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Argentina, China Could Jointly Develop Fighters

Argentina doesn't have the money, plus China can afford to donate FC-1(which it ultimately will have to do) but I doubt they will give away stealth fighters. Moreover handing stealth aircraft may invite US involvement. Selling aircraft is fine. UK will sulk in a corner and grumble. But stealth aircraft just ups the stakes a fair amount.

I can tell from your posts that you are very anti-British, and you are using this thread to vent your misguided anger.

If Argentina can afford, and does buy modern jets, then good to them....................just as long as they don't use them to start wars!

who stir up in Hongkong first?

if you can cause China little problem, we will pay you back a much bigger one.


What has Hong Kong got to do with this thread?...............eh? :hitwall:

BTW......The British have had nothing to do with HK for quite a while now. The latest disturbances in HK had nothing to do with the UK. Silly person! :(
I can tell from your posts that you are very anti-British, and you are using this thread to vent your misguided anger.

That is nothing but your assumption.

If Argentina can afford, and does buy modern jets, then good to them....................just as long as they don't use them to start wars!

With all due respect, it is England fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, not Argentina. The war record of England should be the one attracting human rights groups.

What has Hong Kong got to do with this thread?...............eh? :hitwall:

HK is no different than Malvinas. HK was claimed by China a countrystronger than England while Malvinas is claimed by Argentina which is very weak and easy for England to bully around.

BTW......The British have had nothing to do with HK for quite a while now. The latest disturbances in HK had nothing to do with the UK. Silly person! :(

I believe you, British cannot do anything in HK either. They are no longer the empire they used to be 100 years ago.
I can tell from your posts that you are very anti-British, and you are using this thread to vent your misguided anger.

If Argentina can afford, and does buy modern jets, then good to them....................just as long as they don't use them to start wars!

What has Hong Kong got to do with this thread?...............eh? :hitwall:

BTW......The British have had nothing to do with HK for quite a while now. The latest disturbances in HK had nothing to do with the UK. Silly person! :(
nothing to do with Britain!? he'll it.
Which little neighbor are you talking about? The only states which have a problem with India are pakistan and bangladesh. These days even pakistanis hate bangladesh, LOL!! As for lanka, they are now tamed and converted into India's colony.

LOL. Your comment about are Lanka prove my point about Indian imperialism. No wonder everyone in SA is against India
LOL. Your comment about are Lanka prove my point about Indian imperialism. No wonder everyone in SA is against India

lanka is an extended province of India, that is nothing to hide.

Nobody is against India in south Asia because nobody can afford to. Pakistan for obvious reasons of terrorism, economic crisis and political instability cannot offer help. The pakistanis themselves are having a strained relationship with US following the Abottabad raid and regular US drone visits.

So India is the boss in south Asia because India can afford to be.
1 squadron of J10B is more than enough.

selling arms to Argentina is a retaliation gesture as UK is stir up in Hongkong. it is just the beginning.

in the future we can sell FC31 to Argentina if UK deploy F35 in Malvinas Island. the name of Malvinas sound more decent than some Folk land Island. India is pro Argentina in the island dispute, they just can't put it in a straight way.

there are always someone who care all these, we will provide the weapon Argentina need. As your Father is of Hispanic, you shall have sympathy for Argentina as well. Have some balls, kid.

The more England stir up in Hong Kong, the more weapon we sell to Argentina. It's called leverage.

well, the real empthy should be, spend less on xefence when people have no work nor place to stay.

If argentinian have to choose between an Island and Jobs, they should always choose job. Its a lot easier for you to sit at your home and say you want this and you want that, but when when you have a trouble finding food on your table, then you have to have a priority.

Those people who still hang over a piece of island over job and food security should jot be allow to stay in Argentina

Care to explain?

Thats is not the answer I was expecting. I asked if the doomsday prophecy of Argentina is really true or not because same things are said about USA as well by many different media channels.

Argentina is quiet because they are weak, that does not mean england is right. If Argentina was strong england would not even dare sit on the malvinas, they would do a hong kong like they did 20 years back. The world has had enough violence, it needs some peace which is impossible to achieve when archaic states still live in a colonial hangover.

the sitution in Argentina is dired but not as doomsday as that. It probably not as bad as Greece, but If I remember correctly, they missed last two payment on IMF loan...

Problem is, falkland or malvina is a taboo for any governmental level to talk about it. In the 80s before the war, argentina was actually in good term with the UK and the UK was in talk to give back the island to Argentina a la a deal in Hong Kong to hand back hong kong to China.

The Tragic fact is, if Argentina would have waited, the UK would probably handed the falkland back to the argentinian in the 90s.

What happened after the war was, the news that the UK were going to hand back the island before found the way into normal argentinian and they take to the street and oust the junta government...Many conscript felt betrayed and normal argentina feel they cant trust the government anymore.

I remember i read a news somewhere commenting Kircher party in argentina passed a bill requiring all public transport display a sign "Los Malvinas son Argentinas" in 2014 faced with public outcry, when argentinian goes to the tweeter and say, we wanted public transport that work instead of with a stupid sign that say Malvina are Argentine...

