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Ukrainian T-80U isnt AK1, AK1 is marketed by NORINCO, a Chinese firm as MBT 2000, it is Type 90-IIM which shares 10% of its components with the Type 59, 15% with Type 69, 20% with Type 85/88C, and is built with 55% new components. It incorporates design elements of T-72 (which developed into Type-80/85 tanks) and some western tanks. Ironically, Type 90 was rejected for Chinese service in favour of other designs.

The T-80 is from the Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau KMDB, introducing a gas turbine engine in the original model, and incorporating suspension components of the T-72.

The T-80 is based on the T-64, which was a competing design at the time the T-72 was produced. The T-64 was Morozov's offering, and was initially intended to be the Soviet Union's primary MBT, while the T-72 was intended to be mainly produced for export partners and east-bloc satellite states. The T-72 is mechanically simpler and easier to service in the field, while it is not as well protected, and the manufacturing process is correspondingly simpler.

This was enough of an advantage in the long term for the Soviet Union that the tank most produced was the T-72; obviously it better fit the Soviet ideal of quantity over quality; while the T-64 was the superior tank, it was more expensive and physically complex, and as such was not produced as much, and was never exported.

The T-64's story continues in the T-80. Morozov extrapolated on the design, including a gas turbine engine. This gave the tank a stunning power-to-weight ratio and made it easily the most mobile tank in the world (where it remains today, according to most experts). This is because while there are other tanks which boast similar power (the M1 series has a 1500-hp gas turbine as well, while it weighs in at a whopping 70 tons), the Soviet tanks are almost half the size and weight (hence the similarity in their looks; it's the national tank design ethic, pan shaped turrets, sharp hull fronts and low profiles).

It might be said the Russians are "desperate" to find export partners for it, which is not true; the Ukrainians are (Morozov is at KharkovKharkov ( rus: ) or Kharkiv ( ukr: і) is the second largest city in Ukraine, a center of Kharkivs'ka oblast'. It is situated in the northeast of the country and has a population of two million. It is one of the main industrial, cultural and educatio, in Ukraine. In the Soviet era, it was in the USSR, but is now a Ukrainian factory). They have been moderately successful, selling units of two types to Pakistan, while the Russians are "desperate" to sell the T-90, at which they have also been to some degree successful, selling units to India.

The T-80's disadvantages are in the small size of the tank (about 1/2 to 3/4 that of the M1, depending on the aspect). The crew quarters are cramped and difficult to work in. Except in more modern versions like Oplot and Black Eagle, the ammunition is stored below the crew inside the crew compartment in the autoloader carousel, which means that when the tank is penetrated, the ammo cooks off, killing the crew and blowing the turret into the air. Due to the small turret, it is impossible to depress (negative elevation) the gun more than a few degrees when the tank is in defilade, and so the tank has a hard time firing from hull-down positions, though in newer versions like Oplot and Black Eagle, this is mitigated as well with entirely new turrets.

These disadvantages are endemic to Soviet tank design; nearly all Soviet tanks have them, which is to say that the only additional disadvantage to the T-80 series might be its mechanical complexity. While that was an issue in the days of the T-64's usurpation by the T-72, it is less so today, except as concerns potential third-world export partners. In any case, most such customers cannot afford T-80s, and the most recent (and even more expensive) prototypes have solved all of these problems and in many ways are similar to current Western offerings, excepting that they are considerably smaller.

It is very similar to the T-72, The T-72 a Soviet main battle tank entered production in 1971. It is a parallel design with the T-64. The T-72 design has been further developed as the T-90. Production History The T-72 was the main front-line tank used by the Red Army from 1970s to the c and T-64 in appearance. The T-80 is highly maneuverable and mobile, often referred to as the "flying tank". Current versions of the T-80 are comparable to the newest Western offerings.

close down the wikipedia for once:P..jst kidding thnks for the info though the whole point was arjun is way better than al khalid or any other tank in pak armour n also chinese armour
The next batch is supposed to be capable of firing LAHATs..that would be one great thing because RIFLE GUNs are not capable of firing missiles..

i just wonder what accuracy will that bring...no wonder ISRAELIs were speechless after evaluating its gun...

so:cheers: to DRDO for this...maybe this success helps them in speeden up other halted projects..
Arjun is as good.

This must be the joke of the day. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
No wonder Indians here believe that made in India stuff is the best. Base on the statement above. Its important to have a realistic view of the facts.
This must be the joke of the day. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
No wonder Indians here believe that made in India stuff is the best. Base on the statement above. Its important to have a realistic view of the facts.

And u may be the joker of the millennium for always writing useless crap bashing Indian people,industry, products and also working as a part time US weapons marketer...as if there are any takers..
Lol China even reverse Engineered the "Pulsar" and sold it as Gulsar in Sri Lanka and they lost it at court hearing :P These guys are so dumb
No worries, Russia can easily modify the t-90 to fit the desert conditions. It needs to if its target toward 3rd world countries.

Also, the quality control of Arjun will start to appear in large numbers as India has poor manufacturing process. It can design a tank but its different than manufacturing them in large numbers. So the T-90 orders will continue once this is exposed.

