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"The comfort levels in driving Arjun is good and I feel zero stress after driving it for 3 hours !" -> These are the words of an Indian defence personnel who has also had acquaintance with T 90.

I am sure, we have done something right.
It will drive the effort to indigenization our armed forces.DRDO for the first time building its tank, fighter of its own. It has gained many things such as the basic technologies which are associated with this.
But the next time when it builds any platform, will certainly be unique in the world ..
new guys if u dont know him, he is senior chinese 50 cent member(google 50 cent party), maybe is paid slighly more then the new ones.....:D

just look at the time he has to post all day on all India related threads, and then the bashing he gets for his baseless hate for India...

First of all, I'm not from China. So get your facts straight. But I guess you don't care about facts as most of your post are just useless :blah::blah:

Present the truth and fact and discuss the topic instead of attacking the poster. Stick to the topic.
how difficult it is for u to undstnd class 1st stuff that earlier some ppl were baised against it... and just rejected it without proper evaluation...

the result of proper trials is now cmng out, and so the truth is comng out, that Arjun is one hell of a BEAST.....

p.s: dont ask again n again the same thing.... coz i know u know whats written above but just for ur propaganda thing u will write the above again on many threads...

Even Russian members doubt about the performance of T-90 in the so call test. Arjun was under pressure to succeed so T-90 must made to lose. A fabricated test. No doubt.
But I guess you don't care about facts as most of your post are just useless :blah::blah:

Present the truth and fact and discuss the topic instead of attacking the poster. Stick to the topic.

Even Russian members doubt about the performance of T-90 in the so call test. Arjun was under pressure to succeed so T-90 must made to lose. A fabricated test. No doubt.

It was in desert condition where the T-90 had some problems, whereas the Arjun being tailor made for Indian conditions did extremely well.....

So its not that T-90 is bad... so

1)get this in ur mind.
2) India have managed to product a tank which is world class and among the best in the world.......

also does it need to be repeated 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times for you ONLY that the Army itself rejected the Arjun so there is no way for them to fabricate the test results in favour of Arjun.....

The trials were called up ed Arjun by DRDO to prove the few ppl who doubt arjun as wrong and they did a heck of a job.....

Arjun is among world class tanks....and is a beast......now ask ur chinese ppl to produce smthng like it(which they cant) or try to copy paste it(which will always be inferior to original) also.....

But I guess you don't care about facts as most of your post are just useless :blah::blah:
Present the truth and fact

Also ur pattern of doing propaganda is similar to a 50 cent member and u can hide behind ur flag but ur posts prove who u are.....

just ask for a vote from ppl on this forum... u will know evryone knows that.....
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I'm certainly India make good stuff in the eyes of Indians. Its just that they are relatively not as good as American stuff. To say that Arjun, which just 1 month ago most Indians recognized as a total failure, is comparable to the universally recognized best tank in the world is just beyond comprehension. No wonder Pakistanis, living in a country 1/10 the population of Indian, has no respect for Indians defense industry and military capabilities. Not to mention the Russian, Chinese, other Asians, and Americans(including this Taiwanese American).

fair points faith. I'd point out a few things though, Abrams (and others) have never been in comparative trials against Arjun. So we can only some what speculate on their perceived better quality vis-a-vis Arjun. Part of the reason why we think Abrams would (in most likelyhood) be better than Arjun is that it is made by private companies which are usually more competitive and hence churnout better products and they are quicker at resolving issues and continual development. Arjun on the other hand is made by govt. owned companies which unfortunately are slower and a lot less efficient with regards to design, development & enhancement.

Now as far as claiming Arjun as a world-class tank, it is basically marketing (every defense company does that) so let's not take it too seriously. I can tell you are smart enough to distinguish between such facts and ordinary fan-boy perceptions (they exist in every camp).

To end, all I'd say is Arjun was an attempt to make something to counter our current adversarial scenario, which it seems to have accomplished, albeit quite late and after much delays.
Even Russian members doubt about the performance of T-90 in the so call test. Arjun was under pressure to succeed so T-90 must made to lose. A fabricated test. No doubt.

Too bad those Russian members were not invited to the test so that they could see for themselves the results...

And for your info the test cannot be fabricated because the test's were conducted by the Army who themselves never liked the Arjun to begin with,at least the higher ranking babus didn't.After the test concluded they had no option but to eat their own words.

