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'Are wedding halls and cinemas for defence?' CJP grills govt official over military land's commerical use

I wish I also do not indulge in useless arguments with people like you but the answer to your post was compulsory, as you are miserably ignorant of the sacrifices of the armed forces of Pakistan. You used the idiotic term of 'license to murder' for the armed forces; did they kill any of your family members then share the story. If you are referring to Indians, that is Pakistan's armed forces job, they get killed and kill the enemies. They will keep on performing their job without paying attention to the thinking of people like you.

I am neither ignorant of the sacrifices, almost everyday, by the lower cadre, neither am I oblivious to the patriotism of the common soldier. As for the 'license to kill' phrase which was a hypothetical position to explain the close-eye cover-ears attitude of people like you; who have no idea what the same military has done in Karachi and in Baluchistan and FATA etc., all in the name of National Security and Patriotism. The irony is that the same leadership of the military will define the definition of patriotism which simple-minded people like you will gobble up with thirst for more......it is a trait I see most in people living outside of Pakistan, perhaps out of guilt more than anything else as they don't see fit to live in their country but see it as a compulsion to tell those of us living in Pakistan, out of choice no less, of what conditions of Pakistan are.

And I can assure you that my Armed forces have killed more fellow Pakistanis then the Indian Military, including the 3.1 wars!

This is not the fact but again the ignorance of mindset of people like you. Pakistan's defense budget is 17.4% and that is justified due to the neighborhood issues since the creation of Pakistan.

As expected, you are not making any sense due to contradictory posts whereby on the one hand you argue my post that the Military has the highest chunk of our budget and then proceed to prove exactly that by posting that it is a whopping 17.4% which is massive, massive; especially considering that Pakistan is a country which is under severe debt and cannot afford to sustain a military expenditure this big. However, the saddest part is that you are also ignorant of the fact that another massive portion of the Military Pension is not retained under Military budget but is part of the Civilian budget and if calculated correctly, the Military Budget is a lot higher still!

As for the neighborhood, I wonder why it is that we have bad relations with ALL the neighboring countries and why none of our neighbors (except China) is comfortable with us.......including our broken away half Bangladesh. I mean, I have to think myself what could possibly be the reason that the whole world is against me, it must be because I am doing something wrong. And I have no enmity with Iran but Iranians don't like me, I wonder why; I have no enmity with Afghans but they don't like me either and I continue to wonder why; I did nothing wrong to Bengalis but guess again, even they don't like me..........I haven't forged any policies which has created this hatred for me and neither have most of the politicians because our foreign policy is dictated by .... guess who?? It is the military which dictates our foreign policy and they decide for me who my enemies are. Having explained that I hope that people are not dumb enough to not realize that if countries such as France and UK can live peacefully then there is nothing stopping Pakistan and India from living peacefully together.

Largest pool of manpower, against what? What is your reference or just a blind assumption.
Sitting in the barracks? You have absolutely no idea, what you are talking about - seems to be an utterly confused on the matter. If they sit uselessly, Pakistan's enemies will skin the people like you alive. What do you think they are martyred every other day as they are sitting in their barracks? Who are on the borders the people like you? Ever you experienced to spent a night with wide open eyes in the frozen winter of Dec-Jan in an open field with least available resouces.

It is not naturally, they are disciplined, dedicated and able to perform against odds. Which most of the others are not able to perform.

Now you are coming across as quite dumb, even though I did not wish to say that but if you have no idea how much manpower the military has and how none of the other organizations have that kind of manpower or resources (trucks, heavy machinery, helicopters, transport planes, mobility, training, experience etc.) even combined then why bother arguing? Pakistan has one of the largest standing military in the world and that kind of manpower trumps all other organizations.

At any given moment only a small strength is deployed at the borders or at sensitive installations whereas most of the deployment is in barracks during peace time and all this manpower is available at the pleasure of the Federal Government.

That the soldiers are disciplined, dedicated and absolutely loyal to their superiors is neither contested nor the point of discussion.

Most of the answers are given in the upper part and without any training and discipline, you will fight side by side with our soldiers and give your life for the country? Believe me, you will not become an additional resource but a liability for the soldiers. You will only able to be a shellshock person of the battlefield.

And herein comes the assumption because you lack knowledge how civilians have aided the military and have fought side by side on many occasions to the point where without such assistance the military would have failed objectives; the Hurr forces comes to mind as the single biggest example. Besides, it was the intention and the patriotism of common Pakistanis which was my point as opposed to the scale of performance.

