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Armed Iranian Ship Worries India

but sucking balls will

no thank you

and the ship is clearly of no danger to you guys and it says in the report that Iran is not breaking ANY rules and has the right to stay there. Meanwhile the Americans have their ships at your port and you're prolly even washing their feet for them to have the honour of hosting their ships lol

If u can't do anything good watch ur words.

Iran is a friend but in this era of terrorism every country have a right to be vigilant.

We don't take that Iranian ship as a threat otherwise by this time it would have been shot down to the seabed.

Its just we are keeping an eye just in case its a hijacked vessel or something like that.
but sucking balls will

no thank you

and the ship is clearly of no danger to you guys and it says in the report that Iran is not breaking ANY rules and has the right to stay there. Meanwhile the Americans have their ships at your port and you're prolly even washing their feet for them to have the honour of hosting their ships lol

You clearly have an uptight image about yourself.

Listen chum, you don't want me to go into pre-revolution history of yours who was licking what and for who.

So don't get to that level. Keep your pride where your words are. American ships aren't here except in your stupid "we are the world protectors" imagination. Don't see why you have to bring them everywhere. Calling us puppet won't make you any superior except for the fact that you're the one sitting your behind in a North American "Western camp" country and harping all the garbage :lol:.

You're not the only one who can talk from your behind. Stick to the topic.
lol @ all the comments on that site
when did hindoostan become zionistan?

A ship...armed with heavy machine guns, very close to our nation, docked there over a month and no response from Tehran will obviously be raising some eyebrows in the Indian security establishment. India is not letting it's guard down especially after the 26/11 carnage which was from the sea route. Hence there is some concern. Not that Iran is behind some mischief...but Indian Navy and other security agencies will also be looking from the angle whether that ship is being hijacked or simply stranded.
Scoot them out if they are not reporting the real reasons for hanging around. If they cannot understand Indian concerns then they are not welcome.

However, if they behave like friends that our countries have been for such a long while and share the true reasons, then let them surf around. What bad has Iran done to us ever anyway.

On second thoughts, if they really want to keep any eye on the ships then call them to the port yaar. Let them look aaraam se. Bekaar mein giving tensions to them too. Thoda kabab shabab la ganpat. LoL.
A ship...armed with heavy machine guns, very close to our nation, docked there over a month and no response from Tehran will obviously be raising some eyebrows in the Indian security establishment. India is not letting it's guard down especially after the 26/11 carnage which was from the sea route. Hence there is some concern. Not that Iran is behind some mischief...but Indian Navy and other security agencies will also be looking from the angle whether that ship is being hijacked or simply stranded.

Apparently some people are so upfront about their imaginary self-perception (or deluded paranoia) that they think everyone that is even raising a brow is against them.

This is what happens when being ravaged by clerics for a generation and holding the PHD in shooting ones own foot in international affairs.
LoL, Pakistanis just became blood brothers with Iran and another taller/deeper claim seems to be coming soon. What opportunism guys. Are things this bad that now wherever any support seems to be coming then all need to run in that direction.

Why not help them first to get rid of LeJ first. That will be a true act of friendship rather than this silly opportunism. :)
but sucking balls will

no thank you

and the ship is clearly of no danger to you guys and it says in the report that Iran is not breaking ANY rules and has the right to stay there. Meanwhile the Americans have their ships at your port and you're prolly even washing their feet for them to have the honour of hosting their ships lol

if making every other nation on earth your enemy is the meaning of having 'balls' for you then good luck with that.
LoL, Pakistanis just became blood brothers with Iran and another taller/deeper claim seems to be coming soon. What opportunism guys. Are things this bad that now wherever any support seems to be coming then all need to run in that direction.

