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Are Muslims Better Off in Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah's Pakistan Today?

Zakir Naik is a bull **** charlatan whose Peace TV has just been banned in India. He just mugs up certain specific shlokas in the Vedas, takes them out of context, gives his own half baked interpretations and arrives at his own conclusions. And why not, when sheep like you are eager to gobble up all he spews and praise him as the WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS VOICE in Religious affairs (sic).

:lol: really n guess who knows better, its the KS named guy of PDF who is even a Indian guest member in Pakistan;s Military Forum:rofl:
to all this thread says: Re: Are Muslims Better Off in Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah's Pakistan Today?

well the answer is still a big no

No matter pakistanies try to ignoar the facts but the bottom line is what jinnah wanted was a nation for muslims where they can be better than India and well in deu course be as good as some western nations had what he wanted was taken serousli and Fedulas were kicked owt in the beging and Pakisttani army was not baised towards india that would have been attained to some extend.

but the real situation is totalli reversed curruption is supreme here ,Feduals kill and rape innocent awaam at will , justice system has collapsed minorities and relegeous sects are prosecuted ARMY abuses its power and privilages and largeli has a parellel govt & economy of its own Foriegn nations abuse there privilages in pakistan .

so the bottom line is pakistan is just a tad better than chad and sudan and soem other countries well its bitter but is true isnt it

And you have decided that for Pakistanis already eh! Jinnah wanted a place where Muslims will create and define a constitution tailored to their liking (govern themselves) and we have that. Other then that nations go through periods of tranquility and of turmoil - no big deal here. I wonder why Indians have this complex to prove Pakistan a failed experiment? Do you need legitimacy for the idea of India through this or what?
Dear friend, i have enough studied my religion(in which i was born) your religion and others as well as. Its you who are not taking pain to study your self. please go through it on your own at least once in your life time, dont believe jakir nike or any body alse. find your self. this is the mantra. regarding jakir nike what I said previously is absolutely correct. and if you insist then I can prove his claim wrong about your religion also, if mods can allow me.actually he is full of BS and is God of fools.he has followers in muslim world only, because he continuously gives them sweet bees of truthfulness of their religion above all other religion

:rofl: Mr Dear Friend

Im a Muslim i know my religion better then u, if u think u know better then tell me i can remove misconceptions.

What this guy Zakir Naik(correct spellings) does is that he makes people closer by quoting the similarities b/w them, n people believe at him.
If u think u know better then go to his forums n talk to him directly in any way u want.

Its always better to remove the misconceptions or misunderstandings by talking to the concern parties then to keep boiling them in yr heart.
And you have decided that for Pakistanis already eh! Jinnah wanted a place where Muslims will create and define a constitution tailored to their liking (govern themselves) and we have that. Other then that nations go through periods of tranquility and of turmoil - no big deal here. I wonder why Indians have this complex to prove Pakistan a failed experiment? Do you need legitimacy for the idea of India through this or what?

well to start with sir

Its not just me who says that loads of pakistani exerts say this on (Pakistani TV) ever heared of hassan nisar , najam sethi , parvez hoodhbhoy to name a few and its amrican magzines also saying that if u think im wrong i can give you youtube links of those pakistani programs but i guess your ego will be to baised to aknowledge that well hardly matters as they say







ok then go cry to yr mamma.

well to start with sir

Its not just me who says that loads of pakistani exerts say this on (Pakistani TV) ever heared of hassan nisar , najam sethi , parvez hoodhbhoy to name a few and its amrican magzines also saying that if u think im wrong i can give you youtube links of those pakistani programs but i guess your ego will be to baised to aknowledge that well hardly matters as they say

Pakistan: A failed State - YouTube

Pervez Hoodbhoy accepts Pakistan is a Terrorist & Failed State - YouTube

Pakistan is A failed state & nation. How its happened Part 1 of 4.wmv - YouTube

Is Pakistan a Failed State - YouTube

Pakistan is a fail state-it was decided-must-watch - YouTube



Dude if only u knew how Pakistani media and western works:rofl:

You can give money to any body any mom dad kid n bring him on TV n make him talk simply the way u want him to be talking.....