I am well aware of USA/European soldiers' activities. So by comparison you are of the assumption that Pakistan's armed forces are only doing business/raising housing societies/sleeping in the barracks - good thoughts.
Don't malign the men who are guarding the borders and getting training to stand against any odds to save the motherland; they are sons of the soil and feeding their blood to the soil. They are awake, so you could sleep.

Again, don't judge without trying to understand the facts being provided along with opinions.

With the first line, the fact that all Militaries are expected to fight and die for their countries and that all soldiers around the world do that for their countries so it is nothing unusual or special that our soldiers do. It is expected from them that they would fight for the country even if it means giving their lives........because the common Pakistani would also do the same if required.

As for the 2nd line, I am not maligning. I am stating the facts that the military high command is going beyond their legal mandate and that they cash the sacrifices of the common soldiers to do so. Wake up and learn to distinguish between the sacrifices of the common soldier and the illegal acts of the military high command.
We like it or not but the Military has become corrupt. just like fat Nawazoo, slimy Zardari and other A-holes. THERE IS NO LAW FOR THEM - THESE PEOPLE ARE ABOVE THE LAW !

That is 100% correct; if the military wasn't corrupt, these politicians would have been ironed right by now!
Baat kuch yun hai

The Nasla Tower case has opened a pandora box, establishment, judiciary, politicos, everyone's skeletons from closet are now out in the open.

WWE Royal Rumble.

Honestly, it was long overdue, someone had to put fullstop or at least start a dispute against the Land mafias.


Between all this infighting, the only victims of this will be ordinary civilians.

10,000 IQ people will blame civilians for buying illegal projects. Let me ask you one thing, do we have any other low cost, affordable option beside it?

Bahria Town was a ponzi scheme with encroached land and artificially skyrocketed prices. A single file is recycled e.g. bought/sold many times till artificial demand is created thus making lakh rupees worth plot into crores.


Bottomline: I am extremely optimistic and full of hope about future of Pakistan under Imran Khan's leadership. There are some things which need to be ironed out.

When Mafias start fighting each other, that is the sign of their end.
Usually cantonments were way out of the cities in Sub-Continent, with little recreational facilities so cinema halls, supermarkets, ballrooms were necessities during colonial era. In Lahore cantonment, there are 12 Askari Housing Complex and 9 Phases of DHA, 6 of them are in cantonment area. Now Lahore Development Authority has fewer area to manage than LCB and WCB.

Is there any town planning authority in Pakistan? As you mentioned, definitely, these 12 Askari Housing Complex and 9 Phases of DHA did not grow overnight. Could you provide the dates of the initial starting of such societies and who was the ruling party? What are the institutes authorizing such societies in Pakistan? Did the 'honourable judge' question those authorities? Even judges have multiple plots on reduced rates, so how it could be?
Have some law in Pakistan, then such conditions will not be there. You are expecting discipline in a lawless country of different political herds with their own vested interests, where the PM their relatives are looters and thieves and are absconders on the basis of fake medical reports. Watch soon there will be some more audios/videos from 'LONDON AUDIO/VISUAL STUDIO'; whose number is next.
I am neither ignorant of the sacrifices, almost everyday, by the lower cadre, neither am I oblivious to the patriotism of the common soldier. As for the 'license to kill' phrase which was a hypothetical position to explain the close-eye cover-ears attitude of people like you; who have no idea what the same military has done in Karachi and in Baluchistan and FATA etc., all in the name of National Security and Patriotism. The irony is that the same leadership of the military will define the definition of patriotism which simple-minded people like you will gobble up with thirst for more......it is a trait I see most in people living outside of Pakistan, perhaps out of guilt more than anything else as they don't see fit to live in their country but see it as a compulsion to tell those of us living in Pakistan, out of choice no less, of what conditions of Pakistan are.

And I can assure you that my Armed forces have killed more fellow Pakistanis then the Indian Military, including the 3.1 wars!
You were totally ignorant and now you are trying to cover up your rants for damage control. That is why just go and explore the history of Pakistan's armed forces and even see how courageous and stood-out high cadres were/are there; with your jealous and dumb attitude, you are trying to malign the whole armed forces for the wrongdoings of the handful of generals, which I am certain that you will feel shy to name.
If some grey matter is left with you, what the politico bore like 'Altaf Hussain' did in Karachi; ask your so-called 'Altaf Bhai' whose party used to drill the limbs of rivals and skinned them in 'Khaji Ground'. In Baluchistan what these 'landlords' are doing to the common man; the same as your political leadership was/is doing to the common man of Pakistan. The politico of Pakistan never had an interest in Baluchistan so they left the responsibility to 'landlords'; it blows back and produced the traitors. FATA - do you ever been there, the lawless den, thiefs/criminals/car snatchers/absconders all took refuge in that area and they became TTP with the support of politicos of Pakistan, who were receiving the money from them to kill their/de-thron their reivals in politics - open your eyes.