Why not help them first to get rid of LeJ first. That will be a true act of friendship rather than this silly opportunism. :)

Ever heard of the proverb

"Doobte huye ko tinke ka sahara." :lol:

They'll even claim Somalian as their brothers if they attack any Indian cargo ship. :rofl:
NEW DELHI: India is in a dilemma about an armed Iranian ship MV Assa that has dropped anchor off Lakshadweep over a month ago. On November 23, India sent a second diplomatic missive "note verbale" to Iran asking them to remove the ship from India's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Iran, said officials, has been stonewalling New Delhi's requests. Technically, Iran is not in violation of any international law because in the EEZ India is allowed access to assets or resources, but there is freedom of navigation. Under the latter principle, Iran can keep its ship there.

Unofficially, Indian officials have been told that Iran is "monitoring" traffic in the region for security purposes and to tackle piracy. Indian officials have told them that Indian Navy had cleared about 500 miles of pirates.

But that hasn't stopped the Iranians from keeping their ship there. It is unnerving for the Indian Navy particularly because Teheran not doing anything. But a constant stream of boats with sailors who get on the "mother" ship take turns bring supplies etc makes it seem like the Iranians plan to be there for some time. It is seen as a security threat by the Indian services.

India is concerned that Iran has given different reasons for its ship being stationed there - from saying it was travelling to Singapore, and then to China etc.

What kinda crap that you guys talking. as it is armed Ship in Indian EEZ, We have right to question. and mr Abii, I don't know what you are thinking about your self. We didn't harassed or fired single bullet on your ship. you should respect other countries, Don't cross limits.
you're not very bright are you?
read what you posted so you don't look like an *** two seconds after posting it

"Iran is not in violation of any international law because in the EEZ India is allowed access to assets or resources, but there is freedom of navigation. Under the latter principle, Iran can keep its ship there."
you're not very bright are you?
read what you posted so you don't look like an *** two seconds after posting it

"Iran is not in violation of any international law because in the EEZ India is allowed access to assets or resources, but there is freedom of navigation. Under the latter principle, Iran can keep its ship there."

Of course Iran can keep the ship anchored there. But sense says that when visiting friends follow the protocol. Unless Iran now things that India is an enemy. :)

And go easy on the catch phrases that you seem to be keen to use. Cultured self respecting people do not treat each other that way. Such things will un-necessarily create bad blood. And then two can play the game. I am sure that you understand. :)
Of course Iran can keep the ship anchored there. But sense says that when visiting friends follow the protocol. Unless Iran now things that India is an enemy. :)

And go easy on the catch phrases that you seem to be keen to use. Cultured self respecting people do not treat each other that way. Such things will un-necessarily create bad blood. And then two can play the game. I am sure that you understand. :)
no i don't understand
I don't understand why there is so much fuss over this one ship when there are American ships at your ports.
no i don't understand
I don't understand why there is so much fuss over this one ship when there are American ships at your ports.

American ships are there with the permission of Government of India. It is nobody's concern who is there at Indian ports so the question of fuss never arises.

Why don't the Iranian ship also makes a port call with exactly similiar protocol. Not so difficult. Is it? Why make a diplomatic spat in which Iran will be the only loser? Friends are not easy to get. Right?
actually this isn't how Iran plays. We don't care if they're with us or not. As long as they're not american ball lickers we're fine but it seems like they're going back to their "sahib, sahib" saying days

Be careful tough guy.

As it is not many are willing to stand with you nowadays.

Make sure you don't turn away those who potentiallly could.

Rest is upto you.
but sucking balls will

no thank you

and the ship is clearly of no danger to you guys and it says in the report that Iran is not breaking ANY rules and has the right to stay there. Meanwhile the Americans have their ships at your port and you're prolly even washing their feet for them to have the honour of hosting their ships lol

It is sad bro, you are abusing us when we never abuses you because we only like to abuse Chinese or Pakistanis so please don't make bad image of Iranians in our minds.
as if india support is all it takes to get Iran back on the ''front seats'' of the world stage

i think Iran could be run by less self-isolating and slightly wiser people, but much to their credit they've at least survived sanctions and threats with honour --they've endured it.

i'd love to see how many jobs would be affected adversely if the US alone decided to close down the doors for dirt cheap indian labour @ call centers :laugh:

whole other discussion though....as the article stated, Iran isn't violating any rules --so that's where this discussion ends, isn't it?
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