Unless, India wise up and chooses Abrams
UR a pure troll isnt it,still i would clear ur doubts u said that indian defence indistry has manufacturing issue's:hitwall::hitwall: we are already manufacturing T-90 in our country...and fighter jet for that matter...
we were not asking you about the chinese quality so dnt worry about us...stay happy making ur rip off copies of everything u can get ur hands on:china:
why will we choose a ABRAHAM,we dnt need it..Thanks for your suggestion though your one carind heart HINDI CHINI BHAI BHAI ???:smokin::disagree:

And u may be the joker of the millennium for always writing useless crap bashing Indian people,industry, products and also working as a part time US weapons marketer...as if there are any takers..

I'm certainly India make good stuff in the eyes of Indians. Its just that they are relatively not as good as American stuff. To say that Arjun, which just 1 month ago most Indians recognized as a total failure, is comparable to the universally recognized best tank in the world is just beyond comprehension. No wonder Pakistanis, living in a country 1/10 the population of Indian, has no respect for Indians defense industry and military capabilities. Not to mention the Russian, Chinese, other Asians, and Americans(including this Taiwanese American).
UR a pure troll isnt it,still i would clear ur doubts u said that indian defence indistry has manufacturing issue's:hitwall::hitwall: we are already manufacturing T-90 in our country...and fighter jet for that matter...
we were not asking you about the chinese quality so dnt worry about us...stay happy making ur rip off copies of everything u can get ur hands on:china:
why will we choose a ABRAHAM,we dnt need it..Thanks for your suggestion though your one carind heart HINDI CHINI BHAI BHAI ???:smokin::disagree:

Well, I hope India is not using the same assembly line to build both tanks.

I just think that your hard earn money should go the biggest bang. That means use stuff from :usflag:

Good like with Arjun. The Pakistani guys can't be more happier.
I'm certainly India make good stuff in the eyes of Indians. Its just that they are relatively not as good as American stuff. To say that Arjun, which just 1 month ago most Indians recognized as a total failure, is comparable to the universally recognized best tank in the world is just beyond comprehension. No wonder Pakistanis, living in a country 1/10 the population of Indian, has no respect for Indians defense industry and military capabilities. Not to mention the Russian, Chinese, other Asians, and Americans(including this Taiwanese American).

Buddy i have been finding these posts from you in almost every thread....Are you in any delusion that Indian members on this forum have the authority to decide what India should buy and from where???? I mean there has to be some monetary(or may be other kind) of benefit for you to keep on with the same rhetoric on every thread related to India...

Would you please mind telling if you are some US agent trying to sell weapons to India and have a delusion that by the same :argh::argh::argh::argh: you can get win some contracts??
I'm certainly India make good stuff in the eyes of Indians. Its just that they are relatively not as good as American stuff. To say that Arjun, which just 1 month ago most Indians recognized as a total failure, is comparable to the universally recognized best tank in the world is just beyond comprehension. No wonder Pakistanis, living in a country 1/10 the population of Indian, has no respect for Indians defense industry and military capabilities. Not to mention the Russian, Chinese, other Asians, and Americans(including this Taiwanese American).

How did you arrive at the conclusion that a month ago we considered the Arjun as a failure?

Don't talk baseless BS....The Indian Army was never in favor of the Arjun ,it did have it's drawbacks.Then they decided to pit the tanks against each other to see which performed well.Now the Army has finally fallen for the Arjun when they found that the performance was overall better than the T-90.
And yes T-90 is one of the best tank in the world no doubt about that.And secondly why are you being so desperate with the lines about Pakistan having 1/10th the population of India? Despite having such a less population why is that country still facing economic problems....and oh please you have no right to represent the Russian's,Chinese and other Asian's and American's since this is your own opinion not theirs...kapish??:disagree:
I'm certainly India make good stuff in the eyes of Indians. Its just that they are relatively not as good as American stuff. To say that Arjun, which just 1 month ago most Indians recognized as a total failure, is comparable to the universally recognized best tank in the world is just beyond comprehension. No wonder Pakistanis, living in a country 1/10 the population of Indian, has no respect for Indians defense industry and military capabilities. Not to mention the Russian, Chinese, other Asians, and Americans(including this Taiwanese American).

Besides trolling what else do u do..??

How BIASED u are is visible from ur comments.... for u the only thing that matters is it is made in India...

and coz u r a chinese 50 cent member, so it is obviously ur moral duty to criticize it...

But rather wory about ur country Chinese tank coz if against Arjun ur factories will run out of production capacity to make up for replacements.....

to the point, if you cannot prove ur allegations above then keep quite...

and for ur Infomation Chinese made products are loathed the world over.......the first thing when i go to shop and someone says is chinese made, i say no please show smthng good.......
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new guys if u dont know him, he is senior chinese 50 cent member(google 50 cent party), maybe is paid slighly more then the new ones.....:D

just look at the time he has to post all day on all India related threads, and then the bashing he gets for his baseless hate for India...
I'm certainly India make good stuff in the eyes of Indians. Its just that they are relatively not as good as American stuff. To say that Arjun, which just 1 month ago most Indians recognized as a total failure, is comparable to the universally recognized best tank in the world is just beyond comprehension. No wonder Pakistanis, living in a country 1/10 the population of Indian, has no respect for Indians defense industry and military capabilities. Not to mention the Russian, Chinese, other Asians, and Americans(including this Taiwanese American).

how difficult it is for u to undstnd class 1st stuff that earlier some ppl were baised against it... and just rejected it without proper evaluation...

the result of proper trials is now cmng out, and so the truth is comng out, that Arjun is one hell of a BEAST.....

p.s: dont ask again n again the same thing.... coz i know u know whats written above but just for ur propaganda thing u will write the above again on many threads...
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