The last sentence is the height of your hypocrisy; it tells your attitude towards India and hate towards Pakistan's armed forces.

As expected, you are not making any sense due to contradictory posts whereby on the one hand you argue my post that the Military has the highest chunk of our budget and then proceed to prove exactly that by posting that it is a whopping 17.4% which is massive, massive; especially considering that Pakistan is a country which is under severe debt and cannot afford to sustain a military expenditure this big. However, the saddest part is that you are also ignorant of the fact that another massive portion of the Military Pension is not retained under Military budget but is part of the Civilian budget and if calculated correctly, the Military Budget is a lot higher still!

As for the neighborhood, I wonder why it is that we have bad relations with ALL the neighboring countries and why none of our neighbors (except China) is comfortable with us.......including our broken away half Bangladesh. I mean, I have to think myself what could possibly be the reason that the whole world is against me, it must be because I am doing something wrong. And I have no enmity with Iran but Iranians don't like me, I wonder why; I have no enmity with Afghans but they don't like me either and I continue to wonder why; I did nothing wrong to Bengalis but guess again, even they don't like me..........I haven't forged any policies which has created this hatred for me and neither have most of the politicians because our foreign policy is dictated by .... guess who?? It is the military which dictates our foreign policy and they decide for me who my enemies are. Having explained that I hope that people are not dumb enough to not realize that if countries such as France and UK can live peacefully then there is nothing stopping Pakistan and India from living peacefully together.

You just want to unarmed Pakistan, same India like philosophy, nothing else. It is not whooping, it is realistic to the regional situation.
Your dumb remarks about the neighbors towards Pakistan are the same as other neighbors have real concern towards India. Now you gave it to Pakistan.
The polarized world wants to see you and remain a slave, so they will always be against you even if you are right.
If you go through history, the majority is never right. Everywhere evil forces are at majority. The sick system of 'majority is right' is the birth of 'demoncracy'.

Now you are coming across as quite dumb, even though I did not wish to say that but if you have no idea how much manpower the military has and how none of the other organizations have that kind of manpower or resources (trucks, heavy machinery, helicopters, transport planes, mobility, training, experience etc.) even combined then why bother arguing? Pakistan has one of the largest standing military in the world and that kind of manpower trumps all other organizations.

At any given moment only a small strength is deployed at the borders or at sensitive installations whereas most of the deployment is in barracks during peace time and all this manpower is available at the pleasure of the Federal Government.

That the soldiers are disciplined, dedicated and absolutely loyal to their superiors is neither contested nor the point of discussion.

Your hate and jealousy does not let you comprehend even the plain language or you are not at that level. So you assumed for equipment; I doubt you have any idea what the politicos were doing after the creation of Pakistan and how they created the vacuum to suck in the armed forces in politics. Just read and then come up for discussion. May be you will able to argue much better after.

And herein comes the assumption because you lack knowledge how civilians have aided the military and have fought side by side on many occasions to the point where without such assistance the military would have failed objectives; the Hurr forces comes to mind as the single biggest example. Besides, it was the intention and the patriotism of common Pakistanis which was my point as opposed to the scale of performance.

Again, don't judge without trying to understand the facts being provided along with opinions.

With the first line, the fact that all Militaries are expected to fight and die for their countries and that all soldiers around the world do that for their countries so it is nothing unusual or special that our soldiers do. It is expected from them that they would fight for the country even if it means giving their lives........because the common Pakistani would also do the same if required.

As for the 2nd line, I am not maligning. I am stating the facts that the military high command is going beyond their legal mandate and that they cash the sacrifices of the common soldiers to do so. Wake up and learn to distinguish between the sacrifices of the common soldier and the illegal acts of the military high command.

Yes, militaries are raised to defend the countries and AL-HAMDO-LILLAH Pakistan's armed forces are doing it well. What your job is to do, do it sincerely and don't discuss the other's job which you are unable to grasp or understand.
In other countries, civilized and educated civilians don't discuss military matters but only certain authorized ones. In Pakistan, it is a trait of every corrupt follower/target killers of so-called political parties. Name the profession and you will find them in the list of so-called 'discussion groups' and 'advisors'.