Its a very old Drama n its done everywhere for sensationalism n generation more n more TRPs and audiences.

to all this thread says: Re: Are Muslims Better Off in Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah's Pakistan Today?

well the answer is still a big no

No matter pakistanies try to ignoar the facts
but the bottom line is what jinnah wanted was a nation for muslims where they can be better than India and well in deu course be as good as some western nations had what he wanted was taken serousli and Fedulas were kicked owt in the beging and Pakisttani army was not baised towards india that would have been attained to some extend.

but the real situation is totalli reversed curruption is supreme here ,Feduals kill and rape innocent awaam at will , justice system has collapsed minorities and relegeous sects are prosecuted ARMY abuses its power and privilages and largeli has a parellel govt & economy of its own Foriegn nations abuse there privilages in pakistan .

so the bottom line is pakistan is just a tad better than chad and sudan and soem other countries well its bitter but is true isnt it

Yeah u mean u know better then us who actually happens to be living in the very country yr talking about.:lol:
well to start with sir

Its not just me who says that loads of pakistani exerts say this on (Pakistani TV) ever heared of hassan nisar , najam sethi , parvez hoodhbhoy to name a few and its amrican magzines also saying that if u think im wrong i can give you youtube links of those pakistani programs but i guess your ego will be to baised to aknowledge that well hardly matters as they say


Wow you certainly keep a bunch of videos handy. Again what are these videos supposed to mean when Indian media criticizes Indian government twice as much and Rightist segment believes Sonia Gandhi has robbed half of the country (being an Italian). Look at Arundhati Roy, if we go by her analysis India is lucky to have survived so long with state sanctioned butchery. Are we to believe Indians are much worse now and Indian experiment has failed? You do realize that amongst all her peers Arundhati Roy is considered most unbiased internationally.

Look at the context of videos, which mostly criticize certain expects of policies not the state itself.
:rofl: Mr Dear Friend

Im a Muslim i know my religion better then u, if u think u know better then tell me i can remove misconceptions.

What this guy Zakir Naik(correct spellings) does is that he makes people closer by quoting the similarities b/w them, n people believe at him.
If u think u know better then go to his forums n talk to him directly in any way u want.

Its always better to remove the misconceptions or misunderstandings by talking to the concern parties then to keep boiling them in yr heart.

Your reaction shows that nobody can pull out you from your well of denial. So wish you good luck. Regarding your spelling grudge, i think mine better suits him, in fact I have more spellings for his name considering his personality, he may be your god and million others who have thrown their logic into ocean and lost their reasoning but can not make fool a person who believe on logic and reasoning, and yes i know better than him and you regarding religion so let us not waste our energy in discussing this thing on a defense forum. Let my misconceptions be mine and you live by your own.:coffee:
Your reaction shows that nobody can pull out you from your well of denial. So wish you good luck. Regarding your spelling grudge, i think mine better suits him, in fact I have more spellings for his name considering his personality, he may be your god and million others who have thrown their logic into ocean and lost their reasoning but can not make fool a person who believe on logic and reasoning, and yes i know better than him and you regarding religion so let us not waste our energy in discussing this thing on a defense forum. Let my misconceptions be mine and you live by your own.:coffee:

I said if u want to know the reality by removing yr misconceptions then go ahead.
I dont personally like him either as we in Pak feel he is a Anti Pakistani fellow n has banned his channels too.
But on religious basis he is the best know person in world right now n that is also proved to be true as his channel attracts some 20 cror people from all over the world including non-muslims so certainly he knows things atleast better then us.

And we Muslims dont consider anyone God other then the Creator himself.So yr saying me that ''he maybe my God'' well its not the right thing to say as In Islam its the Biggest Sin to associate or Idealize anyone with God or at God's levels.
Its called Shirk n its biggest Sin.

For rest of yr post well like i said...........Its always better to remove the misconceptions or misunderstandings by talking to the concern parties then to keep boiling them in yr heart.
Wow you certainly keep a bunch of videos handy. Again what are these videos supposed to mean when Indian media criticizes Indian government twice as much and Rightist segment believes Sonia Gandhi has robbed half of the country (being an Italian). Look at Arundhati Roy, if we go by her analysis India is lucky to have survived so long with state sanctioned butchery. Are we to believe Indians are much worse now and Indian experiment has failed? You do realize that amongst all her peers Arundhati Roy is considered most unbiased internationally.

Look at the context of videos, which mostly criticize certain expects of policies not the state itself.

sir chek your facts there is hell lot of difference between likes of najam sethi, hassan nisar and dr pervez hoodhbhoy in regards to what they say as they are also questioned and hold some respect and stature in there societies and professional field where as arundhati roy is a fake phseudo secularist who raises her voice and that to against the facts and general sentiment to creat a controversy and make big head lines so her forthcoming books gets good publicity cause if in india your not in the headlines your a bad slaesman or sales women so stop hiding bihind likes of arundhaty roy as shes not the topic here Pakistan's pathettik state is ;)
Muslims are free in Pakistan. This fact alone trumps everything else!

Never underestimate the value of freedom my sons..NEVER!!
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