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Arif Mohammad Khan appointed as Governor of Kerala


Aug 18, 2019
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Arif Mohammad Khan appointed as Governor of Kerala

Former Minister Arif Mohammed Khan Appointed New Governor Of Kerala| Mathrubhumi News

he is a learned man but his ideas are futile that BJP can represent Muslims... BJP is not a national party
he is a learned man but his ideas are futile that BJP can represent Muslims... BJP is not a national party

He had retired from active politics for many years now.

Governor is a constitutional post anyway.

Yes, He is a very educated man. You should watch this interview.

Is This Supposed To Make Indian Muslims Feel Better
he is a learned man but his ideas are futile that BJP can represent Muslims... BJP is not a national party
He still lives in the past, unable to see lynchings of muslims, other minorities, attacks on religious freedom, whatever remains of secularism. He believes that muslims are responsible for their peril, and the establishment has no responsibility towards the upliftment of Indian muslims. He is just a blue eyed boy of Sangh. A Indian Tarek Fateh..

Is This Supposed To Make Indian Muslims Feel Better
Do you really think that BJP will try to make Indian muslims feel better?
He still lives in the past, unable to see lynchings of muslims, other minorities, attacks on religious freedom, whatever remains of secularism. He believes that muslims are responsible for their peril, and the establishment has no responsibility towards the upliftment of Indian muslims. He is just a blue eyed boy of Sangh. A Indian Tarek Fateh..

Yes, he is not as smart as you. I mean he is not even on PDF. He even opposed Congress bringing in legislation during shah bano case and even resigned in protest. How smart can he be ? Smarter muslims would have used this opportunity to make their career. :agree:

They should have made you the governor.

Do you really think that BJP will try to make Indian muslims feel better?

I was not aware BJP had the responsibility of Indian muslims feel better.

I think BJP should offer free massage and Tel maalish service to Indian Muslim to make them feel better. I am open to new ideas too. Please help.

he is a learned man but his ideas are futile that BJP can represent Muslims... BJP is not a national party

True, BJP only won 303 seats in Lok sabha.

Here is an article by this Governor. Click on the image to make it large if you want to read it.

True, BJP only won 303 seats in Lok sabha.
for sure. Hitler won overwhelming majority too... plus it is a constituency politics here... if one representative agrees to be with BJP then BJP will win from there... then you know people will threatened too...
for sure. Hitler won overwhelming majority too... plus it is a constituency politics here... if one representative agrees to be with BJP then BJP will win from there... then you know people will threatened too...

I agree. It was BJP's mistake to win an overwhelming majority.

This alone is enough to make it same as Hitler and Nazi and Maggi. It they had any islamic righteousness in their heart they would have lost the election or at least won less seats.

I also agree that wining democratic elections will make people threatened. Which is why dictatorship is the best form of government with sharia law. That way the people will feel safe.

Shame on Modi hitler. Imran khan zindabad. :agree:
Yes, he is not as smart as you. I mean he is not even on PDF. He even opposed Congress bringing in legislation during shah bano case and even resigned in protest. How smart can he be ? Smarter muslims would have used this opportunity to make their career. :agree:
He is very smart, he sensed the rise of Sanghi tadpoles, hence started parroting their viewpoints. Now he is getting the dividends:yahoo:

They should have made you the governor.
Naah.. not interested:disagree::disagree:

I was not aware BJP had the responsibility of Indian muslims feel better.
I thought BJP is the ruling party and in control of country's finances, They hold the responsibility of taking care of their fellow countrymen, Are Indian muslims not Indian:undecided::undecided:

I think BJP should offer free massage and Tel maalish service to Indian Muslim to make them feel better. I am open to new ideas too. Please help.
Naah they can build 3000 crore worth statues of some mythical gods while letting their fellow countrymen suffer.
He is very smart, he sensed the rise of Sanghi tadpoles, hence started parroting their viewpoints. Now he is getting the dividends:yahoo:

You have opened my eyes. He is indeed very smart and cunning.

Naah.. not interested:disagree::disagree:

Please become Governor. I beg you.

I thought BJP is the ruling party and in control of country's finances, They hold the responsibility of taking care of their fellow countrymen, Are Indian muslims not Indian:undecided::undecided:

True. BJP should distribute Money to Muslims. In fact Hindus should offer women and residences to muslims so that they feel safe and welcome.

Naah they can build 3000 crore worth statues of some mythical gods while letting their fellow countrymen suffer.

True again. 3000 crores should have been distributed to muslims.

After all Allah has said there should be no statues and how dare these Kafirs disobey allah and build statues to some "mythical" gods. They should build more mosques so that muslims do not suffer.
You have opened my eyes. He is indeed very smart and cunning.
Keep it up kid... You are learning quickly:victory:

Please become Governor. I beg you.
Naah.. I wish to become the Prime minister, any chance of becoming one? Look, the butcher of Gujarat is getting old, Tadipaar Shah is obese and unhealthy. So we need a young, brainy Prime minister. Who better than me:toast_sign:

True. BJP should distribute Money to Muslims. In fact Hindus should offer women and residences to muslims so that they feel safe and welcome.
That would be the final act of good will. Though it used to happen during Mughal rule, I am sure that they won't mind repeating it now:cool:. For starters, Hindus should stop lynching muslims in the name of their mythical God.

True again. 3000 crores should have been distributed to muslims.
Why not... That's a good idea but I don't think that the baniyas will part away with their ill-gotten money...

After all Allah has said there should be no statues and how dare these Kafirs disobey allah and build statues to some "mythical" gods. They should build more mosques so that muslims do not suffer.
Allah has no issues with statues but yes Indians do have a problem with them since we can't afford them while millions go hungry and hundreds if not thousands die due to the lack of proper medical facilities of course equipped with Oxygen cylinders;).
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