You are not stating the facts but distorting them, again go through the history of the first 12 years of civil governments in Pakistan and then decide, why the generals are so anxious to suck in the power vacuum. That practice is still going on, politico people used to visit certain gates in Rawalpindi in the darkness of nights for getting rid of corruption which these politicos committed while in power, even kicked out on several occasions, still the instinct is there.
Change the political norms; don't let your future be destroyed by voting to target killers/thieves/corrupts across the board. For an appointment of peon, the merit is there and for so-called law-makers, you are selecting illiterate and criminals. Think and come up with some better materials to discuss.
You were totally ignorant and now you are trying to cover up your rants for damage control. That is why just go and explore the history of Pakistan's armed forces and even see how courageous and stood-out high cadres were/are there; with your jealous and dumb attitude, you are trying to malign the whole armed forces for the wrongdoings of the handful of generals, which I am certain that you will feel shy to name.
If some grey matter is left with you, what the politico bore like 'Altaf Hussain' did in Karachi; ask your so-called 'Altaf Bhai' whose party used to drill the limbs of rivals and skinned them in 'Khaji Ground'. In Baluchistan what these 'landlords' are doing to the common man; the same as your political leadership was/is doing to the common man of Pakistan. The politico of Pakistan never had an interest in Baluchistan so they left the responsibility to 'landlords'; it blows back and produced the traitors. FATA - do you ever been there, the lawless den, thiefs/criminals/car snatchers/absconders all took refuge in that area and they became TTP with the support of politicos of Pakistan, who were receiving the money from them to kill their/de-thron their reivals in politics - open your eyes.

The last sentence is the height of your hypocrisy; it tells your attitude towards India and hate towards Pakistan's armed forces.

There are acts and stories of display of courage from each and every country in the world, Pakistan is no exception. It does not mean that we turn a blind eye to the acts of the Military High command and let them run the country as they please. It is not just a handful of Generals, it is the mentality of their entire senior leadership of the Military otherwise things wouldn't be in the same cycle of events since Ayub Khan.

Altaf Hussain is a branded a criminal and a traitor for his actions, are any of the Generals, including Musharraf, branded traitors for their actions over the course of our history? And before we even get to the crimes of Altaf Hussain, might I ask you who made Altaf Hussain and MQM? Who made IJI? Who made PTI? Who made JI? Who made MMA? Who made various political alliances for their political interests and who maligned and blackmailed politicians, bureaucracy and judiciary for their own interests using the tools provided by the state for the protection of the same politicians, bureaucracy and judiciary etc? The stories are never ending and repetitive and yet here we are singing praises! And now even TTP is acceptable!!

The fact is, my truth about Indian soldiers killing less Pakistanis than my own soldiers is integrity; there is no shame in accepting our flaws and correcting them.......and neither is it treason!

You just want to unarmed Pakistan, same India like philosophy, nothing else. It is not whooping, it is realistic to the regional situation.
Your dumb remarks about the neighbors towards Pakistan are the same as other neighbors have real concern towards India. Now you gave it to Pakistan.
The polarized world wants to see you and remain a slave, so they will always be against you even if you are right.
If you go through history, the majority is never right. Everywhere evil forces are at majority. The sick system of 'majority is right' is the birth of 'demoncracy'.

Somehow you translate "I want the military high command to stay within their constitutional bounds" to "unarming Pakistan" which is quite immature really. As for the neighbors comment, I am concerned with my relations and not that of India's! And get out of the nonsense that the world wants to see us remain a slave, nobody wants to enslave you any more.....except those in Pakistan who hold all the guns and who invade their own country every few years!

Your hate and jealousy does not let you comprehend even the plain language or you are not at that level. So you assumed for equipment; I doubt you have any idea what the politicos were doing after the creation of Pakistan and how they created the vacuum to suck in the armed forces in politics. Just read and then come up for discussion. May be you will able to argue much better after.

I give you fact after fact and that makes me hateful and jealous? Can anyone dispute the fact that the Military has the largest pool of human and material resources?

Yes, militaries are raised to defend the countries and AL-HAMDO-LILLAH Pakistan's armed forces are doing it well. What your job is to do, do it sincerely and don't discuss the other's job which you are unable to grasp or understand.
In other countries, civilized and educated civilians don't discuss military matters but only certain authorized ones. In Pakistan, it is a trait of every corrupt follower/target killers of so-called political parties. Name the profession and you will find them in the list of so-called 'discussion groups' and 'advisors'.

If I asked you how Pakistani armed forces are doing well in defense of the country since birth, it would start a whole other debate because I have a very different view of what the Military has been doing since 1965 especially and how it has repeatedly engaged India, sometimes without the approval of the Government!