And if you have no proof about any fabrication works that underwent during the tests please stop spewing venom and for once admit that the Arjun passed with flying colors unless you want that 5 mao too badly.:tongue:
fair points faith. I'd point out a few things though, Abrams (and others) have never been in comparative trials against Arjun. So we can only some what speculate on their perceived better quality vis-a-vis Arjun. Part of the reason why we think Abrams would (in most likelyhood) be better than Arjun is that it is made by private companies which are usually more competitive and hence churnout better products and they are quicker at resolving issues and continual development. Arjun on the other hand is made by govt. owned companies which unfortunately are slower and a lot less efficient with regards to design, development & enhancement.

Now as far as claiming Arjun as a world-class tank, it is basically marketing (every defense company does that) so let's not take it too seriously. I can tell you are smart enough to distinguish between such facts and ordinary fan-boy perceptions (they exist in every camp).

To end, all I'd say is Arjun was an attempt to make something to counter our current adversarial scenario, which it seems to have accomplished, albeit quite late and after much delays.

i will differ with you on this....

the amount of effort that went into Arjun is awesome....

the differnce b/w private and public companies would be that the provate may have produced it some years earlier......whereas with the public ones has taken slightly longer as compared to the private ones....

thats just it....REST IS dependent on scientific capability and the specs to which the tank is made......so if the Specs are there and Arjun is fair to those there is no doubt to beleive that it is among the best......
And I also don't get it why he claimed that the Arjun was under pressure lol.To be honest there is already a huuuge order on the T-90 to Russian's and Army only wants the best....after all the glitches in the Arjun was fixed they were surprised about the outcome.So even if the Arjun lost there won't be any pressure on the Army to go looking to news tanks since the T-90 is already in queue.
new guys if u dont know him, he is senior chinese 50 cent member(google 50 cent party), maybe is paid slighly more then the new ones.....:D

just look at the time he has to post all day on all India related threads, and then the bashing he gets for his baseless hate for India...

no actually after so many days in the forum i am still not clear he is really a 50 CENT member or a real taiwanese

if chinese he is supossed to troll

if taiwanese the slave is supposed to show loyality to the american master
And I also don't get it why he claimed that the Arjun was under pressure lol.To be honest there is already a huuuge order on the T-90 to Russian's and Army only wants the best....after all the glitches in the Arjun was fixed they were surprised about the outcome.So even if the Arjun lost there won't be any pressure on the Army to go looking to news tanks since the T-90 is already in queue.

yes dear thats true even if he has no source based on his DRIVYA DRISTI
he will say such things... when all the FACTS point to the contrary...

coz his reason to be here is to do propaganda for his masters....
trust me, we (that is those who are argung for arjun and against the T-90) would not have been up in arms if it was a modern tank the IA bought, something of the leopard or the abrams category in stead of the T-72 series which are death traps on wheels irrespective of whatever anyone tells you.

these are the irrefutable facts :

>> in 1991 gulf war showed without an iota of doubt the glaring vulnerability of russian philosophy tanks when it came to crew protection, as also overall protection.

>> a couple of dozen abrams tanks were hit in GW1, there was only one fatality IIRC in all those incidents. the T-72's crews on the other hand died a violent fiery death almost every incident when their tanks got hit. and these were by and large the lion of babylon tank (an iraqi version of the T-72)which even then had better armour than the Indian Army T-72.
Members, please do not reply, take cognizance or get irritated by anything that this "fateful" guy (or girl) comments.

This creature will vomit in every serious discussion and try to derail smooth flow of information.

Please ignore him henceforth as if he does not exist and focus on the topic only.:pdf:

Let me offer some Assistance

Members, please do not reply, take cognizance or get irritated by anything that this "fateful" guy (or girl) comments.

This creature will vomit in every serious discussion and try to derail smooth flow of information.

Please ignore him henceforth as if he does not exist and focus on the topic only.:pdf:

Faithful guys = :rofl: India :blah::china::blah::usflag::bounce:

you will get nothing out of him but that combination.
my dear friend,the accuracy of arjun is better then t-90 at any given day this was well placed the parliamentary table report..

I never said anything about the Arjun not being accurate infact i think it's a very good tank, also has the Indian army released anything official regarding the performance of both tanks or is all of this news from Shakala? Arjun has nothing to do with my argument, the T-90 is the center of my argument.

There is alot of distorted and out right incorrect information regarding the T-90 and its accuracy so i took the liberty to inform the masses, there is alot of distortion saying that the T-90 could hardly hit targets from 1600km with the main gun and that the ATGMs could not hit targets a 5000km, well that's fairy tails, read this:

T-90 - a knol by Anonymous
During one of the displays, T-90 struck 7 targets in 54 seconds. All were at the distance between 1500-2500m and the tank was on the move at 25km/h. While returning to position, the layer gave the control to the commander who used the gunner mode to fire to the rear of the vehicle and hit 4 more targets.

