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Armed forces prepare national security strategy paper

Imran Khan

Oct 18, 2007
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Armed forces prepare national security strategy paper
DAWN.COM | 18 mins ago

Army Chief General Ashfaq Kayani (R) and Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Khalid Shameem Wynne. – Photo by AFP

ISLAMABAD: Joint Chief of Staff Committee General Khalid Shamim Wyne on Monday prepared National security strategy paper and handed it over to Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf and President Asif Ali Zardari, DawnNews reported.

The strategy paper has discussed priorities over national security.

The paper has been prepared with mutual consultation of all three armed forces and the Strategic plan division (SPD).

Armed forces prepare national security strategy paper | DAWN.COM
Okay nice development...I guess the civil govt. needed some guidelines like such a paper would be the written proof.......:smokin:
No my friend, our National Security Strategy seems to be

1) Invade Pakistan from within
2) Do good things while in power for a few years
3) Transit power back to corrupt civilian representatives to give them a chance to **** up the country again.
4) Repeat the first 3 steps!
That very same paper will be on US Ambassadors desk, which will allow them to breach the security inside Pakistan & kill hundreds of Pakistanis. Nice going there….
I would say the paper would provide oversight for nuclear and strategic safety. And it's in line with what major nuclear powers do.
That very same paper will be on US Ambassadors desk, which will allow them to breach the security inside Pakistan & kill hundreds of Pakistanis. Nice going there….

No my dear no.
Instead of hard copy, Gen wayne must have given soft copy to american ambassador in USB for spell check before presenting the paper to PM and President.
No my friend, our National Security Strategy seems to be

1) Invade Pakistan from within
Yes our military knows that very well how to conquer its home land (specialty of PA)

2) Do good things while in power for a few years
yes impose martial law, do every possible non sense, organize and patronize poultry politicians and political parties, destroy the institutions and when things go out of control hand over the government to civilians and control the whole drama from back stage.

3) Transit power back to corrupt civilian representatives to give them a chance to **** up the country again.
Always handing over the dictatorship mess to civilian governments, so that they can re-conquer the motherland after every 10 15 years.

4) Repeat the first 3 steps!
Yes keep on doing the same mistakes and blunders again and again in the name of supreme national interests.
what dictatorship? the civils are responsible for everything, they rob and plunder, rape and murder left right and centrer; then to ensure that there is nobody to oppose them, they try to install ineligible people to army chief position ---- Ayub Khan, yahya Khan, Bhutto (yes he was civil martial law administrator --usurped the position after destroying half the country), Zia ul Haq and yes Musharraf. the last of them allegedly wrote in the (allegedly ghost written!) autobiography that, when he looked at his service file, he was surprised how anyone could select him as chief of army.....when the politicos were at loggerheads, and the selection was made on something like merit, there were no coups --kakar, karamat etc. when the balance of power between president and PM was there, in the 90's, there were limits to the loot of the robber barons....
it's not that the khakis were saints -its just that they were selected because they were supposed to be have weak morals [i.e. would not oppose the loot of the robber barons known as politicos in pkland] then what do you expect?
these politicos are not democratic by along shot they have never held internal elections in parties to begin with ....
one needs to be honest - -the problem begins, and ends, with the politicos --because they are the ones who select and appoint the officials ---in the appointments are honest, the results would be better then now....
the solution -- a guillotine in front of each assembly [national provincial local] and govt office...to be used as frequently as needed......
Yes our military knows that very well how to conquer its home land (specialty of PA)

yes impose martial law, do every possible non sense, organize and patronize poultry politicians and political parties, destroy the institutions and when things go out of control hand over the government to civilians and control the whole drama from back stage.

Always handing over the dictatorship mess to civilian governments, so that they can re-conquer the motherland after every 10 15 years.

Yes keep on doing the same mistakes and blunders again and again in the name of supreme national interests.

Do you even know when Martial Law was imposed in Pakistan for the last time? And do you know what dictatorship really is? This Government is a prime example of moderate dictatorship.....Musharraf was a soft, if at all a dictator!
Do you even know when Martial Law was imposed in Pakistan for the last time? And do you know what dictatorship really is?
Dont ask such childish questions dude.

Musharraf was a soft, if at all a dictator!
Yet another blind fan boy of Mushi. Grow up dude.
Musharaf is indeed the worst among all dictators. some of the greatest achievements of Mush era are:

- over throwing of civilian government by hijacking drama
- humiliation of Dr AQ Khan
- Violation of the constitution
- Fraud referendum
- The kargil miss adventure that resulted in global defaming of PA and slaughter of more than 2000 javans.
- Killing of Akbar Bughti and fueling the baloch insurgency
- The Red mosque Massacre
- kissing of amercian toes after 11/9
- handing over of Pakistani bases to USA.
- Handing over of thousand of Pakistani to USA to earn foreign exchange (including Dr. Aafia)
- Destruction of Judiciary and imprisonment of Judges
- organized the MAy 12 . 20007 killing in Karachi to show his brutal strength.
- Patronizing of Puppet Q-League and politicians
- Killing of Benzeer Bhutto
- Suicide attacks
- unconditional service and slavery of USA after 9/11, untill his departure
- Back stabing of Kashmiri Freedom fighters

I can list down a ten thousand more........................
Basically the armed forces have told the civilian government how they want foreign policy run for the next few years..
In essence, those whose job is not to dictate policy(and their meddling in such has ruined Pakistan in the past) have told those who are already incompetent at it what to do(which they probably will not be able to accomplish).

So what else is new?
Dont ask such childish questions dude.

Yet another blind fan boy of Mushi. Grow up dude.
Musharaf is indeed the worst among all dictators. some of the greatest achievements of Mush era are:

- over throwing of civilian government by hijacking drama
- humiliation of Dr AQ Khan
- Violation of the constitution
- Fraud referendum
- The kargil miss adventure that resulted in global defaming of PA and slaughter of more than 2000 javans.
- Killing of Akbar Bughti and fueling the baloch insurgency
- The Red mosque Massacre
- kissing of amercian toes after 11/9
- handing over of Pakistani bases to USA.
- Handing over of thousand of Pakistani to USA to earn foreign exchange (including Dr. Aafia)
- Destruction of Judiciary and imprisonment of Judges
- organized the MAy 12 . 20007 killing in Karachi to show his brutal strength.
- Patronizing of Puppet Q-League and politicians
- Killing of Benzeer Bhutto
- Suicide attacks
- unconditional service and slavery of USA after 9/11, untill his departure
- Back stabing of Kashmiri Freedom fighters

I can list down a ten thousand more........................
he also killed people in africa,and europe and also a policemen in USA...happy..

yeah i seen video where he takes out his gun and shot benazir..while i do remember him killing the greatest philanthropist in pakistan, the kind and gentle bughti...and well there were hundreds of drones attacks in his era while now there areonly one or two...also sucide attacks were thousands at his time now there are none atleast in Peshawar...and yes anyone who hold AK-47s in mosques are our peace ambassadors they have immunity why did u shot them..?

and lastly 3000 people died in karachi in musharraf era now a days noone dies in karachi its very peace except that one incidence where 30 people died but was controlled in a single day..right..

and the econmy is growing so fast that we are no.2 country after china..in musharraf era we were near bankrupt and are looking towards IMF

height of hypocrisy some people dont even have shame when they write something...

army should not come in politics directly, coup of by Mushi was illegal , people of pakistan loves democracy too much, so its a big problem. Lastly i personal dont like musharraf but i hate it more when people twist facts

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