time around the navy has been given 21.4pc increase over the original allocation, followed by the army (19.7pc), Pakistan Air Force (19.5pc) and inter-services institutions (18.6pc).

It gets even more interesting when the hike is compared with the revised budget for the outgoing year according to which the army got the lowest rise of four per cent whereas the air force 16pc, the navy 15.5pc and the inter-services institutions 17.3pc.

Jane’s Defence Budgets Report had in December forecast that global defence expenditure was set to touch the highest level in 2018 since the end of the Cold War. Over the last decade, the global defence expenditure had fallen from an average level of 2.7pc to 2.2pc of GDP. However, they are growing for the fifth consecutive year.

are you crying then ? You must be happy buddy as this is what you want ...
Why you did interfere our internal matters in 71 @sanker

how it is your internal matter ?? if so, then you yourself interfere in our internal matter by seperating a nation called Pakistan, and Occuping Khasmir illegally which was Legally belongs to India and even now you're interfering in Khasmir, Punjab (so called Khalistan). Everything you did and when you cannot succeed then try Victim Card ??
Strange you say poor & also say we keep buying plane to crash everyday. Is it price of chocolates available in shop next door or you do not know the price of a plane. If India is poor, how can it buy fighter plane & crash it every day.

As of now it is not the case, because we don't have same scenario with China like yours. If we go to war, you will be attacked from all sides from Afghanistan, Tajakistan, Iran (We have agreement to use Iran's base at times of war. We also have a Military base in Oman). Don't forget Indian Navy from water. No country will support you. Pakistan will be finished in 2 weeks in next war as nobody will come to its rescue or calling ceasefire this time. You think China will jump in to your war, it will remain a illusion which will be busted like every time.

We don't have to worry about China because, China has to spend not for India. It has to spend for Japan, Vietnam, US & Russia mainly apart from India. If it doesn't have that kind of spending, it won't be able to bully or contain even Philippines.

So what India is spending is more than sufficient compared to China even though it's 3 times more. China can't move even 40% of it's force or armaments to Indian border at times of war & India is the last country China will engage in a war knowing where it can lead to. If India loses then every country in China's neighborhood will be encroached by China with ease, be it Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Myanmaar, Nepal, Mongolia, etc. & all these country are worried of China not India.

China can definitely defeat India if it uses its entire force & armaments, but just one country like Vietnam joins India, it's enough for bringing doom for China. Vietnam is another key player at times of war with China as it is another country which has Land, Air & Sea access to attack China not even Japan. Don't forget every country around China is heavily spending on arms in its neighborhood. Soon you will hear a big development by Japan in next 3-4 years, which will make China even more vulnerable relieving India. I won't tell what. Just wait & watch. Picture abhi baki hai

India is the boss of the Indian ocean. China will face severe & permanent consequences for its trade & shipments in the ocean. Malacca Strait will be blocked for ever. You can live in fantasies that China can anytime attack India. Gone are those days. It can only do small antics at border, China has no balls to even pull the trigger first. Mostly it will be India. Time will tell. For next 10 year at-least China can't touch India given the present Geo-political scenario.
I think you have seen some new movie of Ajay Dev Gand thats why you are narrating such fooolish heroic deeds. Or may be its a scene from Maha Bharat. Wake up

These pathetic Indians are high on cow dung. We will annihilate India when the time is right LOL
Not only cow dung, cow-piss-cola is even more effective
Kindly go & check all the agreements between India & these countries. These are all Military bases where we have our soldiers, radars, intelligence, ships & planes. You can mock at our forces & on my details mentioned, but reality will hit you soon. The next war with Pakistan is not going to be like 1965, 71 or 99. We are not dependent on others like before. We have our own Military satellites, our own intelligence & radars to track every move apart from help from our allies like Afghanistan, Iran, US & Israel. And to make matters worse, we have far far advanced armaments than Pakistan. We have Brahmos, Sukhois, Rafaels, KALI, Baraq, S 400 & our own Missile Defence system whereas you are dependent on China & other countries who won't help for satellites & intelligence with inferior equipment's.

We have a Military base in Bhutan. You may want to forget what happened in Doklam with China. It was not our territory. That's just the sample of the new face of India.

Oman, Tajikistan, Afghanistan or any other country need not involve in our war. But we have the right to use our Military in these bases. Our ships, jets & intelligence will come to play in a war with Pakistan. If we are spending money for satellite stations, infrastructure & stationing our Military & arms, it's not to drain our money. It has a strategic reason & plan behind all these deployment.

You people are still living in fake glories of 1965 & brainwashed bravery that India can't destroy Pakistan & if it destroys India will also be destroyed. Wake up from your illusive world & go study what are the strategic moves planned by India economically & Militarily to dismantle Pakistan.

Sorry to say, your Military establishment & Imran Khan know what's coming so will keep begging for talks & Peace with India but in vain. Without giving up Kashmir & terror support, there is no use of any peace talks or meetings. You may not like it, but according to today's Military might of India, only a surrender to India by forgetting past, shedding differences, hatred & accepting all Indian terms can save Pakistanis. Every tide is against you & you are left with no choice but to let go of Kashmir, make peace, open borders & start trade to save your country.
Go and also check your forces numbers and equipments at those bases.
It would also be better if you check geography and your total strength too.
You will understand that even if you wan to use those bases, you can't use them efficiently.
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