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Are you Eligible for Marriage?

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Yeah you earn $50 a day how much taxes do you pay did you deduct utilities/electric/water/gas bills, did you deduct groceries bill, did you deduct vehicle gas bill, did you deduct vehicle insurance? Dude you earn $1000 a month you would hardly save anything where do you live in tent alone apartments would cost some $800.:hitwall:
After all cuts I get $50 ;) life is good.....

It is fine for those who wanna...we are talking about those who cant afford yet want a similar one because their friend or cousin had a lavish 1! Listen to the youtube video I posted..it is a summar of everything ;)
which page?
btw you cant stop people from comparing, people will compare if you get anything that they dont have (cable tv in old days, AC, bigger car.. etc)
that does not mean one should stop spending money the way he/she wants to.

Anyway, I think marriage is a girl's thing. she waits for this day for years, and wants it to be memorable for rest of her life. Marriage is a big deal even to western women. And people spend big on things that matter to them (house/car/wedding)
We will see how spartan your wedding is going to be. :)
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@A.Rafay you on that urdu tread, @ZYXW w
why are there '+' signs with your names?
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@A.Rafay you on that urdu tread, @ZYXW w
why are there '+' signs with your names?

no idea...terrible connection in this room probably that's why...but i don't see them though :what:

The people in front of whose names, there is a '+' sign means that they are ELIGIBLE for marriage!!! :)

shhhhhh...we don't want u to have competition now do we ;) hahahaah :P LOL
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@ZYXW , @A.Rafay , @arp2041 that mean you are my brother's friend.? Actualy it's his Id..
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After all cuts I get $50 ;) life is good.....

You need at least 3 times of that to get married. $1500/month even after taxes and insurance is not enough to start a family.
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