And the role of the Military in civilian matters is so deep and grave that they have become a part of every organization and institution in Pakistan, that is NOT the case in other countries; this is the reason the involvement of Military in civilian matters is being increasingly discussed. It is not like we discuss the Military in their own mandate but rather the invasion of mandates of other organs of the state.

You are not stating the facts but distorting them, again go through the history of the first 12 years of civil governments in Pakistan and then decide, why the generals are so anxious to suck in the power vacuum. That practice is still going on, politico people used to visit certain gates in Rawalpindi in the darkness of nights for getting rid of corruption which these politicos committed while in power, even kicked out on several occasions, still the instinct is there.
Change the political norms; don't let your future be destroyed by voting to target killers/thieves/corrupts across the board. For an appointment of peon, the merit is there and for so-called law-makers, you are selecting illiterate and criminals. Think and come up with some better materials to discuss.

You speak as if the people of Pakistan actually can choose who comes into power; you are ignorant of the highest order! Pakistanis are kept in the illusion that they are somewhat involved in the election of the Government whereas things are made and broken in private rooms under the patronage of the GHQ which decides which political party or coalition is to be allowed where!
There are 11 Askaris in Lahore alone, a few of them are not even inside the cantt. The DHAs are expanding and eating up villages close to the Indian border near Barki. The money from commercial activities is not used for Defence, if anyone has the audit report of DHA, please share here.

Right now as we speak, houses are being constructed right next to the runway of Lahore airport. Who else in Pakistan can get a permission like this, except the Generals?

There are more than a dozen wedding halls next to the Lahore airport, and all were built using the land allocated for Military purposes.
and a sh!tty good for nothing a-hole like you has run away to US, and is barking from there. army has no mandate to operate businesses, period.

U just mad i stepped on you tail. But its expected of people like u who r a product of generations of cousin marriages.
. .
On the other hand a head of the military construction arm using his influence to get land for his family’s restaurant business and piling his garage up with no less than 4 Land cruisers(3 gifted for awarding contracts likely to not the best bidder) is haram and frankly treason in my view.

Interesting choice of words. :D

Never thought I would see you use it. :confused:
In a unbiased way

If Land was given to Military for usage by Military it's main purpose is

a) Usage to setup Military Training Facility
b) Military Troops Registration
c) Military Schools
d) Professional Development of Cadets (Courses , Schools , Professional course training )
e) Parking Military Assets (APC , Trucks , or Jeeps )
f) Military specific weapons Storage
g) Hospital for Military
h) Dental Facility for Military
j) Fitness center

Setting up certain assets makes no sense
  • Cinema
  • Hotel
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. .
Nasla is problem but Hilton was okay, Nasla is problem but Nueplex is okay, Nasla is problem but whole of Kati Pahari encroachments are okay, yeah right!
Is dha illegal?
if dha isnt illegal then neither are the towers, that have been granted all the permits by the govt, illegal.
U just mad i stepped on you tail. But its expected of people like u who r a product of generations of cousin marriages.
nope, you are just an idiot who thinks he is too important. come to pakistan, then talk shit.
In a unbiased way

If Land was given to Military for usage by Military it's main purpose is

a) Usage to setup Military Training Facility
b) Military Troops Registration
c) Military Schools
d) Professional Development of Cadets (Courses , Schools , Professional course training )
e) Parking Military Assets (APC , Trucks , or Jeeps )
f) Military specific weapons Storage
g) Hospital for Military
h) Dental Facility for Military
j) Fitness center

Setting up certain assets makes no sense
  • Cinema
  • Hotel
add shopping malls, petrol pumps, dairy farms, housing societies to that list.
There are 11 Askaris in Lahore alone, a few of them are not even inside the cantt. The DHAs are expanding and eating up villages close to the Indian border near Barki. The money from commercial activities is not used for Defence, if anyone has the audit report of DHA, please share here.

Right now as we speak, houses are being constructed right next to the runway of Lahore airport. Who else in Pakistan can get a permission like this, except the Generals?

There are more than a dozen wedding halls next to the Lahore airport, and all were built using the land allocated for Military purposes.
dha valley in islamabad is supposed to be a JV between malik riaz and you-know-who, with malik riaz handling the "take-over" of land.
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U just mad i stepped on you tail. But its expected of people like u who r a product of generations of cousin marriages.
also, since all of these entities were made with tax money, that civilians paid for, they belong to civilians, not the army, jackass.
also, since all of these entities were made with tax money, that civilians paid for, they belong to civilians, not the army, jackass.
When civilians specially pakistanis in general are useless incompetent and pethatic like u then army should not be under civilian rule or else they too will become useless like u.
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