As far as i'm aware that's an un-offical record, as you can see the T-90 hit 11 out of 11 on the move and in a short span, more imortant because of the quick rate of fire the barrel was hot; consiquently, the accuracy did not suffer, so the excuse of the T-90s barrel performing poorly and te T-90 not being able to accurately hit shots with a hot barrel is busted.

This should quiet people that are hell bent on claiming the T-90 isn't capable of hitting targets from 5000km:

T-90 - a knol by Anonymous
Regarding ATGMs:
during the official trials of T-90, all of the ammunitions were fired by young conscripts who just finished training. All of the rounds – 24 of them, hit targets at a distance of 4-5km.

The T-90 can hit targets in hot temperatures and it can do it at night and it can do it at long ranges (in the hands of Indian crews):

T-90 - a knol by Anonymous
Indian crews quickly mastered the T-90S, they also did not have problems with the fire control and thermo-vision systems. Just after several training sessions Lt. Kapur of the Indian army acted as layer who accurately fired on to the targets at 2500-3000m. Officers from one of the panzer corps needed 20 minutes to familiarize with T-90S and successfully complete the task of destroying 4 targets at night from a distance of 3100m at an ambient temperature of 47°C.

Arjun Vs T-90

Time of the Day: MBT (No.of Targets Assigned) No.of Successful Hits

Before Noon T-90 (11) 9
Noon T-90 (11) 4
Night time T-90 (15) 7

Before Noon Arjun (11) 11
Noon Arjun (11) 10
Night time Arjun (15) 15

If this has any truth to it than the ammuniton, maintanance, and crew have to be taken into account because the fact is i have proven the T-90 can hit targets very very very accurately and at very long distances; moreover, it can do this while on the move, the T-90 has proven time and time again in various trials around the world that it can hit targets accurately...if the T-90 was not able to pass trials not the Russians, nor the Indians would field them plain and simple . If all of the factors i have listed can be ruled out than something isn't right...

Here is the relevant part of his reply to this qs. unashamedly plagiarized from Broadsword: India, Russia close to agreement on next generation fighter

There are no AUTHENTIC figures that I have come across for the RCS of the Rafale and the Eurofighter, only unattributed speculation. But I hear, from people who ought to know, that their RCS is not below 0.5.

This talk about metal golf balls and metal marbles does not impress me ( Warplanes: F-22 Stealth Ability Revealed by USAF ). It could be disinformation, sales talk, vendor propaganda, or a mixture of all of them. A platform's real RCS is seldom revealed.

The figure that I have is from an MoD source, who has, in turn, heard it from a Sukhoi designer at KnAAPO. I would not bet my life that the figure is entirely accurate.

Anonymous 08:40
"you need to check your figures on RCS of PAKFA
u are quoting 100 times more. double check. again"

The figure of 0.5 is certainly not that far off the mark.

deep.blue: I agree with you. This bird has a great deal of design change ahead of it and the RCS will almost certainly get a lot better in the future.

You just gave me a link to two bloggs and then you quoted someones post, when did quoting people's replies count as a credible source? Like i stated earlier the very unstealthy SU-47 with conventional nose, vertical stabs, FSW, conards, and convetinal intakes achieved a rcs of 0.3, so the butt-heads that keep saying the pak-fa only has a rcs of 0.5 are a laughing stock, esspecially when you consider all of the 'stealthy' features the pak-fa has and the fact that Russia has been able to reduce the rcs of aircraft from 10-20 times just with RAM.

Buddy , you must be having access to Paralay and other russain forums.
Whats their take on RCS of FGFA/Pak-FA

I just scan through the forum for pictues and i havn't visited in a while, if you us google tanslator you can read trough the whole forum.

Bcoz whatever Literature i read on stealth by Russian scientist's esp ITAE research paper , they focused more on using 3 layered robotic RAM coatings and Ionized selective frequency gas filter for reducing RCS.

I mean shaping and IR- reduction of plume of gases had less attention.

What's you personal opinion on angles and corners of this machine (shaping),
i mean the way people have bashed this machine on this forum that it has huge RCS and even worse than F15SE .( expected bcoz most of them are anti-Russian)
I want Russian point of view on this

Well not much can be determined about the pak-fa's rcs just by looking at the aircraft; however, it does seem to have all of the features of a stealth aircraft, the one part of the pak-fa that people seem credical of is the underbelly and this is because it's not flat or in other words it has two 'humps' but if you study aircraft such as the Y-23, B-2, and the F-35 they too have these 'humps' the only difference is the 'humps' are on top of the fusalage. With Russia's progress in ram i would not be too woried. Moreover, Sukhoi prototypes are always far cries from the final production-look at the original SU-27.
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