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'Are wedding halls and cinemas for defence?' CJP grills govt official over military land's commerical use

Inappropriate Language
When pethatic civilians good for nothing wont do sh1t to generate enough revenue then army has to do something to raise money so they can protect the border for useless awam like u.
and a sh!tty good for nothing a-hole like you has run away to US, and is barking from there. army has no mandate to operate businesses, period.
good! this is the time to tear down all askaris, DHAs, falcon complexes and whatnot. now is the time to raze all shopping malls and petrol pumps in cantonments down.

why not burn the whole country to the ashes
Every institution try to protect themselves. If one want change in judiciary, then the lawmakers need to bring an transparency law or something. But with lawmakers corruption which is heard by judiciary it's an endless circle. And so does the Military

Do you actually understand the implications of army running commercial establishments? They are run on defence Lands which they got for free. Now if you want to run a cinema or wedding hall, do you get the land for free?

Your country needs private investments and free competition. If you make a profit, then you would buy another land and build something providing something for the economy. The actions of the military kills competition. And the military employs going by the news in pdf, retired military employees.

What are u talking about? Have u even looked at perks and privileges us military active and rdt personals get here on tax payers money? What pakistan military is doing since they know majority of awam are choor kay bachay by evading tax and other haram khoris so fauj has to do something on its own.
By contracting civilains for military projects it actually increase the cost and time.
And no one is stopping civilians from creating multi billion dollar companies in civil sector.... they are just useless pathetic good for nothing awam who dont know jack sh1t and only complain... if pakistanis apply same amount of effort as haram khoris then by now pakistan economy would be somewhere closer to trillion dollar mark. U want to build a house, all these contractors gather around u like leeches and build sub standard result and drain ur wallet. U want to buy ground meat most likely u will get mixture of all sort of dead animals. U want to buy milk most likely u wilk get 30% milk and rest 70% milawat. Even Vietnam is more productive society then useless pakistanis.
I wonder who gave the permission to build that huge shopping mall on Sharah e Faisal, Karachi at Drigh Road right in the middle of army and air force bases all around.
Good. When your soldiers are equipped with crap pickup trucks, shalwar kameezs, and obsolete chinese 80s era AK's then the last of your priorities should be shopping malls, villas, wedding halls, etc...

Never has such a bekhar army leadership in history been rewarded so much for incompetence.

I have seen the children of these haramkhor generals in the west. They are all sell outs. 99.9% would give info to western intelligence in a second.
I understand his objections on cantonment land to an extent and do agree with the mafia like behavior of military personnel w.r.t to military run housing societies (almost always on prime land just “allocated”). However, what exactly does the CJP expect in housing societies regardless of who owns them? Boot camps? Firing ranges? You provide facilities in housing societies be it cinemas or otherwise.
That being said, there is a land mafia within the military which has made millions in usd(if perhaps not billions collectively) in real estate maneuvering and hoarding through takeover of prime land and is fully involved with people like Malik Riaz in stealing land from the poor. That is also is why our enemy across the border laughs at them as property dealers.
lol, is this the CJP asserting the independence of the judiciary? come on...
He is just picking the usual suspects without actually doing anything to seem relevant and show them asserting the independence. Sab saale chor thay aur hain siwaye Quaid-e-Azam ke.
The money earned from commercial activities on EXPENSIVE PRIME Military lands, WHERE DOES IT GO?
But lets not forget the Mehran base incident, terrorist did use marriage hall for entrance...
good! this is the time to tear down all askaris, DHAs, falcon complexes and whatnot. now is the time to raze all shopping malls and petrol pumps in cantonments down.

Nothing is coming down......all DHA's, Askari's etc., will be regularized.
Usually, armed forces personnel bachelor/families also reside in the cantonments, so limited shopping facilities must be allowed, PAF cinema at Chaklala base (present Nur Khan) is there since the decade of the 50s. Those who do not have knowledge about such amenities in cantonments should refrain from knee-jerk reactions. Armed forces personnel are human beings like civilians in the first place.
In Pakistan, whenever a calamity/major accident/drownings hit, whole Pakistan used to call armed forces, but usually opposes their rights for living in their own colonies. What are Airport Employees Housing Society/Judicial Town/PIA Employees housing society just Google and there are such mushroomed societies everywhere in Pakistan? Seems there is something not well with those who oppose only DHA.
Wedding halls are the latest consideration. Well, armed forces should respect honourable judge's remarks and remove such places, they could use the armed forces messes/halls by paying the subsidised amount for their personal functions, those will be far better places than commercial wedding halls.

I don't really want to get into any deep argument with people like you, who would advocate license to murder to the Armed forces as long as it suits their own personal agendas.

However, I wonder how even people like you fail to see the FACT that the Army eats a MAJOR chunk of our economy and has the largest pool of manpower, most of which does nothing but sit in barracks during peacetime and hence it is only natural to call upon the most budgeted, most loaded, most resourceful and the only organization with hundreds of thousands of available human resources round the clock in emergencies because guess what, that is what they are there for, to assist in emergencies in situations in which the Federal Government calls upon them.

So, basically, even though I am confident that this is beyond your understanding, the Army is doing NOTHING which is NOT already in their mandate and the insinuation or advocation that they go beyond the call of duty is rather short sighted and petty. Because as far as I know, if need arises, many of us would be willing to take and or give life for our country side by side our soldiers.

P.S. Many of you also need to look what soldiers around the world do when interests of their countries are threatened.......from US to UK to Australia to Europe!
What that idiot judge does not understand is even if they are making money, the will reduce the defence burden.

Instead of training his guns on the corrupt politicians he is focusing on the military.

Unfortunately, the money goes into private pockets as opposed to the Military accounts. All commercial activities are for personal gains only, none of them benefit the Military in any official (or unofficial) capacity.
Unfortunately, the money goes into private pockets as opposed to the Military accounts. All commercial activities are for personal gains only, none of them benefit the Military in any official (or unofficial) capacity.

This is the biggest problem. That eventual profiteering from these side property manipulation and other businesses is personal. If it turned out that the PA owned 50 Mc Donalds it would be saddening but if the money trail ended up paying for 400 MRAPs it wouldn’t be that bad.

Like Fauji foundation has a lot of critics including myself but it does provide actual benefit to the country and its employees(in and out of uniform) and adds to the overall exchequer.

On the other hand a head of the military construction arm using his influence to get land for his family’s restaurant business and piling his garage up with no less than 4 Land cruisers(3 gifted for awarding contracts likely to not the best bidder) is haram and frankly treason in my view.

Whether you spent 4 years in Siachen or not that makes no better than the Zardari clan in their dealings as termites to Pakistan.
But then the same is done by judges and bureaucrats too - the entire nation has corruption as its publicly accepted culture.
میں کوئی پاگل ہوں جو عدالت جاؤں؟ جی ہاں یہ بیان سابق چیپ جسٹس صاحب کا ہے ایک سابق چیپ جسٹس کا یہ بیان سن کر ہمیں حیرت نہیں ہونی چاہیے، یہ ان کے عدالتی نظام پر عدم اعتماد کا اعلان تھا، جس کے کبھی وہ چیف جج بھی رہے تھے۔
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