The little neighbors of India are fed up with Indian aggression and domination. India need to trat its neighbors as equals.

Are you asking India to sell Tejas to Argentines? I would be without the engine....LOL

am just saying they will take any offer, again, if Vietnam is making gen 4 jet fighter and they accept rice for payment, Argentina would consider it.

last year the decend budget for Argentina is 4 billions...
The risk of non-payment has already been factored in.

We lend to countries that are not able to borrow from anywhere else. The chances of default are high in these cases, but often it is worth it in terms of the resources/influence/business we can acquire.

Sometimes we gain, sometimes we lose. When the risks are higher, the rate of return needs to be higher as well.

What are Chinese options if the Argentinians default
On topic
I support the Chinese on this one go teach them brits a lesson :enjoy::enjoy:
What are Chinese options if the Argentinians default

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

When you make a risky investment, you already know there is a good chance you will lose money.

But on the other hand, if you are successful the rewards can be very high.

In investment there is usually a correlation, the higher the risk, the higher the potential reward. But you also need to accept that you will sometimes lose money when taking a risk.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

When you make a risky investment, you already know there is a good chance you will lose money.

But on the other hand, if you are successful the rewards can be very high.

In investment there is usually a correlation, the higher the risk, the higher the potential reward. But you also need to accept that you will sometimes lose money when taking a risk.

Fair point
Yes, I too once read that if the Argies had being patient then malvinas would have been theirs today.
I really found this thread funny....

A lot of people here do not even iunderstand the geopolitic situation of argentina and they keep saying Argentina should do this and that lol

There are more people in santa fe naming their kid Messi, then people talking about malvinas, to a point they outlaw the name "messi" in Santa Fe and if you name your children Messi, you broke the law...

People should read this news as is, that the Argentina upgrading its fleet and have nothing to do with Falklands...

They cant even face brazil even with the upgraded fleet, how they are going to face off with the British...

I especially like when people suggesting selling FC-31 or J31 to argentina, I mean, how many grain of rice did the Chinese charge? Cuz forget about money, argentinian can only pays with corns and rices...
Artist's impressions of JF-17 & FC-31 in hypothetical Argentine colors.

With LMTAS jacking up the price of F-35 just for the kick of it, the world needs a viable alternative to that overpriced/overweight pig.

Nice pic!

Personally I think it would be best for Arg to co-produce JF-17 together with PK and CN. (1) It's would serve Arg military needs well i.e. upgrade existing fleet to re-balance in the SA region (2) A mature/affordable platform and well developed parts/weaponry supply chain that supported by PK/CN (3) create jobs and industrial base in Arg soil (4) build local capacity for future CAC 5G export plane e.g. FC-31 (5) Arg can gain support from CN and Muslim world via PK.
Arm Argentina to the teeth
Strengthening a great China-Argentina co-operation
Good move China!
Argentina, recuperar las Malvinas por la vía diplomática, no estamos interesados ataque a la isla, ya que todo el mundo apoya reclamo soberano de Argentina sobre las islas, a excepción de Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y Canadá.

Pero hoy, el primer ministro Cameron, utilizando los medios de comunicación sensacionalistas y con el único deseo de permanecer en el poder, intenta hacerse pasar por los villanos de la película, que se extiende al Inglés pobres y sembrar el miedo en los kelpers.

Argentina compró y rearme porque el material bélico tiene más de 30 años y debe ser renovada, estoy a favor de la compra de la FC-1 / JF-17 J-10 y J-31, nuestro objetivo no es el Inglés, pero que necesitan para utilizar nosotros como una excusa para seguir robando dinero de los bolsillos de sus habitantes.

Lástima que las personas que las creen a Cameron y sus amigos. Ayer leí un informe qeu de Inglaterra que nos robó las Islas Falkland ha gastado £ 500.000 por habitante de la isla, la mayor parte en los altos salarios, mantienen una isla muy lejana improductivo a un alto costo y lo más gracioso es que cada avión, barco , la compra del arma gastan 20 veces más, no porque se puede (porque sus números son bastante cerca de la roja), sino porque es la mejor manera de robar votantes impuestos.

Argentina, recover the Falklands through diplomatic channels, we are not interested attack the island, since everyone supports Argentina's sovereign claim over the islands, except US, UK and Canada.

But today, the Prime Minister Cameron, using sensationalist media and with the sole desire of staying in power, tries to pose as the villains of the film, lying to the English poor and sowing fear in kelpers.

Argentina bought and rearming because the warlike material has more than 30 years and must be renewed, I am in favor of purchasing the FC-1 / JF-17 j-10 and J-31, our goal is not English but they need to use us as an excuse to continue stealing money from the pockets of its inhabitants.

I pity the people who believe them to cameron and his friends. Yesterday I read a report qeu from england who stole us the Falkland Islands has spent £ 500,000 per inhabitant of the island, most of it on high salaries, maintain an unproductive very distant island at high cost and the funniest thing is that each plane, boat, gun buy spend 20 times more, not because they can (because their numbers are quite close to the red) but because it is the best way to rob voters taxes.
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